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Everything posted by actonion

  1. Available in Pattaya's Big C Extra too
  2. Yet another Thai law thats never used, cruelty to animals is evident throughout the country...Dog not wanted, just throw it into the temple car park
  3. it would be if the first zero was taken away
  4. 500b Fine for the China bloke, ..........Thailand don't want to upset the hordes of Chinese tourists do they ...
  5. Because to earn a few bob in pattaya means laying on her back, to earn a few bob in the jungle means hard work in the sun... they take the easy "route"
  6. 06.00pm what kind of time is that
  7. I had the Rezum Op 2 years ago.. on the advice of the Urologist because i take Blood thinning Pills & the Rezum causes little bleeding.. Reasons for the Op were night time Urination 5 or 6 times plus frequent UTI's, the frequent UTI's have disappered & the night time Urination has reduced to 2 times a night depending on if you have had a night out drinking.. What i am left with is an urge to Urinate now & again, & slight Incontinence when coughing sneezing etc, the useless Urologist suggests Kegel Exercises, which have'nt worked after 6 moths of trying.. I asked if i have Over Active Bladder, I was told no, but i thought i would self Medicate on Bladder control Medication 3 months ago, just to see, and hey presto, they work, so now no more Incontinence & no more Urges to Urinate, lets see what happens if /when I stop the Bladder Medication which is recommended to do after 3 months
  8. Thai's can't / won't be told, simply because they know everything, so my (Thai) Mr.. tells me
  9. Similar to my (Thai) Mrs, Thick as two short planks
  10. Some Israeli's wear those Skul caps maybe thats how
  11. Is this after the Vindaloo...
  12. My (Thai ) Mrs has had several speeding tickets showing her car number plate, with the warning no pay, then no tax, she has never paid any of the fines, and she taxed her car every time too
  13. They make good polishing rags for the car / bike
  14. Many butcher counters but very few real butchers, even less know what cuts of meat they are selling
  15. A closer inspection of most of Chonburi / Pattaya's Restaurants would see them in breach of hygiene regulations
  16. Thai's are not ready to be let loose on the roads, let alone roundabouts endangering the others, with their lack of road knowledge, / common sense, /and their "me first" attitude..
  17. How can it be left idling in gear, if Auto in neutral gear ok ? if Manual, unconcious with his foot on the clutch ? !!
  18. Recomended Sausages in Pattaya are at " Belucky" in Naklua just up from the Dolphin roundabout on the left, also found on the Deli counter at Friendship Supermarket, recognised by the little bits of string tired on to the ends of the sausage, approx 50b per sausage
  19. Pattaya's reputation as a family friendly International resort, (so they say) , has been destroyed once again
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