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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. 2 Senators achieve in 2 days what Obama couldn't do ( or couldn't be bothered to do ) in 6 weeks !

    2 senators: Tunisia will grant access to suspect in attack on US compound in Benghazi, Libya

    The Tunisian government will allow the United States access to a suspect in the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, two senators said Friday.

    Republicans Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Saxby Chambliss of Georgia said they’ve been pushing the Tunisian government for access to Ali Ani al Harzi.

    Earlier this week, in a letter to Tunisia’s government, Graham wrote that “providing access to this suspect is of the highest importance to me and many other members of Congress.” He said, the Tunisian response was “of the utmost importance and could have profound impacts on the relations between our two countries moving forward.”


  2. Hang on- there you are criticising Fox television while this story was written by someone from CNN? cheesy.gif

    After CNN reported that the New York Stock Exchange was flooded the other day CNN now have as much credibility as the Disney Channel. And this story appears on WPTV which is a CNBC affiliate which is another garbage television channel outfit that promotes the Obama propaganda.

    but don't worry that questions will be asked and the facts will come out during the Senate hearing

    Actually if you look again you'll notice it was a press briefing, so I could give you the Reuters version if you wish.

    The point is that the intelligence community is obviously fed up listening to Fox "Muse" and decided to set the record straight.

    If you are accusing Fox television of being biased and only prepared to put forward one side of the story then you should watch this video clip involving all their own journalistic staff in a very heated debate.

    But they are the only news organisation out there who is even bothered to try to determine the truth

  3. Thankfully a senior intelligence official has briefed the press to tell them that Fox News are telling more lies, but most of us already knew that.


    According to a Fox News report last Friday, citing an unnamed source, CIA officers working at an annex about a mile from the mission were told by officials in the CIA chain of command to "stand down" after receiving a call from the mission asking for help.

    "There were no orders to anybody to stand down in providing support," the senior intelligence official said

    The Fox report also suggested that the officers on the ground urgently asked for military backup, but that the CIA also denied those requests. The official said that reporting was wrong. The military, the official said, provided drone surveillance and there were a couple of military officers as part of a CIA security team from Tripoli to assist.

    Fox just can't stop spouting bovine fecal matter can they?

    And here is the timeline of events:

    -- Around 9:40 p.m. (local time) the annex receives the first call that the mission is under attack.

    -- Fewer than 25 minutes later, a security team leaves the annex for the mission.

    -- Over the next 25 minutes, the team members approach the compound, attempt to secure heavy weapons and make their way onto the compound in the face of enemy fire.

    -- A t 11:11 p.m., the requested drone surveillance arrives over the mission compound.

    -- By 11:30 p.m., all U.S. personnel, except for Stevens, who is missing, depart the mission. The exiting vehicles come under fire.

    -- Over the next roughly 90 minutes, the annex receives sporadic small arms fire and rocket-propelled grenade rounds. The security team returns fire and the attackers disperse at approximately 1 a.m.

    -- At about the same time, a team of additional security personnel lands at the Benghazi airport and negotiates for transport into town. Upon learning the ambassador is missing and that the situation at the annex has calmed, the team focuses on locating the ambassador and tries to obtain information on the security situation at the hospital.

    -- It's still predawn when the team at the airport finally manages to secure transportation and an armed escort. Having learned that Stevens is almost certainly dead and that the security situation at the hospital is uncertain, the team heads to the annex to assist with the evacuation.

    -- They arrive with Libyan support at the annex at 5:15 a.m., just before the mortar rounds begin to hit the annex. The two security officers are killed when they take direct mortar fire as they engage the enemy. That attack lasts only 11 minutes before dissipating.

    -- Less than an hour later, a heavily-armed Libyan military unit arrives to help evacuate the compound of all U.S. personnel.

    There are questions that need to be answered, but Fox "News" are certainly not the people that should be doing it.

    Hang on- there you are criticising Fox television while this story was written by someone from CNN?


    After CNN reported that the New York Stock Exchange was flooded the other day CNN now have as much credibility as the Disney Channel. And this story appears on WPTV which is a CNBC affiliate which is another garbage television channel outfit that promotes the Obama propaganda.

    but don't worry that questions will be asked and the facts will come out during the Senate hearing

    • Like 1
  4. Actually, there is a good chance that the scandal will grow once the election is over. The mainstream media is ignoring it because they do not want a conservative elected, but too much evidence is coming out that this fiasco could have been avoided and that the coverup extends to the highest levels.

    not only that............

