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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Sorry, but since gambling is illegal in Thailand and the forum rules prohibit discussion of illegal acts, I'm going to have to close this thread,
  2. Yeah, driving into BKK this morning the roads are still wet and decidedly slippy due to no rain for a while. Amazingly I only saw one car in the ditch. Take care out on the roads people!
  3. Yup, great minds think alike, you beat me by 1 minute. Pretty typical really ????
  4. At least give them a chance and use your oven rather than microwave!
  5. I do note that you possibly have L and N (colours) connected differently on each side.
  6. And of course, it's always possible it's busted from new ????
  7. Yeah, that's what I thought, but then I read on one of the pages for similar switches "this switch can not be used for generator starting" ????
  8. Yeah, I see that too, but it's unclear exactly what your green connectors do and connecting them incorrectly could fry something. Try this. With it connected as you have it. In Manual set to OFF Power on the Normal side. Switch to Auto. - Does it move? Power on the Reserve side Power off Normal side - Does it move? EDIT and message the seller of course ???? EDIT 2 Have you got a load on the output?
  9. It's on the front plate, just not readable in your earlier photo, need to try Googleing how to connect.
  10. Can you post a clear image of the switch part number please?
  11. You could try contacting the seller (yeah, right) Are there any markings on the green connector? Try connecting it like this (all three L connected together): -
  12. U got the manual? (or any documentation) No experience of that switch but I think there's supposed to be something connected to that green connector.
  13. You could use a solid-state relay to swich the panel side of the controller (did we think of that last time?) then it would work just like night time. You'd still have to run a cable from the tank (level switch) and provide 6-12V to run the relay (a 6V lantern battery would last forever)
  14. No problem. I'm sure your man did a good job, but we all make mistakes, and simply getting the CT wires reversed isn't beyond the realms of possibility. One easy test you could do is actually set the inverter to not export, then check what the meter is doing.
  15. Please don't lose sight of the fact that this is a 750W DC pump, your regular level switches will fail almost immediately switching DC. It's not insurmountable of course but there's a whole thread about automating this particular set-up.
  16. @statman78 can you post a photo of where your CT is positioned? Any joy with the installer?
  17. Yeah ^^^. Dicey putting the name of the bank so I've removed it. I'm sure our OP will enlighten anyone who asks via PM. How was the transfer initiated? That must surely be the starting point, maybe try further up the bank food-chain?
  18. This was just a practice! https://aseannow.com/topic/1288235-fire-guts-met-police-building-in-sathorn/
  19. Headline tomorrow:- "Major fire rips through Weluwan police HQ in Khon Kaen. Electrical fault suspected!"
  20. Nets work, but are not particularly aesthetic ???? If you get one with fairly large holes it won't obstruct your view "too much", check with condo management if they permit! Our net was large enough that the small sparrow chaps could go in and out, they made nests near the A/C outdoor unit. Very little mess and the babies came back next season.
  21. I do admit to over-filling Madam's koi pond on more than one occasion, mind gets involved in something else ...
  22. Do you have a dog? Our two are better than quartz clocks when it comes to time for brekkie. Even their 5kg could operate a switch to turn the pump on (and dispense brekkie) and they would hear the tank becoming full and turn off. Easy peasy ????
  23. That would likely be the motor overheat protection, standard equipment in mains pumps. They have to get pretty darn hot to trip and it's not really good for them to go on/off all the time.
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