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Posts posted by Zack61

  1. I was a roadside admirer of this guy outside of Chiang Rai. Quite overwhelmed by his achievements and have nothing but total respect for his character. 

    Having said this I think the real beneficiaries of his effort has been Phrayut and his cronies. Nothing like national fervour to add legitimacy to his position as self appointed PM. 

    Economically it may have been a lot cheaper for the government to simply cough up an equivalent amount as Toon spent 55 days bringing traffic to a standstill as he ran the length of the country. How much extra fuel was wasted? How much productivity was lost? And how much did it cost to fund and protect this venture?

    As someone previously stated this is not a sustainable way to fund a national health system and the government needs to recognise this. 

    Well done Toon you are an asset to Thailand but I hope others don’t steal your achievements and convert them to political opportunism. 


    Three cheers.....

  2. 22 minutes ago, kiwikeith said:


    As a past tour driver in NZ, I know all their tricks.

    Tour guides line them up and charge them for free venues.


    They only use Chinese connections to eat and buy souvenirs, they stay in Chinese connected accommodation and use Chinese connected buses .

    They are taken to factory shops owned by Chinese and ripped off.


    They have to use some things and venues but the shopping and eating transport  and accommodation is largely controlled.

    They rip the crap out of their own people.

    They are of poor value to the countries economy, only the big rich boys at the top are scoring from them.

    The bottom gets B/all.

    They smoke and spit everywhere walk over the top of people and create havoc and noise at the airports and restaurants.


    When they leave a restaurant it looks like a bomb site with bones and food scraps all over the table and floor.


    If the Country wants value instead of quantity then this direction is not where they should be going.

    It’s the same in all the countries they visit. Whatever you do don’t stand between them and their photo opportunities. 

  3. 6 hours ago, Emster23 said:

    “I also told the owner to show tourists a map prior to him renting out jet-skis so this problem does not happen again.... Rental shops should be obligated to warn tourists about situations such as this.” per Thai official.

    Are there any warning signs on floats? In English?

     Blame lies squarely on the owner of jet ski, not the tourists who had no idea they were in restricted area. Dear official: if you want to stop this problem in the future, you should fine the owner. Fine the tourists and all you will do is make sure that pair doesn't repeat their unknowing mistake.

    Stop it? You gotta be joking. They want to milk the hell out of it. 

  4. This is designed to hand the police an easy opportunity to extort bribes from smokers. What a joke. There are dozens of more toxic environmental issues that need take precedence over this but they will require spending money and proper policing and so will never see the light of day. 

    i don’t have a problem with policing smoking zones but this is not about a concern over the environment. It’s about soft targeting, extortion and the lining of pockets. 

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