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Everything posted by Zack61

  1. This seems to have escalated well beyond where it should have. Me thinks the police are looking for an opportunity to graft some money from the poor guy.
  2. Pristine??? From which hole did you pull that one? Maybe 50-100 years ago. adjective in its original condition; unspoilt. "pristine copies of an early magazine" clean and fresh as if new; spotless. "a pristine white shirt"
  3. Please correct me if my math is wrong but doesn’t 4,555,262 x 0 = 0 ? Not a huge benefit to the Thai economy whilst it exacts quite a bit of pressure on the infrastructure. Go figure.
  4. “Knife guy” needs to be identified and prosecuted. It should be easy enough to find him from the video evidence. The gutless little tosser will, no doubt, be hiding under a rock somewhere but police need to make an example of him
  5. Resign?? Or, like Humpty Dumpty, was he pushed?
  6. Fine the owner and then dispose of the dogs with an appropriate amount of lead poison.
  7. Jabba the untouchable will not do any TIME.
  8. It was about this time last year that a gathering of cops at a piss up lead to the shooting of one of them. A fairly high ranking cop. In Nakhon Pathom I recall. Whatever was the outcome of that very thorough investigation? Anyone know?
  9. Hit him with a watch- laden wrist slap. The whole thing was posted on tik tok.
  10. The burning question. Does Thailand still have, as their claim to fame, Asia’s tallest head of state?
  11. Vote for Harris Trump is the one poisoning the blood of America. He is not the cure for what ails it.
  12. Perhaps use some of the 2.8 trillion baht from the anticipated tourism boom to do something to address the poverty
  13. It’s what makes those long train trips interesting
  14. The borders are shifting. Thailand has sold off its sovereignty and appeal to the highest bidders. This open borders campaign is going to be the cancer that turns the country into a barren wasteland with nothing to offer and ultimately will turn the place into an Indo-Sino-Russian subsidiary. Thailand is well past it’s prime as an exotic tourist destination
  15. Because he is a crook. Commit the crime- Do the time
  16. Never thought I’d ever say this. Bring back Mr P
  17. Who is “we”? Is it we the people or, we the wealthy, or we the military? I know which one it isn’t. The court only exists as an instrument to add the illusion of legitimacy to all the unjust and corrupt rulings of the “we”.
  18. I don’t say they are gutless, they are simply wary of the fact that the response from those they are protesting against will be deadly and brutal.
  19. There are two big joke stories today but this is the biggest. The third big joke is the Thai court system.
  20. Most likely outcome. He sows the seeds of civil war every time he waffles on in front of his mindless disciples. He’s positioning himself for a war just as he did in 2020. America might be broken but this piece of sh*t is not the answer. If he wins, everyone loses.
  21. I’m guessing Simon will have to alter any plans he may have had for the future.
  22. Lipstick on a pig comes to mind. But hey, why not give it a try and see what happens.
  23. If true this is a classic example of short lived memory. Even Trump benefits from it so not at all surprising that the big P benefits in the same way.
  24. There seems to be an over abundance of thin skins. Sometimes you’ve gotta be able to laugh at yourself and not take everything to heart
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