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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Result! Capacitor tolerances are pretty wide (+-10% is good) so your 6uF could be anywhere from 5.4-6.6uF anyway. In reality it will be fine forever but good that you've ordered the right one.
  2. It says 60mm, but that's the absolute maximum straight branch that will fit down the hole, practically 50mm is probably biggest. Palm fronds have to be split lengthwise to go in. 13,500 Baht. Lazada - https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i2714748426-s11335446065.html - But this seller is now out of stock ???? It works pretty well, certainly compared with the "3hp" electric one we got first (which introduced Madam to mulching/composting). If you feed it sensibly and don't let the outlet get clogged it swallows pretty well anything. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it came with a handy oil filling thing, ear muffs, gloves and safety glasses as well as the usual engine tools. ????
  3. The return of the gardener (Madam's youngest) plus his assistants (2 grandkids) all now recovered from covid (+ve test, minimal symptoms) prompted :- Grass cutting - Had to fix the mower, ran for a bit then stopped - gummed up carb. The second time it stopped it was out of gas - grandson hadn't got that far in his education, he knows now. Mower is more than 10 years old, cheapo Agastec gradually falling apart, plastic cover is no more so the engine is now exposed. Only one brush-cutter is functional, might have a look at the other tomorrow. Pruning of two big mango trees - Of course both were home to those big, bitey ants! Lots of action with Madam's new petrol powered mulcher converted mango prunings into a pile of compost. I'm sure something else will break tomorrow. They are here all weekend. Korean barbecue pig tonight ????
  4. I got dose 3 at Bang Sue on December 22nd 2021, appointment for dose 4 is on April 21st.
  5. Just got my appointment for dose 4 at Bang Sue Grand. Appointment is for Pfizer making me Az-Az-Pfz-Pfz. If you are in the system is works remarkably well, keep an eye open for texts from CVC-MOPH and follow the link within to get your personalised QR code. Save the QR and you're good to go.
  6. Interesting. That possibly explains why my last bill had an outstanding balance, I just assumed I had forgotten to pay it the previous month.
  7. +++ on most of the above. My dad, a coach driver for many years (winner of the UK National Coach Rally in 1959 - he's got a cup and plaque to prove it) always told me to go down a hill in one gear higher than it would take to go up it. OK so this was in a manual diesel, but the same applies to an auto, select 3 or 2 or L and let the engine do the braking. Obviously a pickup won't have a Telma or (heaven forbid) a Jake-brake but even so...
  8. 2012 - "Honey. How big will that tree get?" "Not big!" 2022 - Yeah, right!
  9. Meanwhile, I didn't recognise some of the container plants, not unusual Madam has a LOT of plants. But it turns out that they actually belong to a friend, "k. Anne" who only has a small moo-bahn garden, so on occasion she swaps out the plants with ones which are "boarding" at our place. Clever arrangement except that as soon as something looks like it might flower it vanishes in k. Anne's pickup to be replaced by something that's just, well, green. Madam enjoys looking after anything green and we have loads of space so it's win-win really. We also take in any plants which have become too big for their owner's space, hence us having well over 100 trees of assorted shapes and sizes. Our home is named "29 Palms" after a Robert Plant track - a name which is becoming increasingly inaccurate.
  10. Up with the lark this morning to get some stuff done before it got too hot! The list is getting shorter! Fixed another irrigation pipe back to the wall (2 places, 8 clips - at least I could re-use the existing screws and plugs). Adjusted the TV antenna which was pointing towards the ground after someting pretty large decided to perch on it (TV was working fine). "Assisted" Madam moving more of her container plants around (she directed, I moved!). It's too darn hot now and too early for a beer, so I have zero-sugar Coke!
  11. I always thought speedway was pretty mad we used to watch Poole Pirates back in the day (or the greyhounds if there was no speedway), but to do it on ice with spiked tyres?? Way too much danger of being turned into a Tetley's tea bag (2000 little perforations)
  12. Bangkok Bank in Lotus's Rangsit was certainly open (and had a queue) this morning when I got beer.
  13. Yeah, there's two or three varieties he might be, all of them bad news! Time to call The Man!
  14. Could be an Asian Giant Hornet not a chap you want to mess with! https://www.psonpest.com/รายละเอียด/583e45a668cfd90001f6003e/Dangerous Bugs in Thailand/59fa984d7c07f900013d5003/langEN
  15. Today's "mini jobs":- Re-attached one of the irrigation pipes where it had "fallen off" the wall, needed new clips. Similarly replaced the pipe clip on an outside tap. Moved Madam's mop-stand to a more convenient location (it's bolted down so not just a pick up and move it job). I'm sure someone is building up for more tasks ????
  16. Some types of wasp are not a problem, others ... Do NOT try to remove it yourself, as noted above call your local assorted creatures wrangler (the village office will have his number) and it will be removed without danger (at least with no danger to you, the removal chap could be otherwise).
  17. I've modified the thread title to give more clue as to what it's about. What (and where - could be important) are you designing / building? Your plans will need sign-off by a local architect anyway before a building permit is issued. Building a house, the local ampur office is the place although whether they have documented guidelines ... Generally stick to being "in keeping with the local area" and you're likely good. Building an apartment block / condo then there's a whole raft of building code requirements. Or do you see a construction that you thinks breaks the code?
  18. Important note:- You MUST use an AC rated capacitor often sold as motor start or motor run capacitors. Amorn have usually got a reasoinable selection and there really are zillions on Lazada. Or as noted your local pump shop is likely to have something suitable.
  19. It's never too late to learn a new skill!
  20. Tomorrow is "before the end of the year", no time like the present!
  21. Hmmm, somehow it always seems to be me that gets soaked when something goes wrong with the gate ????
  22. Plans can be "adjusted" to meet changing demand!
  23. Now that's going to be a Man Cave to rival @sometimewoodworker nice!
  24. There you go, next task plant staking ????
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