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Everything posted by actonion

  1. Bum Gun great for putting your Piles back in order
  2. The local Pattaya Government's answer to the dust problem last year was to hose a few South Pattaya Streets with a water Truck !!!
  3. The Gastro Doctor at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital quoted me 18,000b for the Colonoscopy in 2024 which was a lot cheaper than the Sriracha hospitals at that time, being put to sleep for the procedure too
  4. Bum Gun stops you biting your Nails
  5. I dont believe there are bad Dogs, just bad owners
  6. Sounds like you're complaining
  7. Shoot the owner for mistreating the Dog, along with so many other owners who mistreat their dog's, by throwing them into the local Temple Car park or abandoning them on Motorway's +++
  8. Probably round them up as they used to do in Pattaya, and take them to the Crocodile farm as live food ...
  9. yes.so much for bloved pet and bhudda teachings
  10. And 200.000b the year before ....; I had it done
  11. I guess this means Death to the local Rats and Cockroaches who rely on these stalls, glad to see the back of them, if they do indeed disappear, but doiubtful
  12. Good to know his brakes were working...or were they !!
  13. Is that place still going ? , was there many moons ago
  14. Yes a ban of pubic use of Fireworks especially in Thailand where they know nothing at all about safety , and the clearing up their mess after...Soi dogs have more sense
  15. Thailand has a road safety committee, I didnt know that... sack the lot of them, waste of money, and space ...No authority in Thailand knows any thing about Road, or any other kind of safety
  16. if you are under 18 Thai law says u can operate a Motorbike 110cc or less, ONLY if you go over 110cc then u must be 18 plus
  17. Remembering of course that Thai's dont do maintenance, on anything...As my Thai Mrs. often tells me, Checking Engine Oil, / Cooling system, and Tyre pressures, are a waste of time.. she knows everything, thats why she thought the Footbrake on her PCX was a Footrest, dozy mare
  18. The Female hairy legs syndrome gets even hairier the higher you climb, it's a real jungle when u get to the cross roads, but i guess it keeps them warm this weather
  19. Nigel Kelsey was the man for back / joint problems, if u were in Pattaya, he fixed many aches and pains, but sadly he's now Retired I hear
  20. An update on this for those who think this was a one off incident, Hong kong tourist attacked in Pratumnak area, Chinese tourist attacked by Security Guards, Norwegian tourist attacked in Phuket by Taxi driver, all within the last 7 days, multiple Thai's attacking alone Foreign Men, More to follow no doubt.. The answer is no they dont?, Apart from the 80 year old man attacked in Nongprue last week, We now have an update, to include a Chinese man attacked by Security Guards, 2/1/26, & a Norweigian man, (not drunk) attacked by Phuket Taxi Driver 1/1/25, more to follow im sure
  21. The answer is no they dont?....Yes they do, Apart from the 80 year old man attacked in Nongprue last week, We now have an update, to include a Chinese man attacked by Security Guards, 2/1/25, & a Norweigian man, (not drunk) attacked by Phuket Taxi Driver 1/1/25, In each case multiple Thai's attacking Foreign males alone
  22. Monkeys on wheels could do much better
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