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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. try this company- excellent safety record

    and comfortable buses. They leave from Sukhumvit near junction with pattaya Klang


    Yes. I have used Nakhonchair before but they seem to only have services to Ciang Mai, Mae Sai and Ubon Ratchathani. I do not think any of these go though Khon Kaen. i guess a need a bus going to Udon Thani or Nong Khai.

    yes but they are just starting a new service to Udon Thani and i would assume

    that goes through KK ? see this on their webpage


  2. I was on Dongtan beach this afternoon with my daughter and a couple of old queens were talking about it. Said he committed suicide last night and was in with someone for 4 million and owed other people bits and pieces too. Guess his debts caught up with him.

    i just thought it was strange to chose to go now in the high season ?

  3. Is it because of the stupidest policy I ever heard of, giving back 100,000 baht off the price of a new car if you're a first time buyer (amazing how many first time buyer grannies and second cousins there suddenly are).

    they can't manage traffic just like they can't manage water....

  4. Pattaya Center Condotel

    is this the same place which is also konwn as simply " Centre Condo " ?

    There have been so many deaths in that building that the ladies who worked in the Bualuang Securities

    office ( before it closed down ) were scared to work there because they believed the building had so many ghosts !!

  5. well we know how safe is this Chinese fast train ... not sure I will ever take it to go to chiang mai ..I never trusted Chinese technology, specially when its based on copying European technology. China have faced so many accident with their made in china train ..... well if that what Thailand want .....have fun with spare parts and all the rest .

    i took it between Ningbo and Shanghai last December and it was incredible. Very smooth and fast

    and even a first class ticket was very cheap compared to a similar standard in Europe such as

    the Eurostar.

    • Like 2
  6. " It has taken this long for the UK authorities to consider the numerous appeals he raised against his deportation, which included his claim the prison accommodation in Thailand was not to his liking."

    oh sorry so would you prefer our deluxe accomodation... ? Amazing !!

  7. Actually, according to the BBC, an usually quite reliable news organization, only around 10,000 persons attended the demonstration.


    When you think about it, if you compare the number of incidents to the number of demonstrators, it was a very violent demonstration. Further proof that despite the claims of a number of posters it was not a pacific demonstration and the goal was very clearly to create as much chaos as possible.

    And if you add the call for murder from some of the organizers, Pitak Siaam looks more and more like a terrorist organization rather than a democratic opposition movement.

    Agreed !!thumbsup.gif

    And on BBC news they had Dr Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Professor of political science at Chulalongkorn University

    who rightly said Thailand has to learn that you cant keep having these back and forth disruptions and that

    if the likes of Pitak Siaam want to gain power, then they must convince the electorate

    and win at the ballot box. Dr Pongsudhirak also believe the rally fizzled out because they were

    relying on the army to step in -which this time it didn't. So there is hope Thailand is learning about


  8. Do all those people who told me that the protesters just wanted a peaceful demonstration want to offer an apology?

    The protesters, driving a truck into the police, taking down barbwire and throwing tear gas first to instigate the police. This is not a peaceful demonstration. Their leader made it clear: He wants to see dead protesters to justify a military coup and freezing of the democratic process.

    Where did the the protesters "throw tear gas first"? The videos in this thread show that the protesters threw tear gas back when it was thrown at them by the police.

    Has there actually been a news report of them driving a truck into police, or are you just believing what Rich Teacher said?

    it was on The Nation news channel about 30 minutes ago and the truck was shown

    riddled with bullet holes sad.png

  9. how many buildings did the Siam Pitak burn down in anger?

    None.What's your point? As I mentioned it's encouraging Pitak Siam have condemned the disgusting behaviour of their fascist thugs.

    So there was some light trouble with provocateurs and therefor Pitak Siam are fascist thugs.

    When the reds looting shops than it is a fight for democracy.

    Maybe you should take off your red googles and come to a balanced view of things.

    Pot, kettle, black.....

    At that time the PTP looked like they were being denied the right to an election.

    When it finally happened they won an absolute majority. End of story until the next election.

    Pitak Siam are now inciting public disorder when it is clear that most Thai's ( when

    you include the rural voters ) are more than happy to allow the government to

    do it's job ?

  10. I hear that Jatuporn is about to announce, that they also plan to hold satanic-rituals at the small political meeting, and start a nuclear-war with a middle-eastern country whose name begins with 'D' or 'I', but I too may be wrong. laugh.png

    Seriously, why is the current government so very alarmed, by a relatively-small rally like this ?

    Have they heard something (apart from ridiculous claims of plots to kidnap the PM) which worries them, or can they simply not manage to accept any criticism at all, in line with the Big Boss's similar inability/instability ? rolleyes.gif

    No - they're not scared, but more cunning and clever than you think. Put some red agitators in the crowd, stir up trouble, crack down hard with the poilce, cause even more violence, bring in the 23k "volunteers". Well, obviously need to outlaw rogue organizations that cause such trouble, and give the government more power to deal with them. You see the direction - police state, no right to mass protest, only government support rallies allowed, censor everything, all leads to the one party state dream headed by dear leader. This blue print has been used so many times in history. I guess this government figures they can tell the people anything and be believed.