    A secret document obtained by former Muslim Brotherhood member Walid Shoebat suggests the Obama administration approved assigning a member of al-Qaida to handle security at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli.blink.png

    According to a report published today by Shoebat, the confirmation comes from a letter dated Aug. 30, 2011, informing the al-Qaida member he now has responsibility for security in Tripoli, “to include all international embassies.”


    • Like 1
  5. Why is it so hard to believe? Richard Helms was Dir of Central intelligence in 1966 and ended up as US ambassador to Iran

    I'm a little confused about your Richard Helms statement. Please clarify.


    sure. It was suggested this Ambassador was more than just a normal run of the mill Ambassador.....

    If Ambassador Stevens was facilitating weapons transfers from Libya to Syrian Islamist forces aligned with al-Qaeda, via his Turkish alliance, then we are at a troubling, perhaps catastrophic point in this republic’s history.


  6. The more news that emerges on the Benghazi attack, the greater the knowledge where blame should be placed.

    This is a massive mistake from the highest levels of the government.

    Where does that buck stop again?


    U.S. Consulate in Benghazi Bombed Twice in Run-Up to 9/11 Anniversary

    Oct 2, 2012 4:45 AM EDT

    In the five months leading up to this year’s 9/11 anniversary, there were two bombings on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi and increasing threats to and attacks on the Libyan nationals hired to provide security at the U.S. missions in Tripoli and Benghazi.

    Details on these alleged incidents stem in part from the testimony of a handful of whistleblowers who approached the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform in the days and weeks following the attack on the Benghazi consulate. The incidents are disclosed in a letter to be sent Tuesday to Hillary Clinton from Rep. Darrell Issa, the chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and Rep. Jason Chaffetz, the chairman of the oversight committee’s subcommittee that deals with national security.

    The State Department did not offer comment on the record last night.

    Worth the trouble to read: http://www.thedailyb...nniversary.html

    it keeps getting dirtier and dirtier.........


    Most definitely getting dirty with a Christian far right wing media channel hosting a presenter stating that Ambassador Stevens was CIA and in collusion with the Administration knowingly facilitated procurement & shipping of Stinger missiles to Al Qaeda operatives in Libya and Syria. The content origin is from a right wing lobby group. This story has now been picked up by the Russians; refer http://www.bbc.co.uk...e-east-20055271

    Still do not understand why the Ambassador and his support team stayed in Benghazi when they clearly knew of the major security risks presented by Al Qaeda affiliated organisations based in the city. To be positive, I assume he and his team were very dedicated and brave people. The allegations made in the YouTube video by the presenter are an insult to the sacrifices made by the Ambassador & his team.

    Why is it so hard to believe? Richard Helms was Dir of Central intelligence in 1966 and ended up as US ambassador to Iran

  7. The more news that emerges on the Benghazi attack, the greater the knowledge where blame should be placed.

    This is a massive mistake from the highest levels of the government.

    Where does that buck stop again?


    U.S. Consulate in Benghazi Bombed Twice in Run-Up to 9/11 Anniversary

    Oct 2, 2012 4:45 AM EDT

    In the five months leading up to this year’s 9/11 anniversary, there were two bombings on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi and increasing threats to and attacks on the Libyan nationals hired to provide security at the U.S. missions in Tripoli and Benghazi.

    Details on these alleged incidents stem in part from the testimony of a handful of whistleblowers who approached the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform in the days and weeks following the attack on the Benghazi consulate. The incidents are disclosed in a letter to be sent Tuesday to Hillary Clinton from Rep. Darrell Issa, the chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and Rep. Jason Chaffetz, the chairman of the oversight committee’s subcommittee that deals with national security.

    The State Department did not offer comment on the record last night.

    Worth the trouble to read: http://www.thedailyb...nniversary.html

    it keeps getting dirtier and dirtier.........


  8. The first thing to consider is that you are unable to own it.



    Still interested?

    Really? I was not aware of this at all.

    No one has ever raised this on Thai Visa.

    The fact that foreigners are not allowed to own land in their own name in Thailand has been mentioned and discussed very many times.

    If you are married to a Thai lady you can get around this but it is more problematic if you are a single guy.

