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Everything posted by Zack61

  1. 78 years after would be acceptable.
  2. This article is so p!ss poor in its reporting. Not a single mention of the law which was so flagrantly violated.
  3. I would have thought that black listing would have been the least of his worries but it seems it might be as bad as it gets for this nutter. It seems overstaying one’s visa is deemed to be more of an issue than calling in aircraft bomb threats. Go figure.
  4. I like mine flied.
  5. Perhaps, or likely, the reason that police do very little in the way of law enforcement. They only work as hard as what they get paid and other means of sourcing a living wage are sought.
  6. Further propagation of the big lie
  7. 30 pieces of silver comes to mind.
  8. I think they are more likely to indulge in Beer Lao whilst the women would be more likely go for the cocktail type drinks which are made with these bootleg spirits.
  9. The next 4 years will be a roller coaster ride. Trump’s mission has little to do with making America great again and his tenure in office will focus entirely on what he can do to benefit himself and his cronies to enable them to control power for the next xxx years. Putin is his role model for his ambitions and no doubt will be his mentor. The Russian model is a central strongman who surrounds himself with a plethora of oligarchs who are allowed to do anything as long as they remain loyal. This is how Trump’s return to power is going to affect the future of all Americans. There will be more losers than winners by a substantial margin. Look at Russia now and see the future. Good luck.
  10. I’ll forgive you this time….
  11. Perhaps “sustainable “ energy might be a better description. As an added benefit it may reduce the evaporation and protect against the loss of precious water resources. I see them quite a bit in the north operating on a small scale and usually sitting atop large ponds or small lakes and dams. A step in the right direction for a country poor in the required natural resources to produce electricity. The future of energy generation is changing and, I for one, am glad to see the initiative being taken here. Quite unlike some other richer countries who refuse to embrace and promote alternatives. Despite many shortcomings of the Thai political system they do get on with the job of providing necessary infrastructure to progress themselves into a better future.
  12. Zero zilch zip nil nada. None or less.
  13. Another book in the offing perhaps?
  14. 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555……….
  15. So true and the statement probably explains the next quoted piece regarding the resolution
  16. It’s a territorial gang war with the Russian mafia.
  17. I have a flood free house for sale in Chiang Rai.
  18. The article refers to her as a Myanmar national.
  19. A good indicator of one’s character is the friends they keep.
  20. You beat me to it. 2 meters is nothing especially when it is clogged with plastic
  21. I concur. 40 years ago it was nice but now I can only describe it as a festering carbuncle.
  22. Put them in prison until they pay back what they’ve scammed then start their 10 year prison sentence. Good riddance
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