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Posts posted by Zack61

  1. Does washing the produce overcome the problem or are the chemicals more deeply impregnated?

    My partner washes all her thin skinned fruit in a solution of water and bicarbonate sod’s then gives them a rub over with toothpaste. Grapes are a pain. Does the same with vegetables. Makes food preparation a bit of a drag. 

    Not sure how much this helps or are we kidding ourselves? Scary shit. 

    I assume meats suffer the same levels of toxicity so it’s looking like baked beans for dinner. Imported of course. 

    As far as any claims of organic I wouldn’t believe any such claim. Just a label allowing higher prices. Look forward to seeing a report on toxicity level in products making such claims. 

    Bon apetite everyone. 

  2. 37 minutes ago, Jimdandy said:

    Wow. Note to self;  consider never visiting Thailand again unless I leave my mobile phone at home because it might have a picture of a sexy lady in an ad marketing one of the exotic beaches as a romantic vacation destination. Oh, and by the way, who do you supposed might have produced such advertising around the world? 



    Or worse. She might be advertising beer

  3. 4 hours ago, DD13 said:

    I read this morning in yesterday's Bkk post

    30 deaths a DAY on Thailands roads


    so by tomorrow morning 30 more don't have a future

    More like 60 a day if the figure published recently of 22000+ is correct. 30 seems way too low a number. 

    The number one spot is going to be hard to wrestle away from the Thais. All depends on fate I guess. 

  4. On 17/11/2017 at 8:08 PM, jobsworth said:

    i know that i am a minority but i find all these hanging wires beautiful.

    especially the wildlife which they support.


    Not to mention their usefulness as a great source of shade for those of us with a withering hair line. 

    Expect months of chaos and disruption along Sukhumvit 

  5. On 28/10/2017 at 11:34 AM, StayinThailand2much said:

    And why is the owner such a cheap charlie? The finder's reward should me more than just 0.375 per cent (3,000 baht of 800,000 baht), whether he gives it to the finder or his son. People are just ungrateful!

    What a load of drivel. If I had found it I would ask for nothing. The reward for me is in the act of doing what is right. Your attitude is selfish and troubling. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Stubby said:


    I knew Billy and he had—like so many people do—problems with alcohol and drug addiction. That's not his fault and it can happen to the best of us. He's can't help having an addictive personality. It's no more avoidable than someone who acquires depression or a physical illness. Sh*t happens!


    What addicts and alcoholics are responsible for, though, is their recovery. Alas, most don't get it overnight, in fact, most don't get it at all (George Best was a prime example). But in Billy's case, he took charge of his problem—eventually. He worked on solutions and I assume continues to work on living a clean and sober life. In other words, he brought himself back from the brink and changed his ways. Anyone who's been where he was will know that's no easy feat. But he did it despite the odds.


    Why not give the bloke a break and wish him well instead of condemning him to hell for taking a wrong turn in life. He's not the first and he won't be the last. For all you know—whoever you are—this could be you. Or your son or daughter, brother, sister, a parent, or someone else you care deeply about.


    Here here. 

  7. 9 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

    And then they all went home and forgot about everything that had been said !

    A complete waste of tax payers money. 

    Vigilant and police are 2 words seldom used in the same sentence here. Or maybe not........

    The police were vigilant in their denials of corruption or......

    The police were vigilant in their pursuit of the blind, crippled street vendor who attacked 5 hiso youths. 

  8. 7 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    Yingluck, who was sentenced to five years in jail in September for failing to prevent corruption in her government’s rice-pledging scheme

    Surely if this is the criteria used to prosecute and convict then the jails would be overflowing with past and current government representatives. 

    Its a joke and a farce. Selective justice to rid oneself of political foes. 

    Im not saying she is innocent but there would be scores of others that fit the same criteria and yet they roam free with impunity in a country where laws protect these shysters 

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