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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. We recently replaced the 2012 vintage x 18,000 BTU conventional unit in our bedroom with a 12,000 BTU inverter. Of course it's a smaller unit, but since it's producing the same cooling the numbers should be comparable. We keep a detailed log of consumption (an entry every 60 seconds) because I'm a sad individual. Crunching the night time figures does reveal a noticeable reduction, and because there are no start-up spikes our solar inverters should be rather happier too ????
  2. Condensing water out of the air certainly gives up energy which must then be pumped away. Just how much that would reduce the efficiency would be interesting to calculate. Task A. Measure how much water your A/C condenses in a 24 hour period ????
  3. I'm a bit confused by this statement, particularly because it's the compressor which has the "inverter" bit controlling its speed.
  4. We all "know" that an inverter A/C can save on A/C energy consumption. Here's a paper on a reasonably well controlled experiment to demonstate that yes, you could save 49% on your aircon energy! I know it's based in KSA but it's actually the most controlled / realistic demonstration I've found to date. Almogbel2020_Article_ComparisonOfEnergyConsumptionB.pdf
  5. Yeah, it's always on the PC for me. But I hate the App.
  6. It seems to go in spurts, months with no problem then every single time!! Most annoying!
  7. Sometimes you just can't win ????
  8. Task A. is to ensure your inverters are actually able to run in parallel. Grid-tie will naturally parallel but off-grid or off-grid hybrids need to know about each other. If they are off-grid hybrids they will have a grid input, grid goes there. Inverter output goes to the house breaker box. The inverter instructions should show you how to add a bypass switch. It's usual for all the inverters to share a battery pack (or packs in parallel). Why not start a thread and post what you intend doing there?
  9. Yeah, that's what I was thinking too, of course he would need the correct outlet for it to be safe. Potential for a whole new can of worms opening up here ????
  10. I've fixed the test requirement in the OP. Looks interesting, but like others note forcing a test to enter when we're all triple jabbed is a non-starter.
  11. Photo of the plug you bought please! In your lead the green/yellow will be ground, the other two red is likely live and blue neutral.
  12. It's not just bikes and it's not just tail lights. This morning at about 6.20 (just getting light) I nearly collected a chap whizzing along on an e-scooter. Dark clothing, no lights, I came within an ace of pulling out on him to turn right, luckily the car behind him lit him up enough that I saw him in time. He zoomed past me without even a glance!
  13. Thailand is 3-phase 4-wire at the distribution level. Your single-phase house supply is between one phase and neutral. Larger homes hook on to all three phases and the neutral, it works like 3 single-phase supplies. If you look at the pole outside it will have 4 wires, the top one (usually bare) is the neutral the lower three are the phases. Your meter will come from the neutral and one phase.
  14. Check your local Global House they have Sunergy 330W poly panels at 3,590 Baht https://www.globalhouse.co.th/product/detail/2012110639770 or Sunergy 410W mono panels at 4,990Baht https://www.globalhouse.co.th/product/detail/2012110639336 many locations are OOS but you may score. I also saw that Mega Home have 500W mono panels (they are massive, just looking at them gave me a hernia!) at 7,500 Baht a pop, they had a decent size stack in the Rangsit store, no I didn't buy any.
