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Everything posted by actonion

  1. How about cash rewards for spotting a police man sitting on his A$$ & doing nothing
  2. Pattaya police don't agree with him
  3. Antihistamines help
  4. So, in the eyes of Immigration, and or, the Labour office, Painting / Maintaining your own house, or Digging your own Garden, is considered working, and taking away work that a Thai national could be paid to do, where do they draw the line?
  5. My Thai wife is a member of our Village Committee, so I sometimes used to get involved, painting, reparing things around the viilage, until a Thai Resident asked why is a Farang doing work, and not a Thai, my wife pointed out that I am a Volunteer, and a Thai would want money to help, that promted me into asking Immigration what, if any work i can do, one officer said if im volunteering then its no problem, another officer 1 month later said i would be subject to arrest, they make up the rules as they go along, be careful
  6. I had much the same except waking many times with dry mouth / throat, i bought a humidifier, and it sems to have stopped the problem, as when i forget to use it the waking up many times seems to return..
  7. Rotten to the core, like most of them
  8. To prevent feelings of personal shame, and to make the public more likely to maintain a presumtion of innocence before trial... i think
  9. Thai's do a good enough job themselves ruining pattaya's family friendly reputation, (thats gotta be a joke), motorbike taxi's drivers pissing on the beach opposite Siam commercial bank close to walking st, for starters
  10. Have a look at the lower end of Soi Kownoi in East Pattaya you cant see the Drain covers for piles of Garbage thats been washed down the hill, so how is the rain supposed to drain away, its much the same throughout the city..
  11. You think he's been punished enough if that teenager was yours? I'm very sure the parents of that teenager woud not agree with you..Think about them before you start feeling sorry for a murderer
  12. I wonder how to might have felt if that teenager was yours..?
  13. Police dont issue citations because being Thai they drive the same stupid way, and they see no wrong in it, an argumentI regularly have with my Thai police Captain Brother in law
  14. Bird,s and booze, what else does a Male from any country go to Pattaya for, unless you"re asking TAT
  15. Make sure you tell the experts to check there is no hole in the sack lol
  16. Or she's holding onto him, at least until get they get to the nearest ATM
  17. Lawlessness in pattaya ? has it ever been any different...
  18. The so called Security Guards that are in our Village do sweet F.A. most of their 24 hours shifts .. a better title for them is Gatekeepers, & that's being generous
  19. I loaaned a long time friend money, 60,000b, but had to ask many times before it was returned, 2 years later the same bloke asked again, I refused, I have'nt seen him since that was 4 years ago, not so much a friend, more a user
  20. Did'nt know that........ that would account for why Mabrachan Lake was full for crap
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