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Posts posted by Zack61

  1.  No, no not the dart. They'll have to G O GG O

    Who comes up with this rubbish? They must have a think tank absolutely littered with idiots and imbeciles. The scary bit is that they keep getting away with it and nobody challenges it. How many brain cells are there in the RTP? Single digits for sure.

    • Haha 1
  2. I think they are showing same enthusiasm to capture yingluck as they have put into their efforts to capture the young Red Bull heir. 

    She could camp outside Prayut’s mansion with a sign around her neck and they would still pretend they didn’t know where she was. 

  3. A tiny little band aid on a gaping wound. This will do nothing to fix the problem as there is nothing to address the problem of indiscriminate discarding of rubbish upstream of the oceans.

    A lack of educating people, a lack of proper disposal facilities and a mai pen rai attitude is the real problem. Address this and there will be no reason for discounted diving trips. These people who come up with these "solutions" are not earning their pay and the general public should feel cheated by their efforts but it's the same mai pen rai attitude that allows them to get away with it. There is no accountability, just photo opportunities and false tales of grandeur to justify their positions. Wake up Thailand before it's too late. You get what you deserve and if you do nothing you get nothing.





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