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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. Mik83, since my last post above I have looked at a few websites from USA and Canada and it seemsthe immigration department's of those two countries are now becoming much more innovative in their use of these electronic devices and similarly with the conditions relating to foreigners seeking to stay in those two countries before their status has been resolved.

    If you are at your wits end about this matter, why not try absolutely everything – I would have thought you have nothing to lose by asking? It would also confirm that Australian immigration is genuine about the reasons for their refusal?

    This is only an idea but why not contact the immigration officer you have been in touch with and say you want this to happen so much you will try anything to convince them that she will return to Thailand. Propose to them that you will pay all the costs associated with a private security company fitting her with a GPS electronic ankle bracelet when she arrives at the airport if they grant the visa to her ? I am sure immigration don't have the time or resources to do this kind of work themselves but maybe they would agree to the somewhat like G4S or Securicor undertaking the role during her visit as long as it doesn't cost the immigration Department any money?

    I am not saying they would agree but at least it shows you are trying think of every way that you can get her there and that she will leave at the end of the visa ?

    details here

  2. It just seems unnecessarily harsh to me to deny someone the ability to just visit Australia on a holiday? It's not like she's trying to get in there as a resident.

    If the only concern of the Australian government is that visitors will not return to their home country why don't they implement some sort of procedure where as a condition of being allowed to go, they must also agree to wear an electronic ankle bracelet throughout the period of their stay?

    I can hear some people say no way this is Big Brother ! But if it's a choice between not going and being able to go I wonder how many people would volunteer to wear this kind of device in return for being allowed to go - on a short term visit only of course.

  3. What a huge cost to have to carry your own car everywhere you go, 2nd plane, flight crew, avgas et al, but I guess that is not of concern to the Govt.

    What do you suggest? A locally made Ford Fiesta hatchback from Rayong? biggrin.png

    The point is does any other president or politician anywhere in the world engage in this kind of extravagance of using 2 huge planes to transport a president ? I'm sure there could be more cost-effective ways of overcoming security concerns

    if they really tried - if they really wanted to? At the end of the day this is money if the USA doesn't have and wouldn't have without the ability to create it from thin air. All part of the the illusion of grandeur that is USA

  4. With realestate selling for cheaper then you bought can be painfull.

    If you owned it for say 10 years and sell for 30% lower it is actually a lot more that you loose than the 30%

    With an average 4% inflation in 10 years you already lost about 30% in value.

    Every 100.000 would represent only a value of 70.000 after 10 year. The price would have to increase almost 45% to keep the same value.

    Meaning 100.000 after 10 years should sell for 145.000 to keep up with inflation.

    If you sold for 70.000 you actually only have around 45% of your value left. 55% is gone......

    I don't live in it. I don't have to buy a new house. It's bricks or money. I want the money now. Assuming a buyer can be found. I have the thai gene of wanting an easy life in me, and i can't eat bricks, and owning bricks doesn't negate the need for me to work and earn money! If i can get anywhere like 20,000 baht a month off interest that goes a long way towards my monthly bills and cost of living. And obviously i don't take out of the lump sum.

    But if the world goes boom with its currencies my cash may suddenly disappear or become a worth a whole load less than now. But there you go, i'm done with the bricks!

    And that when 'bricks' are actually the most stable investment you can ever make.

    Cash will devalue and get used up very quickly if it is not invested. Unfortunately that is the current situation.

    Having 'stuff' is one way of protecting your wealth, but not many things have a return on investment.

    If you are not savvy with financial investments the changes that you loose it all is pretty big. Again bricks can go up and down in value but they never go to zero. And when it is rented out, the rent follows inflation so that at least you can keep up with it.

    In the current financial world there are not many choices for a secure investment.


  5. Ok the hubs are still turning - must be on a triple road train

    Insurance hub ???

    You cant get money out of western ones so whats the chance of getting from this HUB

    When they take more than they give

    Ok the hubs are still turning - must be on a triple road train

    Insurance hub ???

    You cant get money out of western ones so whats the chance of getting from this HUB

    When they take more than they give

    A business that runs on the basis that they pray the majority of people pay their premiums but don't read the accompanying fine printbah.gif

  6. If being a Buddhist means anything at all to her she would have to be an extremely hard-faced b*tch to keep living in a house in which there's been a murder and for which he must shoulder at lease some of the blame.

    They believe in karma here so if she doesn't want to be haunted by bad memories she should sell the house give all the money to the temple in repentance and start again.

  7. I don't find that entertaining. I just want to get the news and find out what's going on in the world. Believe it or not, my favorite news source is N.P.R.. Yes the left-leaning government funded National Public Radio is my favorite because they go far in to depth of a given subject. I like my news to be boring and mono-tone.