  15. Just a quick update on the re-configured system after a week or so of testing. Adding the PowMr SCC has indeed resulted in the batteries now charging to a more satisfactory 43.8V which equates to around 96% full. I'll go with that. Our "300Ah" pack, which we know is more like 220Ah is storing between 10 and 11kWh for use each night. I can go with that too. I'm currently relying on the inverter "Total Energy Discharged" facility which is pretty carp and only displays to the nearest kWh. A proper coulomb-counter is in the works which uses the BMS's serial outputs to monitor current and voltage (this was spurred on by me finding an Arduino library that talks to the Daly smart BMSs). Watch this space, I'm waiting for a couple of bits from Lazada (coming from China). I've also had to update the software in my Solar Data logger https://aseannow.com/topic/1161970-an-internet-enabled-solar-power-monitoring-system-another-project-from-crossy-labs/ Many things have changed in 4 years and there's now a decent ThingSpeak library which simplifies writing data to the channels and a much better ESP8266 "AT Command" library which makes actually getting the Arduino Mega to connect to the internet a zillion times easier (and it has better error handling too). I had planned on porting the whole thing over to a NodeMCU based device, but the new libraries probably mean that is on hold, at least for now, as I can make the Arduino Mega based unit do everything I had planned without taxing my mind too much (building a web-interface around the AT commands looked daunting). All good fun and keeping the old grey-cells lubricated, or is that a copious supply of Beer Chang doing the lubricating? Madam still suspects thinks knows I'm mad (I don't really look like a typical mad-scientist), but she's most happy with the reduced energy bills (more $$$ for her to spend on plants). Unfortunately the increased battery pack is on temporary hold due to the entertainment system in the car being declared as "Beyond Economical Repair" so shopping at JVC-Kenwood is required (an equivalent unit is a scary 32,000 Baht ???? )
  16. Using Google works well. Start your search with :- site:aseannow.com <put your search string here> results are generally far better than the somewhat lame forum search.
  17. As others have noted the problem with this type of thread is Thailand's draconian libel/defamation law. Such a thread would put excessive load / responsibility upon the moderation staff to avoid legal transgressions, so we simply don't do them (hence the "no name and shame" forum rule, anything for an easy life). I have no problem with someone posting "I have an xyz inverter and it's great, I got it from Somchai Solar" or "I got a pqr inverter, I'm not really happy with it as it doesn't do export very well". Positive recommendation of your contractor in a thread about your system is generally OK but still needs watching in case someone else says "but I used them and they were useless!". Probably best to exchange actual details of contractors via PM, "My contractor was great and operates nationally, PM me for details" kind of thing.
  18. I have no direct experience of exporting into a 3-phase meter. But knowing how the conventional disc meters work I would suggest that exporting 2kW into one phase whilst importing 2kW from another should result in zero movement of the meter. Of course the meters aren't actually designed to work like that, it's just a fact of physics. Note that the inverter on the "exporting" phase would think it is actually exporting so would need the "no-export" function turned off. 3 x 3-4kW inverters would be the way I would go, possibly make them grid-tie hybrids so batteries are a possible option. If one phase is more heavily loaded during the day you could have more panels on it's respective inverter or even run two inverters on that phase.
  19. Yeah, Mr Covid triggered my online shopping experiences and I will continue to do so. Almost everything that's not available or 'kin expensive (anything labelled "solar" for example) in one of the DIY places comes from Lazada, many things arriving the day after the order was placed (even weekends). I've had a few things go wrong, but the Lazada returns system is simple and effective.
  20. Did you buy another or actually get a replacement from the seller?? Let us know how much improvement in capacity you get.
  21. I have exactly the opposite "problem". Madam was a bit sceptical to start with but having seen real savings on our power consumption / bill with our initial baby system she was sold. So now we have >10kWP on the car port, not quite zero grid energy but 100 kWh per month from PEA vs actually using 6-7 times that. Madam is now pressing for an EV and the extra solar to support it, Billy Muggins will (of course) be expected to finance same. To be honest I don't really mind but that's not the point.
  22. In central Bangkok an indoor antenna should be acceptable for the Free-to-Air digital terrestrial TV if you have a compatible TV or set-top box (a few 00 Baht). We are 45-50km out and get perfect reception on a cheapo 4 element yagi and 10m of coax which would be quite happy in your home. We sent back TrueVisions several years back, I get my cricket fix on one of the many IPTV services.
  23. Actually I don't really know what's going on, but I've found Sofar support very responsive with good English, the address should be in the manual. Personally I wouldn't have used a 3-phase inverter and would have gone with 3 x single-phase units my reasoning being that a 3-phase unit will shut down fully if one of the input phases fails (our most common failure mode) whereas if you have 3 single-phase units two of them will still be operating. Any way to get your inverter swapped out??
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