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Everything posted by Zack61

  1. Perhaps a slap on both wrists might be a big enough deterrent
  2. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
  3. Did he get his money back or not?
  4. Come on!!! Get real. It’s not as if she owns worthless shares in a defunct media outlet.
  5. Nothing more than a charade in an attempt to purvey a sense that justice is being pursued. Just filling in the time between now and 2027 under the pretence that the case is being pursued.
  6. Not enough cells to accommodate all of them
  7. Just look back on a story posted on this site a few days ago. I don’t have a link but the story line was very similar to yours. The guys name was Ahmet and he had never met his Thai girlfriend before. Bottom line is that his online romance and commitment to marriage cost him 380,000 baht. Be afwaid, be very very afwaid as Elmer Fudd would say. Found the link https://aseannow.com/topic/1337385-swedish-man-scammed-by-thai-woman-loses-over-300000-baht/page/2/
  8. I thought this was a prerequisite to any ministerial appointment.
  9. Whilst I have a certain amount of empathy for this guy I can’t help thinking that he got exactly what he deserved. No matter how often we read of these scams we continue to see them play out on a regular basis. Stupid is as stupid does comes to mind.
  10. So long as it is not an overly lengthy and onerous process I support it. It may help in quelling the number of undesirables making their way here. Time will tell.
  11. No problems with this if he is guilty. All speculation and hearsay at this stage.
  12. The evidence was reshaped by an injection of funds into the hands of the decision makers.
  13. I’ll give 10:1 they’ll be out of here pronto with help from the brothers.
  14. As he was looking at himself in the mirror. At least it wasn’t a hateful, belittling, spiteful name calling interview deplete of any semblance of truth and integrity. Trump is nothing more than a vindictive bore. A broken record with no cause other than his own. The sooner he is banished to political nothingness the better.
  15. With his criminal record and financial standing he’d be a shoo-in for top job.
  16. I remember flying from CM to Bangkok at this time. All I could see was a mass of brown water as far as I could see with the odd hill or some rooftops breaking through.
  17. He’d be one of thousands I would imagine. Discretion is the secret when in close proximity to netizens.
  18. For sure. Mother Nature doesn’t like being denuded. She can be a bitch if you treat her poorly. I’m not sure what geotechnical strategy was employed to mitigate the chances of a landslide but it obviously wasn’t enough.
  19. This is not good and the consequences will be far reaching. Fleecing the poor to give to the rich. Gambling is already a big problem in Thailand and this will just increase the problem. I guess this is how they will claw back some of that 10,000B they are handing out.
  20. As the thick as 2 planks comes to mind.
  21. He sold his soul to the devil. He went shopping for the best deal to salvage his waning fortunes and made a pact with the devil. Now he’s going to simply bow down on bended knee until Danold decides he is of no further use. He’s signed his own death warrant for the sake his moment in the political spotlight. Good riddance.
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