    If you are arguing that democratic voters are more ignorant and more poorly informed than republican voters, I don't think you can possibly prove it. An inflammatory video aimed to make a point about one side certainly doesn't.

    If you read the context in which I posted the video, I was showing that there are a lot of ignorant, mis-educated people on the Obama side. The perception of Romney supporters by a lot of liberals and Europeans is that they're all ignorant, Bible-thumping rednecks and that Obama supporters are all somehow enlightened. I just had to burst a few people out of their happy bubble and show them some facts.

    There are many millions of ignorant, low informed voters on BOTH sides.

    And people like Chris Matthews are definitely just as bad.

    My gosh, Chris Matthews is un-watchable!

    He is the most annoying, incoherent, crybaby I've ever seen. He reminds me of a kid that grew up on my street that wet his bed well in to his teens. I felt sorry for him as he had a disability but he whined all the time, wouldn't let you have a word in any discussion, would cut you off all the time and shout you down. It was his defense mechanism because he was ashamed of his bed wetting problem. I seriously think Chris Matthews has some sort of mental disability that has nothing to do with his politics.

    Then there are the other clowns such as Soledad O'Brien, Jon Stewart, Andrea Mitchell, Ed Schultz, Dan Lothian just to name a few.

    Have you seen wide-awake news ?

    They even have the courage to say that neither Romney or Obama can actually solve the enormous problems that lie ahead ( not without a corresponding change in the attitudes of the electorate ) and he explains why…


  8. There are many millions of ignorant, low information voters on BOTH sides. That's democracy, baby. The democratic party favors expansion of the voter base while the regressive right wing republicans want to filter out voters they know won't vote for them. Either you like democracy or you don't. If you think too many people are too ignorant, support beefed up EDUCATION (like democrats do as opposed to the radically ANTI-SCIENCE republicans).

    If you are arguing that democratic voters are more ignorant and more poorly informed than republican voters, I don't think you can possibly prove it. An inflammatory video aimed to make a point about one side certainly doesn't.

    On single issue voters, well I generally don't agree with voting just based on one issue, but again that happens on BOTH sides. Also, I don't see how you blame gay people for not voting for the virulently anti-gay republican party that actively seeks to crush gay civil rights, for example, that would be an act of SELF HATRED. But the truth is most gay democrats also agree with the democrats on MOST issues, so in reality they are not faced with voting on one issue.

    You must be one of the few who are interpreting it that way. There is no doubt that there would be politically uninformed people on both sides of course.

    But there is nothing inflammatory about a video which highlights the expectations of these people. You must have seen for yourself when they were asked about important issues they laughed about medical marijuana, women's rights and totally irrelevant stuff.

    Not one of them made any reference whatsoever to the serious financial situation in which America now finds itself or any recognition whatsoever that serious fiscal discipline is now needed. These people were students but they are all in cuckoo land and totally out of touch.

  9. People are definitely aware of MSNBC bias as well.

    Not really. I only hear people complain about Fox news having a bias.

    You have no idea how many times I've been 'accused' of watching Fox news for simply criticizing a handful of Obama's policies. It's insane.

    Watch this video at the bottom of the page to see how a student of political communication replies to the question of how many Congressmen there are….

    An Informed Electorate? You Won’t Believe How Little These Obama Voters Know About Our Gov’t


    That is just amazing.

    Medical marijuana one of them laughed …………….are these people serious………….? And these are the people who expect the other half of the country to work their butt off just to support these ignoramuses.

    Like I said before I would be taking my bat and ball home if i were a small business person and sod the lot of them. And America has no hope of growing jobs without entrepreneurial small business people.

  10. Meet the 'enlightened' Obama supporters. Remember, we've been told that only Republicans have ignorant and intolerant people in their party. Well lets just listen to Obama's core supporters on election night in Chicago.

    I don't expect the BBC, CNN, Al Jezzera, MSNBC, CBS, ABC or any of the elite media outlets to show this.


    Watch this video at the bottom of the page to see how a student of political communication replies to the question of how many Congressmen there are….

    An Informed Electorate? You Won’t Believe How Little These Obama Voters Know About Our Gov’t

  11. America was built on entrepreneurial spirit and those entrepreneurs had to work considerably harder than a salaried employee.

    People who have never created and run their own business haven't got a clue about the sacrifices that are needed.

    There is now no incentive for people to take risks to take to start their own business when you know the Obama government is going to continue to put every obstacle in your way and tax you to the hilt.

    Let's see where America is in four years time if more and more people now take the attitude that the government will take care of me so why bother.

