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Posts posted by Crossy

  1. There is no absolute limit on the number of visa-exempt entries.

    He's unlikely to be refused entry if he does another run. However, he may get asked questions about what he's doing in Thailand (on suspicion of working illegally).

    If he's married to a Thai he can get 60 day extension at immigration for 1900 Baht to 'visit his wife'. Any reason he's not extending in-country?

  2. WiNet and the other services we are discussing in this thread are dedicated point-to-point 5GHz links aimed at providing internet connectivity where there are no landlines available rather than the WiFi services offered by the various providers.

    As such there would be no issue with your lappie, as it would actually not need to be re-configured to work with such a service (just a wired or wireless connection to the router).

  3. Ours is still working well, no drop outs during even heavy rain and it's been stable with no service interruptions that I've noticed now for two months.

    I've failed miserably to find any TOT pricing other than by going to their office and picking up a brochure sad.png

    AIS have a similar service, details here http://www.ais.co.th...ckage_home.html of course I've not managed to get the English page working sad.png

  4. It should be really possible to get a credit card without work permit but against a fixed deposit, shoul´nt it?

    No one, not even Citibank??

    I know of a couple of retired people who have an Amex Card without having a Work Permit or being required to lodge a deposit.

    Yes, I was offered a Thai Platinum AmEx card (it is a credit card). I had no work permit (I was working offshore), lady stated that it would be no problem as I'm old enough to have a retirement visa, I didn't follow through at the time.

    I do now have one (this time I have a WP), quite painless application and a sensible credit limit.

  5. Many 3-pin multi adapters come with one of these


    Which is a convenient way of connecting to the earth pin. A wire from the tab to a simple ground stake will do the job and provide grounding to anything plugged in to the strip.

    With a laptop there's no real need for a UPS, but if you have a separate router it will keep that going during power outages. An inkjet printer won't give most UPSs any problems, the printer outlet (not backed up) is intended for laser printers which will give the UPS a headache.

    With the type of IT gear most people have you're going to find it difficult to overload a single outlet.

  6. Assuming you have a tourist visa, double entry (or is it triple you have?), there is no multiple option.

    You should have visited immigration before your first entry expired where you would have obtained a 30 day extension for 1900 Baht. Just before that expired you should do a border run to activate your next entry which could also be extended by 30 days. Total for a double entry visa is 6 months, a triple will net you about 9 months but only if you obtain your visa immediately before travelling as it becomes valid on issue.

    What visa do you actually have? A visa issued in October will have a use by date some time in March, you must use all your entries by then, post a scan of the visa so we can see exactly what's going on.

  7. Yes, as a body of professionals I always did find electricians to be an arrogant bunch. I was pointing put that the diagram only means something to another electrician. So why put it here, anyone that can understand it doesn't need it.

    If you want arrogant try talking to UK gas installers! Talk about a secret society, more information comes out of the Freemasons.

    Anyway, it's pretty well impossible to discuss wiring without some form of diagram. Most domestic electrical setups are simple and with a bit of basic knowledge and some cheap test gear (sorry you will need a multimeter and a neon screwdriver if you want to find faults on an existing system) it's not difficult to find out what's going on. The posted diagram is to show WHY the casework bites, it's not necessary to understand that in order to stop it.

    Whatever, for our OP, to cure the tingle from the computer, connect the metalwork to ground in some way, shape or form.

  8. I have a similar problem, but I live in a rented house and it is not easy to instal an earth to the sockets in my office area. This may be a daft idea, but is it possible to earth all the electrics for the house one time, at say the trip box?

    Sadly no, you can't do that unless your outlets already have the third (green) wire and it's just not properly connected somewhere.

    You could run a wire out of your office window to some suitable area and connect it directly to your PC case.

  9. Unlike many I quite enjoy the water games, but avoid the city wet spots.

    At least one day will be spent with the in-laws cruising round Ayutthaya in the back of a pickup squirting and throwing water at other like minded individuals, the worlds biggest wet T shirt festival tongue.png A temple visit will likely be included in the circuit.

    Followed by lots of food and (pre-bought) alcohol.

    It's the first Songkran we've been in our house, so I suspect the (step) grandkids will be using our water to soak all and sundry passing on our (quiet) road, their house does not front on to the road.

    • Like 2
  10. I think I may have a solution using two WiFi adapters and the free version of Connectify, our OP will have to try this coz I don't have an XP machine, but it works without using 'Access Point' mode.

    What I did:-

    1. Install my USB WiFi dongle
    2. Configure the machine to access the net via the dongle (not the built in WiFi)
    3. Configure Connectify to share the USB dongle's connection via WiFi Ad-hoc

    I was then able to use a W7 machine to access the web via the Ad-hoc network, I'm making this post via said connection. Could be a result smile.png

    Network map from this machine.


  11. OK, I've downloaded and installed Connectify free version, configured it to share my WiFi over the same WiFi adapter and it works fine, used my tablet to access the net with no issues.


    You can only do WiFi to WiFi sharing in 'Access Point' mode and Access Point mode is only available on Windows 7 or better (I'm using Win 8). I think this is our OP's problem as he has XP and Vista sad.png

    Support for Windows 8, 7, XP, and Vista – XP and Vista Ad-Hoc Mode only

    EDIT It MAY work using two WiFi adapters (which I believe our OP has) but sharing WiFi to another format appears to be a PRO only option so I can't test it.

  12. There is a letter that YOU sign to state you have no financial interest in the land. If your wife has retained her Thai surname the land office may not ask for it (our didn't).

    There is danger between 5 and 6, seller can do a runner with the money before transferring the land, better Wife gets a bank cheque (or whatever the Thais call it) to hand over at the land office.

    There is also a transfer tax / fee payable at the time of transfer.

    Hopefully someone with more direct / recent experience can chime in.

  13. Photos as promised :) Yes, they are IP65 according to the label. We have nine of these with 25W warm-white CFL lamps to illuminate the architecture. Neighbours are already asking how much our power bill is :(

    post-14979-0-23274000-1360233348_thumb.j post-14979-0-59303000-1360233351_thumb.j

    Fruit trees are coming along.


    As is SWMBOs kitchen garden

    post-14979-0-77583700-1360233359_thumb.j post-14979-0-58203900-1360233363_thumb.j

    The raised beds from concrete rings were my idea, at 85 Baht each it's a cheap (read not hard work for Muggins) solution, OK not 100% use of space but who cares :) Thai salad and chillies coming up.


    These are tomato seedlings, they'll be transferred to Gro-Bags when bigger.


  14. They are compact fluorescents, I'll post some images when it gets light.

    The units came from HomePro about 900 Baht plus lamp, they are quite big when compared to halogen units with the same light output but in our application the physical size makes no odds.

    Lamps are Racer brand warm white 25W, 89 Baht (made in Thailand, the cheapest I could find). They look about equivalent to 120W halogen so fine for soft architectural lighting.

    I did look at LEDs but they are still too expensive, maybe when they need replacing.

    We also have some big halogen floods for party illumination, two 1,500W beasts which make the garden look like Wembley (and the meter go round like crazy).

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