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Posts posted by Zack61

  1. On 8/4/2017 at 0:26 PM, Orton Rd said:

    Time parents got together and refused to buy into this uniform brainwashing nonsense, marching about to nationalist music, bowing and scrapping, it will all go eventually. No need for any more than one uniform, if that, and sports kit.

    It's like living in a country full of brainwashed, zombie-like people incapable of thinking outside the box. Until they can break the shackles nothing will change. The acceptance of the norm is scary and the government will not offer a way out because this makes their job of governance (a word I use lightly) so much easier.

    Unfortunately the people live in a country where revolt and change is not tolerated from the grass roots so I am understanding of why we don't see a lot of it. 

    While these so called educators and others are allowed to operate with apparent impunity for this kind of treatment of it's citizens this country will continue to fall behind the rest of it's regional neighbors. Criminal charges should be laid but this won't happen. At best a wai and an apology.  Another wasted skin and oxygen thief.


    I only wish kharma was for real.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

    Those Calls to Trump? White House Admits They Didn’t Happen


    WASHINGTON — Has President Trump told you about the time the head of the Boy Scouts called to say his was the best speech ever delivered to the more than century-old organization? What about when the president of Mexico picked up the telephone to let him know that his tough enforcement efforts at the border were paying off handsomely?


    The anecdotes, both of which Mr. Trump told over the last week, were similar in that they appeared to be efforts to showcase broad support for the president when his White House has been mired in turmoil. But they also had another thing in common, the White House conceded on Wednesday: Neither was true.



    If his lips are moving he's lying. 

  3. On 26/07/2017 at 2:03 PM, iReason said:


    "Who cares?"


    The House Intelligence Committee

    The Senate Intelligence Committee

    The Senate Judiciary Committee

    The House Oversight Committee


    And Special Counsel Mueller.



    The White House is under criminal investigation for obstruction of justice, collusion, fraud, racketeering, money laundering and espionage.



    The occupier of the White House' son, along with a Senior White House adviser to his father and a Russian connected Trump campaign director, had a clandestine meeting with agents from a hostile foreign adversary.


    Quite a fish fry buffet right there.

    Couldn't have said it better myself. 

  4. 54 minutes ago, nongkhaidude said:

    While there is certainly a lot of trash on Thai beaches especially after storms mostly caused from uncaring Thais and Burmese it is what is under the Sand that is the most disgusting and that is Cigarette butts All from tourist !


    I use to take my daughter to Kata Beach to play in the Sand and the park across the street but no more Kata Beach is just a big discussing ash tray as no one ever cleans those up.


    The  park is still nice though 

    Yep. Let's not just lay all the blame with the Thais. We're all responsible. Let's not kid ourselves. 

    Cigarette butts and plastic. 

  5. Everyone has to take some responsibility for this mess and it's not just in Pattaya. It's all about bad habits and ignorance of consequences of ones actions. 

    We can't just blame the authorities for how people carelessly and uncaringly dispose of waste. We're all guilty to varying degrees and until we understand and actually take ownership of our ways and habits nothing will happen to improve this. 

    The ocean is where most rubbish ends up if not properly disposed of and by default becomes the dumping ground for all our waste.....and there is a lot of it. Perhaps time to reflect on some of our own habits from little things like disposal of cigarette butts, plastic products to name a few. 

    Hopefully this video will make us sit back and think about how we can tackle this problem at a personal level without abdicating the whole responsibility to the authorities, who no doubt have their important role too. 


    Food for thought next next time you throw out rubbish carelessly. 

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