    Built on entrepreneurial spirit? Please go read your American history. Large parts of the USA were developed based upon land grants, land grabs, war and outright theft. How do you think the US west was settled? Do you think the USA purchased aboriginal lands? Parts of the US southwest were obtained by outright war and intimidation wit Mexico. Do you know how a large part of the midwest was obtained? Through the threat of war with Britain. Why is a large swath of BC now part of Alaska? Alaska, a die hard GOP state is one of the largest receipients of federal largesse. Remember the Bridge to Nowhere? Do you know how land barons made their wealth? How did Carnegie and all of those "entrepremeurs" make their fortunes? What of the 5 sisters? Hint look up the history of oil company monopolies in the USA. What of the outright exploitation of latin and south america that went on in the last century? Do you know where the term Banana Republic comes from?

    Remember the GI Bill? It gave a leg up to veterans and provided opportunities that would have been impossible otherwise. It was a very socialist concept. There are billions of dollars of subsidies poured into small business every year, whether it be through incentives, grants, or basic infrastructure. Do you actually believe that all the trucks using America's roads actually pay the true cost of those roads? Rather it is the general taxpayer and big business that pays for that. How about the mortgage deduction? If any government tries to touch that, there would be a mass uprising.

    The government is obliged to take on a bigger role because the merchant class has reduced its participation as greed takes over. The government wouldn't need to regulate the financial sector if the people in that sector could behave with some ethics and respect for fair business practces. We wouldn't need the EPA if the business community didn't give us Love Canals and toxic waste dumps. There wouldn't be a need for the FDA if the healthcare industry behaved honestly. etc, etc, etc.

    well America certainly didn't become a super power with people who had this kind of " spirit "..rolleyes.gif

  12. America was built on entrepreneurial spirit and those entrepreneurs had to work considerably harder than a salaried employee.


    So were plenty of countries. Get over it. Part of the hype which Americans like to feed themselves as the greatest country on earth. You are good. But so are plenty of others.

    The Brits were famously called a 'nation of shopkeepers'.

    Australia was build of fabulous natural wealth, with stories that rival the US' wild west.

    Having a decent safety net doesn't preclude entrepreneurs.

    Get over it ……? ohmy.png

    Have you ever started your own business Samran? I have.

    I wouldn't go through the experience of starting a business from scratch again and particularly now if I had even the slightest suspicion the President of my country might have the same ideas as this father had about what constitutes a fair rate of taxation………

    Obama published an academic paper in 1965 reasoned, private investors inevitably seek to earn “dividends” from their investments, and “turning a profit” was the gravest of all immoralities. Instead, Mr. Obama proposed higher taxes on the wealthy, and a redistribution of that money, for the “collective good” of the nation.

    “Theoretically, there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income,” huh.png Mr. Obama wrote, “so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed.

    All I can say to that I would be taking my bat and ball home very swiftly and I think there would be many other would be entrepreneurs that who would do the same. What is in it for me ??bah.gif


  13. America was built on entrepreneurial spirit and those entrepreneurs had to work considerably harder than a salaried employee.

    People who have never created and run their own business haven't got a clue about the sacrifices that are needed.

    There is now no incentive for people to take risks to take to start their own business when you know the Obama government is going to continue to put every obstacle in your way and tax you to the hilt.

    Let's see where America is in four years time if more and more people now take the attitude that the government will take care of me so why bother.

    • Like 1
  14. Heres The Repub Same Old attitude.

    While the Republicans lost the presidency in a close contest, they won in many state contests, and they control the House, ergo the Presidents spending, so let's not write them off yet.

    If Obama doesn't solve the many problems facing the country in the next 2 years, the Dems will probably be annihilated in the mid terms.

    And thats all you are interested in, defeating the President in Elections , You failed Republican

    he was annihilated in the midterms in 2010. then in the presidential election he wiped the floor with the republicans. and yet again though, as last time round, the house will do everything it can to block everything positive the president wants to achieve by hanging absurd partisan amendments on every bill. yet the republicans are somehow proud of this. they're a weird bunch.

    If they can prevent irresponsible spending of money that the government simply doesn't have and prevent more farcical episodes like Solyndra - they can justifiably be proud.

    Someone has to have fiscal discipline because its obvious the Democrats dont because they are no better than a young kid who has just been given a free credit card

  15. Just today driving from Sattahip I was stopped at a red light and I counted 8 cars go through the red light. Why have traffic lights in Thailand?

    Why bother to have road rules at all?

    Today I was a passenger in a minivan coming back from Bangkok when the driver decided he wanted to cross to the other side of the divided road he just turned onto a slip road with arrows pointing the opposite direction and simply went against the flow of the traffic.!

    unbelievable in particular when we went around the blind corner when vehicles would clearly not have been expecting to see a minibus driving towards them in the wrong direction!

    These people are selfish and stupid and I just think this casual attitude to driving rules seems to be getting worse

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