    Interesting analysis.

    Perhaps there's more; getting home is taking longer than expected, much longer, close to zero real progress on this, patience is running out.

    Create mayhem and absolute control and the paymaster slips in the back door. Then of course assassination theories take on a new 'at home' slant.

    do you think he has ever slipped in the backdoor before now - just for a visit? I often wonder about this.

    I mean surely it would only need the silence of a handful of sympathetic officials ?

    Private jet landing at night, whisked off in a car to some private and heavily guarded residence ?

    This would be easier to do in somewhere like Chiang Mai or Isaan ?

  11. I stopped riding motorbike taxis about a year ago.

    Even though I never had an accident, the way they drive and their obvious lack of respect even to their own life, just made me decide it's not worth the risk. Even if you "just" have a slight injury, such as a broken arm or leg, it's not worth the time and/or money it saves.

    So I walk 15 minutes to the BTS station every time I want to go somewhere, and it's a bit hot, but I am sure I will get there safe...

    same same. When i go to the Laos embassy i go by MRT to Hwai Kwang. I insist they go slowly

    because they dont even offer a helmet. they say yes ok and then they still go like lunatics. That's it - no more.

    Last time i walked there and back even though it was hot.

    I do notice there a big red songthaew for the locals and stuff it - next time i will go on that maybe.

    • Like 1
  12. Hamas were elected by the majority of Gazans in the 2006 election. With Hamas gaining a majority of 76 of the 132 seats in the chamber, whilst Fatah party got 43 seats. That is a electoral flogging and sentiment has not changed since then. If anything, Hamas has even stronger support from the people of Gaza now than in 2006. wink.png

    Hamas Grows in Popularity Among Palestiniansthumbsup.gif


    • Like 1
  13. Asiantravel said]

    Do you also also disagree with Daryl Melham, the head of a parliamentary committee on detention in Australia ?

    REFUGEES deemed security threats should be able to live in the community on control orders or wearing electronic monitoring devices, a senior Labor MP has urged.


    You are trying to compare apples with oranges here.

    For a start, Canada was talking about Failed Asylum Claimants.

    Many who have failed security checks.

    And Daryl Melham is talking about asylum-seekers who have been

    found to be both refugees and threats to national security and are currently

    in detention.

    Surely you're not trying to compare those two issues with

    a Thai who wants to go to Australia for a holiday??



    Asiantravel said]

    Do you also also disagree with Daryl Melham, the head of a parliamentary committee on detention in Australia ?

    REFUGEES deemed security threats should be able to live in the community on control orders or wearing electronic monitoring devices, a senior Labor MP has urged.


    You are trying to compare apples with oranges here.

    For a start, Canada was talking about Failed Asylum Claimants.

    Many who have failed security checks.

    And Daryl Melham is talking about asylum-seekers who have been

    found to be both refugees and threats to national security and are currently

    in detention.

    Surely you're not trying to compare those two issues with

    a Thai who wants to go to Australia for a holiday??



    the OP sounds desparate ( if he is already thinking of marriage as a possible solution )

    The application was refused

    " Based on ur app lack of strong employment and saving history evidence i am not satisfied ul leve the country or to obide by visa condition “

    I am just saying that he has nothing to lose by mentioning this to the consular official because most people would never volunteer to wear one of these things anyway and they just might change their view - who knows ? Why not ask ?.

    No blowing people up involved .............I think you were confusing it with this..........


  14. Mik83, since my last post above I have looked at a few websites from USA and Canada and it seemsthe immigration department's of those two countries are now becoming much more innovative in their use of these electronic devices and similarly with the conditions relating to foreigners seeking to stay in those two countries before their status has been resolved.

    If you are at your wits end about this matter, why not try absolutely everything – I would have thought you have nothing to lose by asking? It would also confirm that Australian immigration is genuine about the reasons for their refusal?

    This is only an idea but why not contact the immigration officer you have been in touch with and say you want this to happen so much you will try anything to convince them that she will return to Thailand. Propose to them that you will pay all the costs associated with a private security company fitting her with a GPS electronic ankle bracelet when she arrives at the airport if they grant the visa to her ? I am sure immigration don't have the time or resources to do this kind of work themselves but maybe they would agree to the somewhat like G4S or Securicor undertaking the role during her visit as long as it doesn't cost the immigration Department any money?

    I am not saying they would agree but at least it shows you are trying think of every way that you can get her there and that she will leave at the end of the visa ?

    details here

    Yes I agree.

    And if said person doesn't go home by the due date, Immigration can "activate"

    the bracelet and blow them up.

    Seriously mate, your 3 posts on this thread are some of the wierdest I have ever read.

    I was having a giggle until I realised that you were serious.



    that doesnt worry me in the slighest....smile.png

    I made a lot of money by not thinking the same way as the " crowd " doeswhistling.gif

    You could get a job in the Thai 'think tank' for policy development as you are perfectly qualified with block buster ideas like these!!!

    They are just the type of thing this Thai government is looking for - you weren't the brains behind the rice pledging scheme were you??

