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Everything posted by actonion

  1. Well below the speed limit ?, The amount of Daily accidents report that any vehicle involved was "Travelling at a high speed"?
  2. RTP drive the same as the rest of these lunatics
  3. Legal age for a kid to ride a Motorbike in Thailand is 15 years of age 18 for a car
  4. Aquaplaning, or driver sleeping, I'll go for him sleeping hypnotised by the wipers back and forth, as is so often admitted
  5. How about sweeping the streets of garbage, and broken footpaths
  6. police forensics have found several faults with the buses inspected, especially this one that killed so many, i am wondering if we will get a follow up on this bus owner, will he be sent to prison, will he be fined , busses impounded,? or brown envelopes, and under the carpet it goes
  7. And they have who knows how many people working and earning a salary in the anti corruptiom department, what a waste of space they are
  8. Who are these so called Inspectors what training do they have, if any ?.....Ex Motorbike Taxi drivers at best
  9. And what qualifications to any vehicle inspectors in Thailand have, None is my guess
  10. Inspection, Inspectors, who are these people,? un- qualified ex Motorbike Taxi drivers is my guess, no where is there any sort of Apprentiship system to allow these people to legally call themselves Inspectors, just like those inspecting you vehicle every year, or those who work at the Vehicle licencing office who tell you you have failed or passed your driving test..
  11. I didnt know there was a hotel in Si Khao Noi, except Red Lion, thats now closed..
  12. Additional safety tips for travelling in Thailand........Drive yourself
  13. That's what responsible companies would do, I fear it will never happen in Thailand
  14. It's all panic among Bus / Coach companies now, wait until a few brown envelopes have changed hands, and then its back to how it was
  15. Full investigation, obviously not full enough
  16. What kind of materials were used here they ask,? its not about the materials so much as to what kind of labour force were they using, they dont have a clue how to lay cement, or pavers ..go have a look at Soi Padtanakan East Pattaya , the whole length of the Soi (couple of miles) had new footpath installed a few years ago, today you cannot walk on it because 1; its crumbling and very uneven 2; most of the footpath is covered in grass and weeds where the foundation was'nt compacted properly, but no one checks thier work
  17. That were supposed to be inspected a couple of months ago a report said
  18. Safety a top priority? , never in Thailand is safety anyone's priority
  19. In a coiuntry where laws are followed and checked ALL public service vehicles should have fire extinguishers on board, but never in Thailand is anything checked except tourist visas ..where money is to be made
  20. Or Drunk, Drugs, Alcohol, Sleep, to name just a few could have's
  21. Why is there never an investigation as to how / why this happened, so as to maybe prevent it happening again, is it because of costs, / know how, / too lazy to do the paper work...multiple loss of lives swept under the carpet..Again
  22. Off topic but talking about Plastic cards, I have a Debit card from SCB that i use regularly for Supermarket shopping at all Supermarkets, and I pay only the amount due with this card. I would like to know why when I use the same card at say a Travel agent, Hotel, or Car dealer ship do they try to charge me 5% extra when a Debit card is instant money for them, I have asked the bank this question, their reply is "not sure"
  23. Many people mistake Pattaya for a Toilet
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