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  1. ... as is bad air, too much spice with trash oil, and stress.
  2. This topic comes around more often than the 'what do you dislike about Thailand' tat, and you ALWAYS without fail get the obligatory boomer response... my cat couldn't live on less blah blah. 20k is easily doable, though if you're not very worldly, have to pay for tarts, eat like a glutton and can't curtail your drinking, you could never do it.
  3. Or stay logged out. It’s more than likely a device issue though.
  4. Neither nor. I don’t think about it too much to affect things either way. If you’re a chronic user and cannot go a day without it, or anything, then yes you probably have an issue and should take up a pastime like basket weaving. YouTube is especially good for music though—and it knowing what you like—and there are some really good channels like Colin Furze, ASMR stuff and free documentaries, old TV shows etc. Suspect YouTube is not the real issue here however. You probably need to get out more.
  5. You greened out which probably wouldn’t have happened had you gone the spliff (with tobacco) route. Better off doing small draws on a pipe. Cannabutter on toast is good.
  6. It is more likely a local issue preventing you from seeing vids, such as cache or an ad blocker. YouTube could prevent you from commenting, but not from viewing. Clear cache, update phone os/app and pause any ad blocker to see if that helps.
  7. Your posts are painfully wordy in getting your point across. Going premiere is all about time and sanity in not having to see ads, especially on a music playlist. I would never go back. We’re talking just a few baht, and why should it be free? Some of the content is excellent nowadays.
  8. Where is the smiling donkey in all this? 😂
  9. ^^^ Kind of brought it on himself, guy… acting the fool and being aggressive with others. Thai bouncers ott but nothing would’ve happened if he hadn’t have acted up.
  10. Nope. If we all did it, the world might be better. Sadly, some people ‘give’ in order that they may receive… sort of like merit making in the Buddhist sphere, while the christians do it no end. They typically only do good so that they may be rewarded at a later date. Totally b’llocks! Bottom line: if you must, give from the heart and do not expect a return.
  11. You gotta put your foot down and set boundaries from day one.
  12. Just treat ALL incomers with respect irregardless of expenditure… okay maybe not the Russians and Chinese 😜
  13. Sorry but that is just an awful picture. It makes me not want to go to that place as much as JUST seeing my own there.
  14. Too much and too many. Any one group coming to another country en masse is not great and these guys pile in, stick to one another and don’t give a F about anyone else. The Chinese and Russians should visit one another’s countries and give the rest of the world a break.

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