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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. You should turn adversity to your advantage ???? When the grandkids machine needed a new monitor (or two) I moved my old 23" screens to their machine and "had" to buy myself new 27" monitors (and a 3-monitor desk stand as well)
  2. Banks generally do seem to be becoming more than a bit tetchy. I suspect it's all about money laundering regulations and the like. My Luxembourg bank pulled the plug some years ago as I was getting $ deposited from Hong Kong (where I was working) and transferring a significant chunk to Thailand (where Madam was spending it), other was going to the UK to pay my Visa bill which was being used in HK. I really thought that was how you were supposed to use offshore banks, apparently not! And despite having a reasonably significant balance they pulled the plug ???? Luckily Lloyds on the IoM were more than accommodating when I transferred the balance ????
  3. Heath Robinson would probably agree ???? The lappie is mine, the monitors belong to the office so you take what "IT" has, but it's so much easier to work when you can have 3 or 4 documents open and visible at the same time. My desktop at home has 3 x 27" monitors which are identical, no issues with scaling of course and I can watch the cricket or snooker (The Crucible starts on April 15th) in a window whilst "attending" a Zoom meeting
  4. I'm sure it will work just fine. I use two monitors with my laptop so I actually have three screens all with different resolutions. There are occasional quirks but never anything catastrophic.
  5. If you have all the latest drivers etc. it "should" just work. You will likely find that icons on the higher-res monitor are smaller and your apps change size when you drag to a different screen, but nothing insurmountable. You can make some scaling adjustments in the Windoze Display Properties screen (right-click on the desktop).
  6. More and more UK banks are pulling the plug on "non UK residents", I thought it was actually a government directive but it seems it's really individual banks. I had my Barclays account closed 10 years or so ago for "apparently not being a UK resident", this despite using my parent's address. Luckily Nationwide haven't started this policy, yet. I also have a UK offshore (Isle of Man) account which does have my Thai address so if it all goes pear-shaped I still have a backup.
  7. A large Hair-of-the-Dog! If nothing else it will take what remains of your mind off the headache!
  8. Indeed (although they are getting better every day). But since the input energy is free the true conversion efficiency doesn't really matter, the energy that comes out is still "free" (even 10% of zero is still zero) ...
  9. If you are growing them (and another, rather weedy, forum isn't suitable) then go for it!!
  10. We have a shiny new forum for "Green" stuff that doesn't really belong here. Why not take a look? https://aseannow.com/forum/422-the-green-forum/
  11. Well, here we are, another new forum. Please feel free to discuss any "Green" issues that take your fancy. Start here for ideas: - Note: - The sub-forum to Alternative Energy is a hotlink to the existing forum of that name, so no need to try to post in both ???? A few Ground-Rules. Let's leave the conspiracy theories at home shall we! We all know the earth is flat and Kubrick filmed the moon landings (but insisted on doing it on-location for realism). Feel free to discuss Climate Change - Although if the handbags come out posts may well vanish without warning! Prepping? Why not? Although the US is definitely the prepping capital of the (round) world, there's loads we could do here in sunny Thailand. TEOTWAWKI - Again why not? But no Zombie Apocalypse (unless it's really happening). Preparing for a Carrington Event is definitely relevant. Serious note: - Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source. This thread is definitely Work in Progress so please check back regularly.
  12. "Please do not use the lavatory whilst the train is passing over the solar panels!". Sorry, couldn't resist But trains really are pretty mucky things when it comes to dropping oil and other stuff on the tracks. Installation locations would have to be chosen carefully.
  13. Facebore group - Snakes of Bangkok Admin suggest it's an Oriental Rat Snake (Ptyas mucosa) so harmless to anything bigger than a rat.
  14. Yup, the Village Head will have the number of the local snake / monitor/ crocodile / insect / elephant wrangler.
  15. Floating panels also reduce evaporation loss from reservoir surfaces, so there's no need for those awful (and potentially polluting) floating plastic balls.
  16. At our OP's request please continue in his house building thread: -
  17. Page 2 and nobody has linked to this ???? Link to construction details in the first post.
  18. Hmmmm, I think he may be barking up the wrong tree, but I'm not there to see what testing he's done. Did you try the RCBO set to 30mA?
  19. Actually, that's the bit you want to keep damp for a good earth ???? You want to be looking for damp inside wall boxes, external light fittings and the like. Start in places where the weather can get it.
  20. Yeah, and of course it will go away when it dries out, until next time ???? The usual suspects are outside lights and outlets or ants getting in any of the wall boxes. Time to get out the screwdriver and check everything.
  21. Yup, that's about it. So don't go getting hold of live wires. Assuming (not always a good idea) that the system is properly earthed then there's no immediate danger, but it needs sorting ASAP.
  22. Thailand issue Citi credit cards are accepted.
  23. OK with the RCBO unit removed you have no earth leakage protection, over-current protection will still work. Does the breaker stay on with the selector set to 30mA? I suspect that the damp has got into the electrics somewhere (not necessarily where the board is located), you need an electrician to look at it and locate where the damp is (clue, it happened after the rain). Running without earth leakage protection isn't an immediate danger, but it's definitely not advisable for a business.
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