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Posts posted by Zack61

  1. 4 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Ha ha.


    Question too hard or just the answer uncomfortable?


    But, hey, as your're so knew to the forum, if you want to pretend that the Shins are innocent and avoid discussing the actual facts and contexts of their cases,  then up to you. 


    I'd really be interested on your view of how Thaksin can be innocent in the Krungthai case when his co-defendants have been convicted and serving long prison sentences already. 


    Your defense of the Shins - 1/10. 



    In Thailand I’m not sure that a conviction in the courts means one is guilty. And vice versa for that matter. 

    • Like 1
  2. I personally am happy to see these bastards taken down having been an innocent victim of their activities during World Cup in 2010. 

    I lost about 100k baht to a travel agent who they had their claws into. Now all my travel arrangements are made on the web using my credit card. Beware of parting with cash during WC. 

  3. 10 hours ago, flyingtlger said:


    The guy looks so nonchalant, just texting or doing something on his phone like it was no big deal......Just killed 3 people including a child and seriously injured 4, I don't know about you but I'd be horrified and remorseful. 

    I’d say he’s pretty confident and is well enough connected to beat any wrap that may be thrown his way. Won’t be at all surprised o see him get off. 

  4. Death penalty will be a punishment meted out to the poor only. What would the response have been if this was highlighted in the poll questions? 

    Thailand does not apply laws equally across the classes and it won’t deter the real scum who kill out of a perverse sense of privilege. 

    For a Buddhist country there is little regard for human life on so many levels. 

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  5. To expect this or any Thai government to get tough on corruption would be somewhat akin to giving oneself a huge uppercut or throwing themselves or their associates in front of a speeding mini van. Not likely to happen. I think it’s many generations away because of the ”next life” mentality that exists and promoted in this country. What a convenient tool to pacify, control and brainwash any “nay sayers” with. It breeds cultural apathy and successfully blinkers the people into inaction. 

    I think we all know it’s going to go on forever without any real challenges. It may be hard to accept but do what the Thais do - roll with it but only contribute the bare minimum and only when completely necessary. As a previous poster said - wait for them to ask. Why make it too easy. And keep those cameras rolling. 

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