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daveAustin last won the day on January 29 2022

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  1. ^^^ Don’t particularly like him, but he’s certainly not stupid and Thailand would do well to move in this direction.
  2. Kind of agree as have personally kept by the book for the duration, albeit guy has probably paid for his procrastination in spades with the stress of it all. Imagine it is fairly easy for some to initially sweep it under the rug, then all of a sudden you’ve overstayed for many years. All the best.
  3. Perhaps move there, you’d be in hog’s heaven. Never really got why they want to travel here en masse to celebrate their new year. Please stay home, Thailand is already way too busy.
  4. Could you please do this in the UK too? Oh wait, too late!
  5. Not read most answers, heard it a thousand times, but I’d go with Brit’s assessment… 20k a month is doable, but best to double that as a base. You’ll get the ‘I couldn’t live on 100k’ blah blah, but these mommy’s boys are typically supporting families, while wife-beater-wearing alcoholic mongerers are also x5. Have a blow out then get in your niche. Avoid getting too deep with loose women. ‘Semi’ retired early 30s. 😉
  6. Until you find yourself in there too for some trivial reason, right.
  7. Other than long term climate change, I wouldn’t put too much store in humans having any sort of day-to-day impact on the weather at large. We’re probably still 1-200 years away from being Class I status and having that sort of power. This is all just regional monsoon norms. It’s been a bit cooler, but may as well keep this thread open because it’ll be the same next year.
  8. Potentially having to pay taxes is a ball ache, not woke. Wokeness is a disease and is exponentially worse.
  9. Substitute ‘Thais’ and ‘tourists’ for ‘anyone’.
  10. this is a common trend. Learn Thai, go to Bangkok, keep fit, dress well, join a group, garner Thai friends. You’ll be beating them off with a sh’tty stick 🙂
  11. ... a Cnt. Anyone considering it must have low self esteem. Shave that rubbish off and just be clean for your women. Have some self respect.
  12. Dude, you have missed the boat. Aside from a personal choice, as far as fashion goes, beards are so done... it was a post-COVID 2020-2021 thing but is now old hat and will just make you look older. Each to their own, but very few guys can carry it off and not put 10 years on instantly. If you're not sure and are having a crisis or whatever, ponder this, women HATE facial hair on a bloke and it just makes you look like.

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