    Perhaps you ARE Thaksin retorting under an alias on TV!!!

    My god, I might be responding to Thaksin - what a terrible thought!!!

    Do you also also disagree with Daryl Melham, the head of a parliamentary committee on detention in Australia ?

    REFUGEES deemed security threats should be able to live in the community on control orders or wearing electronic monitoring devices, a senior Labor MP has urged.

  15. Mik83, since my last post above I have looked at a few websites from USA and Canada and it seemsthe immigration department's of those two countries are now becoming much more innovative in their use of these electronic devices and similarly with the conditions relating to foreigners seeking to stay in those two countries before their status has been resolved.

    If you are at your wits end about this matter, why not try absolutely everything – I would have thought you have nothing to lose by asking? It would also confirm that Australian immigration is genuine about the reasons for their refusal?

    This is only an idea but why not contact the immigration officer you have been in touch with and say you want this to happen so much you will try anything to convince them that she will return to Thailand. Propose to them that you will pay all the costs associated with a private security company fitting her with a GPS electronic ankle bracelet when she arrives at the airport if they grant the visa to her ? I am sure immigration don't have the time or resources to do this kind of work themselves but maybe they would agree to the somewhat like G4S or Securicor undertaking the role during her visit as long as it doesn't cost the immigration Department any money?

    I am not saying they would agree but at least it shows you are trying think of every way that you can get her there and that she will leave at the end of the visa ?

    details here

    Yes I agree.

    And if said person doesn't go home by the due date, Immigration can "activate"

    the bracelet and blow them up.

    Seriously mate, your 3 posts on this thread are some of the wierdest I have ever read.

    I was having a giggle until I realised that you were serious.



    that doesnt worry me in the slighest....smile.png

    I made a lot of money by not thinking the same way as the " crowd " doeswhistling.gif

    You could get a job in the Thai 'think tank' for policy development as you are perfectly qualified with block buster ideas like these!!!

    They are just the type of thing this Thai government is looking for - you weren't the brains behind the rice pledging scheme were you??

    Perhaps you ARE Thaksin retorting under an alias on TV!!!

    My god, I might be responding to Thaksin - what a terrible thought!!!

    Canada is already looking to introduce this system for asylum seekers.

  16. Mik83, since my last post above I have looked at a few websites from USA and Canada and it seemsthe immigration department's of those two countries are now becoming much more innovative in their use of these electronic devices and similarly with the conditions relating to foreigners seeking to stay in those two countries before their status has been resolved.

    If you are at your wits end about this matter, why not try absolutely everything – I would have thought you have nothing to lose by asking? It would also confirm that Australian immigration is genuine about the reasons for their refusal?

    This is only an idea but why not contact the immigration officer you have been in touch with and say you want this to happen so much you will try anything to convince them that she will return to Thailand. Propose to them that you will pay all the costs associated with a private security company fitting her with a GPS electronic ankle bracelet when she arrives at the airport if they grant the visa to her ? I am sure immigration don't have the time or resources to do this kind of work themselves but maybe they would agree to the somewhat like G4S or Securicor undertaking the role during her visit as long as it doesn't cost the immigration Department any money?

    I am not saying they would agree but at least it shows you are trying think of every way that you can get her there and that she will leave at the end of the visa ?

    details here

    Yes I agree.

    And if said person doesn't go home by the due date, Immigration can "activate"

    the bracelet and blow them up.

    Seriously mate, your 3 posts on this thread are some of the wierdest I have ever read.

    I was having a giggle until I realised that you were serious.



    that doesnt worry me in the slighest....smile.png

    I made a lot of money by not thinking the same way as the " crowd " doeswhistling.gif

  17. Mik83, since my last post above I have looked at a few websites from USA and Canada and it seemsthe immigration department's of those two countries are now becoming much more innovative in their use of these electronic devices and similarly with the conditions relating to foreigners seeking to stay in those two countries before their status has been resolved.

    If you are at your wits end about this matter, why not try absolutely everything – I would have thought you have nothing to lose by asking? It would also confirm that Australian immigration is genuine about the reasons for their refusal?

    This is only an idea but why not contact the immigration officer you have been in touch with and say you want this to happen so much you will try anything to convince them that she will return to Thailand. Propose to them that you will pay all the costs associated with a private security company fitting her with a GPS electronic ankle bracelet when she arrives at the airport if they grant the visa to her ? I am sure immigration don't have the time or resources to do this kind of work themselves but maybe they would agree to the somewhat like G4S or Securicor undertaking the role during her visit as long as it doesn't cost the immigration Department any money?

    I am not saying they would agree but at least it shows you are trying think of every way that you can get her there and that she will leave at the end of the visa ?

    details here

    In Thailand??? You must be kidding.

    Besides, would you trust a company like G4S to take care of this? Have they got any employees left?? or maybe they will attempt to recruit somebody specifically for Mik83's benefit!!!!cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    What's Thailand got to do with it? We are talking about a consular official at the Australian Embassy possibly agreeing to visa conditions in Australia?

    And I'm not specifying G4S - I'm just giving them as an example.

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