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Posts posted by Zack61

  1. 9 hours ago, dinsdale said:

    And here we are with Prayut worried about Thailand being a sex tourist destination rather than a dangerous destination. There are guns absolutely everywhere in this country with hot headed men with the brains of children holding them.

    Next thing you know they’ll be shooting down school kids or blasting away at a country and western concert. Where else would you get that kind of reaction from hot headed men with the brains of children? 

    Just saying......

  2. 17 minutes ago, Bob12345 said:

    Maybe you are the armchair specialist because it actually is always the result of what you eat.


    Fat is stored calories (energy) and your body can only store energy when you consume more than you use.


    Due to medication or genetics your energy use can be very low, or your consumption very high (cravings), but it is still the result of what you eat.


    Energy (fat) cannot come out of nothing, its physics.

    So what you are saying is that some people are born with this which is why some people are overweight, not because they walk around with their snouts in the trough as suggested by some, but it’s part of their DNA. And so it’s still shameful that they are attacked by others for who and what they are. I see a lot of skinny people eating crap food and not put on an ounce. Why not attack these people too. Stinks of double standards. 

  3. Wow! I’m shellshocked after reading some of these comments coming from misinformed armchair experts on obesity. I want to vomit. 

    Yes, these ladies are overweight and bigger than some of the commentators but they are far better human beings than their accusers/abusers will ever be. Obesity is not always the result of what you eat. Some people are born that way just like some ignorant idiots are born that way and others are ignorant and spiteful simply because they are not good people and choose to demean others because it makes them feel good. Which are you?

    I would much prefer to move in the same circles as the fat people than the narrow minded bigots who choose to judge others so harshly without even an iota of an idea on their circumstance. Shame on you and may karma catch up with you some day. I would walk a thousand miles to avoid your circle. 

    These ladies don’t deserve your venomous attacks and they certainly don’t need your approval to live their lives by your ignorance induced standards. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, jenny2017 said:


    The photo shows one girl of a group of Morlam dancers. The event was on the grounds of the local temple with plenty of drunk people dancing in the temple. I'm not saying that some of them were high on drugs, that would be speculation. 









    Lung Joy's merit.JPG

    I remember some years ago at a temple in Chiang Mai province a stage full of coyote girls dancing to a pretty drunk audience of Buddhist party goers with fistfuls of 20 baht notes. No one seemed to mind and a good time was had by all. Mind you there were no foreigners to blame. 

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