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daveAustin last won the day on January 29 2022

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  1. The hub of tax! Instead of making things more expensive for Thais and fill the coffers of the greedy, how's about the government subside healthier options?
  2. This kind of thing happens on occasion. I wouldn’t sweat it and just pay. Will argue politely if feel have been done, but not to the point where someone loses face. You’ve been here long enough, it can mean more than life itself. Don’t sweat the small stuff & all that. The beer-by-beer thing gets old fast btw. I Only ever do that if there’s a party somewhere. Then you might get the ol ‘have you paid your bill?…’
  3. Fair play, that’s some heavy duty S! Hospitals here seen to be businesses first anyway, pushing their drugs at hugely over-inflated prices. All about the coin.
  4. ‘Oh don’t worry, it’s just…. ‘ What it is is big brother poking its nose into the affairs of regular people. The majority of foreigners here are law-abiding and would have paid taxes to the hilt. They just make it more and more awkward for the regular guy to live in peace while letting bigwig Thais and corporations get away with it all. Reckon it’s going to get stickier and stickier to stay here full time. Please bring back pre-2000 Siam!
  5. Well it would do, wouldn’t it. Up to a country who it wants within its borders, but when China has any input you know it is for bad/corrupt/evil<insert other dodgy adjective> reasons. Yuck!
  6. Did Trump bring shame upon the US with his Zelensky lecture? Yep. I was pretty embarrassed for the US. It was a disgraceful act, Mike, esp since a little prick on the side was able to berate a state leader. While that donkey does not speak for all of you and there are lovely people in the US of course, it was classic Wild West US diplomacy and has everyone else pulling back from America. He is taking you full-on nationalistic AXIS.
  7. Gotta feel for the Irish. Much like Sweden, chilled place being inundated by nutters with no clue where they are. The blame still lies on the EU and Merkel especially. Yes, let in the needy, but you tell the dodgy economic migrants to FO! Better still, send them all to Oz. They'll be right at home there.
  8. I feel for the neighbour, they've got a bread thief living next to them.
  9. Thailand can do what it wants and deports people all the time. I don’t know what the US is harping on about though with its current MO regards deportations. Ok, not this or that group, but still. Japan is one to talk regards singling groups out. Very stringent. Fair enough and up to them, just sayin. For sure, Thailand struggles with its moral compass, but every country has an agenda.
  10. What does that make Trump then? Wonder how he would do in Zelensky’s shoes… a country with minimal resources at hand, having previously given up all their nukes, being ravaged by one of the maddest regimes in history. He would be totally lost as he is just a businessman. Any sort of affection I may have had for the bloke was totally shot with that debacle. Diplomacy 101: you do not embarrass and talk down to a head of state in your house. As for that donkey of a sidekick of his, who the actual F does he think he is? He should stfu and only open is trap when he’s spoken to. One of the most cringeworthy things I have ever seen. The human race just took a giant step back. Only wish that weakling Starmer would grow a pair and tell Trump and the US to go and do one.
  11. … and take all their bases and special access with them.
  12. Don’t worry about it. Life is fleeting and unimportant. Be like a Buddhist and in the moment.
  13. Doesn’t matter what he said or if he wound them up, the response was an utter embarrassment for the US regime. That Vance is a gobshiite. Boys playing a man’s game.
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