    But you could still achieve what you want if you can find a shophouse owner willing to negotiate terms for a long lease over the property

  9. I don't understand how this can be ?........................................


    And yet they took no time to swoop on US Marine Brandon J. Raub and put him in a mental hospital just for saying he disagreed with Obama’s policies.

    Reeks of the usual double standards


    More than a dozen Twitter accounts that were used as a medium to publically threaten Republican candidate Mitt Romney’s life after the second presidential debate remain active, nearly two weeks later. This news comes after the Secret Service told this publication that it was “aware” of these very threats on Romney’s life.

  10. and now there is this...... naughty Democrats rolleyes.gif

    VA Congressman's Son Nabbed on Video in Voter Fraud Scandal Resigns from Campaign

    It is becoming increasingly difficult for liberals and leading Democrats to continue to push the false narrative that election fraud is a "phantom" problem when Democratic campaigns keep getting nabbed in election fraud scandals.

    @ProjectVeritas_ : Jim Moran's (D-Va.) Field Director Conspires to Commit Voter Fraud, Forge Docs

  11. OK boys and girls, the past several pages of back-and-worth have now been rendered meaningless. The October Surprise is hear and it IS BIG...

    BREAKING: CIA Requested Help During Benghazi Battle, Were Denied Three Times (Updated)

    Fox News has learned from sources who were on the ground in Benghazi that three urgent requests from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. Consulate and subsequent attack nearly seven hours later were denied by officials in the CIA chain of command — who also told the CIA operators to “stand down” rather than help the ambassador’s team when shots were heard at approximately 9:40 p.m. in Benghazi on Sept. 11.


    Petraeus Throws Obama Under the Bus

    Breaking news on Benghazi: the CIA spokesman, presumably at the direction of CIA director David Petraeus, has put out
    : "No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate. ”

    It is very hard for liberals to argue now based on these new facts that this is still not as bad as Watergate was…


    I hope the Senate committee doesn't leave a single stone unturned

  12. Is this Alice in Wonderland stuff or what?


    Surely there must be some bright and promising young people who could take over from jokers like this

    Mr Berlusconi told Italian TV he wanted to "reform the justice system so that what happened to me doesn't happen to other citizens"



    i wonder if reforming the justice system means getting revenge on the judge who sentenced him?

  13. Every American To Be Microchipped In 2013 Per Obamacare

    Wow, I knew there were some stoopid ignorant people but...

    and here they talk about you ...

    there many people in our nation who, when confronted with a truth that is outside the box of their socially engineered consciousness, go into cognitive dissonance. whistling.gif

    Sorry, I got my microchip earlier this month when I returned to the U.S.

    You know, those CPB "Goons" snuck it into me at Immigration.

    Are you from the U.S.? Were you educated in the U.S.? I'd submit that you are displaying far more symptoms of "Cognitive Dissonance".

    There, I didn't have to copy and paste it. Touche.

    your questioning reminded me about this

  14. Using charity as part of some silly political game of mud slinging is pretty sad. If Trump wants to donate five million, he should go ahead and donate it, don't donate it on the proviso of certain people doing certain things.

    He doesn't want to donate. He wants to trash Obama some more. Obviously super rich guys like Trump stand to benefit big time by Romney's pro rich policies. The guy is a birther and Romney has actually associated with him as if he is to be taken seriously (shame on Romney). The birther movement has a strong element of racism in it. Sleazy stunts like this won't win any new votes for Romney.


    2. The ‘birther’ issue is coded racism

    Then there is the ‘birther’ issue. I regard this as coded racism, frankly. I don’t think there’s any other word for it.

    It's quite ironical that you have this somewhat derogatory term ‘ birthers ‘.

    Obama objects to showing his birth certificate to prove he qualifies for one most important jobs on the planet and yet at the same time he is intending to introduce compulsory micro-chipping for the rest of the humble citizens so they will lose their privacy permanently.

    Every American To Be Microchipped In 2013 Per Obamacare

    AOL and countless other mainstream news media outlets, this past week, that the Obama Health Care Bill will require all U.S. citizens and babies to receive a microchip or Medchip by March 23, 2013.

