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Everything posted by Zack61

  1. One of the drawbacks of being a colonial power.
  2. Cannon fodder refugees? Anti war refugees? Anti Poo tin refugees? May not be bad people. Just desperate. im giving them the benefit of doubt.
  3. Couldn’t have said it better myself.
  4. Does this Swiss guy see himself as a self-entitled scumbag or is he just an ordinary run of the mill scumbag.
  5. I hope they put on extra services to cater for the increased passenger numbers. At rush hour now they pack them in like sardines and often people are unable to get on some of the trains. Can only imagine the mayhem during this week if the uptake is as high as they hope.
  6. I hope they put on extra services to cater for the increased passenger numbers. At rush hour now they pack them in like sardines and often people are unable to get on some of the trains. Can only imagine the mayhem during this week if the uptake is as high as they hope.
  7. Blind Freddy flagged this right from the get go. Are they really this stupid???
  8. And this, people, is why I sit down to pee. A little discretion and all is good. No one is the wiser.
  9. There are some things you shouldn’t say on a plane or in an airport. I do believe that the guy could have been cut some slack with his passport issue if it wasn’t the photo pages that were damaged or ripped. Some years ago I had an issue with the state of my passport and was told to get a new one otherwise I wouldn’t be able to use it again because they had flagged it in the system. At least I was able to continue my journey albeit with the inconvenience of acquiring a new passport.
  10. I undertand this. I wasn't placing any blame on Wise. This was simply a money grab from the merchant.
  11. There have been a couple of occasions where a retailer (in Thailand) imposed a fee on my Wise card. The worst was 5% at a Honda dealership for a car service. I ended up paying with a direct bank transfer to avoid it. I have found quite a few businesses that won’t accept it but I think this may be because they were set up for scan payments. The biggest issue I have is the limited ATM withdrawal amount and the associated withdrawal fee imposed by the host bank. I’ve tried at most and they all impose the same high fee. I thought I read somewhere on a Wise advertisement that their card was fee free but I may be mistaken.
  12. 40+ years ago Phuket was a real gem but very quickly it degenerated into what we have today. This Premium label is only going to push it further into the abyss if this is at all possible.
  13. Seems like it was inevitable that it was going to end up in a sh!t fight.
  14. Only at designated pedestrian crossings. Otherwise I use the hierarchy of vulnerability. Small gives way to big. Big gives way to bigger. If you think you are going to come off second best in a collision then yield and give way. This article offers no explanation or evidence of what happened so all the Sherlocks out there should take a deep breath and chill. It’s possible the lady stepped in front of him. I know it’s possible as I’ve done it myself except it was in front of a car. Also in Chiang Mai. Lucky to be alive with no serious injuries.
  15. Just how the fark do these CPs work to reduce road fatalities? They are nothing more than choke points.
  16. It seems that the prevalence of knives as the weapon of choice is becoming a worldwide phenomena. Anybody and everybody seem to be carrying one around with them. We live in very dangerous and unpredictable times to the point where you have to assume anyone who you may wish to confront is going to be armed with one. There are many unsavoury types out there willing to use them without hesitation. Think before you jump in. I hope this guy rots in jail but I won’t hold my breath.
  17. ….. and don’t pay them for the sex, pay them to leave
  18. Just coaching from the sidelines. NOT
  19. Off with his hands. Why anyone would risk 200k worth of valuables by dangling them around their neck and flaunt them for all to see, especially in Pattaya, is beyond me. It often is associated with Indian tourists. Looking for trouble but each to their own.
  20. I occasionally have the same problem but mostly it happens within minutes. Even on weekends.
  21. I felt the tremors in Lampang.….. while I was driving. Surely it must have registered on the Richter scale somewhere?? A 7 or 8 at least.
  22. And trump and his offspring aren’t??? No comparison. Let’s see what kind of scums he pardons during his term. Hunter Biden will pale in comparison.
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