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Posts posted by Zack61

  1. I have a retirement visa. On arrival at DMK at midnight I nearly had a little cry when I got to immigration. There were hundreds, if not a thousand, predominantly Chinese queued so I went to the Thai section and was through in about 10 minutes no questions asked. I was one of three farangs in my line all travelling alone and assume all with long term non-imm visas. 

    Not sure if I got through because of visa type or whether I was just lucky. Nevertheless I was so happy to beat that longggggggggg queue. This was about two weeks ago. 

  2. If this guy has something Big Pharma will ruthlessly do everything in it’s power to discredit him and his so called cure. 

    Do not be influenced by all the misinformation out there about the benefits of herbal medicine. Mother Nature, I am sure, does possess a cure and who is to say this guy doesn’t have something beneficial. The problem with natural remedies is that Big Pharma can’t patent the cure and where’s the profit in that? Keep an open mind and don’t believe the naysayers because their opinions are shaped by what Bug Pharma has been programming us / them to think. Without the interference of the almighty dollar and the influence it has over governments I have no doubt a natural cure would already be available. 

    Shoot me down if you wish but I believe this to be true and not something to be ridiculed by those who have not taken time to look deeper than what we’ve  been brainwashed into believing. I for one am prepared to see what this guy has to offer. 

  3. 17 hours ago, baboon said:

    But then plenty on here would have us believe that Thailand has never been a democracy, so is that the correct question?

    I can think of a few countries where convicted criminals have gone on to lead the place...

    I can think of quite a few democratic countries run by criminals. They were never convicted though. But criminals nonetheless guilty of crimes far more severe than what goes on here. 2000 to 2008 springs to mind in that great bastion of democracy 

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