    Subtitle C -II, Sec. 2521 The National Medical Device Registry

    This states, " The Secretary ( Sebelius if Obama is re-elected ), shall establish a national medical device registry to facilitate analysis of post-market safety and medical data on each device that - ( A ) is or has been used in or on a patient; and (cool.png is a class III device or a class II device that is implanted "

    The implications of this concerning our God given civil rights and freedoms is far too broad to imagine in it's potential abuses and control over our daily lives. This is " Brave New World ". This is Orwell, Rand, and Vonnegut combined. This is a conspiracy theory with a smoking gun subsection in a Bill passed and signed into law, and upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States.

  15. To this time I've pretty much kept out of the political discussions on this forum. But as the time is getting nigh, its time to speak my piece. Let me preface all by stating that I am registered as a Republican but have been told that I am really a RINO. For the uninformed ears, that is a republican in name only.

    A lot of my personal opinion is based on fact, but possibly to an equal extent, a lot of my opinion is based on instinct and belief.

    I have had some difficulty with my Repub Party starting with the end of Bush Sr.'s presidency. Bush Jr. , to me , was a total waste of humanity and undeserving of discussion . The last election became a disaster with the insertion of Ms Palin. I still think to this day, that this woman is really a blonde and dyes her hair. I respected and thought the world of John McCain in the years when he first came to Washington, but did feel he sold out to the system, and at the time of the last election [2008] had sold out to the Washington powers that be. I also thought that Colin Powell would have made the better choice for VP.

    Now to this election. The choice of Mitt Romney is a total disaster. I seriously do feel the voting American public will , in the end come to its senses, as it did with S Palin and not give the office of President to Romney. To me Romney is an opportunist who will do anything, say anything he must to get his coveted office. I see this man as being born 200 years too late. Back in the old wild west Romney would have been the snake oil salesman who comes to town with his little show, beats the drum in back of the hootchy-cootchy wagon sell the snake elixir that can do anything, cure anything know to man. Sells out to the good townsfolks gets them gloriously high and drunk , then beats it out of town at midnight. If caught and pushed , the answer was always he was misunderstood, "it cured everything but that" . Always have an answer and something to say, but never say anything you can be pinned down to.

    Todays Mitt Romney, doesn't have to leave town, he just turns over and shakes his etch a sketch and comes up with another answer that says it all..... ='s nothing.

    No I don't think that Barack Obama is the end all, but all human instinct, which has never let me down before, says he is the better of the two choices.. But having said that , it is going to take a lot of eating humble pie in Wash DC for all these people to learn the art of compromise and the ability to work together. Put aside all the adult spoiled children tantrums and start working for the good of the country first, not just for the good of you own personal cabal.

    Good...... now thats off my chest.....JOMPO

    No I don't think that Barack Obama is the end all, but all human instinct, which has never let me down before, says he is the better of the two choices..

    I simply cannot understand the how you can come to this conclusion when he has told so many lies during its first four years that they can fill a webpage with them ?

    Even worse is the latest set of lies regarding the Benghazi attack which has incredible repercussions and a Senate intelligence panel hearing will start after the elections - the same kind of panel that brought down Richard Nixon.

    Why aren't Americans concerned about their leader lying to them?

    And if he does get re-elected he certainly is not going to care what he does or what he says over the next four years and I don't think you've seen anything yet in terms of horror stories

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  16. Anyway, I remain very confident of Obama's victory.

    At this point, the race is set and it is set electorally for an Obama victory.


    More hyperbole. the electoral map is shrinking for Obama while expanding for Romney.

    The Obama campaign has given up on North Carolina, while vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan recently campaigned in Pennsylvania, a state once thought to be totally out of reach. According to RealClearPolitics.com's electoral map, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania are now toss-up states and North Carolina is leaning Romney.

    Too bad all the posters on this thread can't get together at one place to watch as the results come in. Would be fun. Just leave your weapons at the door with the valet, thanks.

    What is sad to see/read is how entrenched positions are on both sides of the debate.

    Once the results are announced in a few weeks time there will be some seriously unhappy people who will probably find it hard to accept the results. At least TV will be a little less clogged up with debate between people unwilling/unable to accept an alternative point of view.


  17. People who pour scorn on 'birthers', should check out this youtube video.

    It's kinda technical but it demolishes the credibility of Obama's birth cert.

    Of course the naysayers will say....'Oh...it doesn't matter where he was born'...etc

    It does if you are the freakin President!

    None of these mounting scandals seem important to some whereas Mitt Romney's tax returns are?


    Quite extraordinary and bizarre

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