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Everything posted by daveAustin

  1. Trump Celebrates Survives First Month in Office, more like. He thinks he's saving America, from what I don't know, but he's going to end up driving all his friends (allied countries) away and likely closer to China.
  2. Advice? Point them to this site but tell them to ignore all the grumpy old boomers. 😄 Seriously, tell your buddy for them to just bring common sense, have travel insurance, and don't get hammered alone etc. SIMs available at airports for tourists--weekly, fortnight, monthly. If they do as some mention--'trust no-one, take pics of taxi drivers' etc--they'll just end up paranoid and won't enjoy themselves. Most young visitors have a blast here with no issue.
  3. Don't sweat it. Pales into comparison to ignoring the Bitcoin client download in 2008/9 😟 You could perhaps just file for the bank interest refund. If it later comes to an audit, looks like you wouldn't have been over threshold anyway... would they fine for not filing in such a scenario? Anyway, I thought 'they' were still mulling over changes to the filing of remittances for expats. Has this been decided then?
  4. You can order 12-month statements for free through the BB app and they come fast (emailed as PDF), albeit don't know if TRD would require a certificate from the bank as well, which would then be 200 baht.
  5. Agreed, he's either gonna be taken out or spark an historic American coup. The democrats were pretty much woke-to-the-extreme useless, but this chump has gone full-on doolally-tap left field, pissing off friends and neighbours alike, and will potentially ruin his own country in the process. Just let him reveal all about JFK and the aliens before he's taken down. 😉
  6. You’d think things would get easier here over time, but everything seems to be getting more awkward and convoluted. The Thai banking system has always been a massive pita.
  7. Stop it already. While the foundation protocol goes back, the internet as we know it today came about through Berners Lee’s WWW. Typical of you guys though, next you’ll be telling us you were behind the Industrial Revolution or the jet engine. Very easy to utilise Tim’s baby—together with another English invention, the computer—to find out who is behind most of the world’s creations. As for the US, yes indeed they’ve come up with some cool stuff, albeit it would typically haul in scientists from other countries and chuck loads of money at problems and patents, such as rockets and nukes.
  8. Main reason I stopped using them after they denigrated the white male with their horrible adds. I always bring razors over with me since prices here for shaving products are ridiculous.
  9. Banking here can be a nightmare, but you don’t really need an atm card anymore when there are cardless withdrawals. Plus they make you pay.
  10. He could be full of it, but then again anyone can hold and drop 10 Bitcoin... they don't have to be in the self-made, super-clever holier than thou humble bracket. Some of the richest guys I know back home ($100M, 100+ properties etc) like nothing more than to tell you about it and their recent acquisitions. Ok, they are not strangers, but they can't help themselves. It would have been easy to mine 1000 BTC with an old laptop as an early adopter in 2009, have some discipline and continually drop a few here and there. Having said all that, I still think Mr Robert Smith is talking total bolllox. 🙃
  11. lol I agree with that, but coming from the country with more scammers than all those put together is laughable.
  12. Bastards like this should be ostracised from society. If this piece of S hadn’t have identified as a female, or whatever with his fragile little ego, it would not be an issue. Victims, parents of, and taxpayers will pay for this deviant’s misgivings. We don’t know the outcome, but it will be different. Very hard to be objective in what goes on in my country anymore.
  13. Be that as it may, Sheryl, I’m still not entirely sure what the f is going on.
  14. Have had similar on an LG and turned out a screw got stuck in the drainage impeller. That machine used to run through a cycle before doing a wash, too, and if the impeller was blocked it wouldn’t run. Have you had the filter out of it and had a look? The flap at the bottom. If it’s the same, pull that tube out and drain into a pan, unscrew filter cap and remove/clean filter, then have a gander at the little impeller. Obviously unplug machine before doing this.
  15. Frankly, I’m surprised Thailand is ranked that highly. The average school here has a piss poor concept of teaching, full stop, let alone English. That is not Thai bashing; it just is what it is. They spend half the time waving the flag, chanting 1984-esque slogans and prancing around (trying to make it fun) than actually teaching anything meaningful, and then it is essentially rote learning. When it does come to English, again the average school might have just a couple Thai teachers that can hardly string a sentence together. It would take a monumental effort to get Thailand anywhere near, say, Malaysians’ English proficiency, where some here even deem it unpatriotic to speak anything but Thai. Then there is the face thing… that they could be hugely embarrassed if they make a mistake. All a bit sad really. Having said that, if they’re always going to be in Thailand, then it doesn’t really matter all that much. I’d prefer Thais to be the happy go lucky, in-the-moment people that they are than all speaking decent English and ending up like the rest of us.
  16. Yes they’ve probably realised how much of a headache it will be and also upset some big boys with large assets. That or they’re going to really stick it to everyone. Whatever. Not really worth commenting further until they come out with a definitive response. May as well just contribute a bunch of tat to Gamma or Bob Smith’s latest nonsense topic 😜
  17. Nor discounts to national parks 😙
  18. What’s the error?
  19. Very rarely had this issue. What do you look like? 😋 Having said that, some of the poorest food I’ve had here was on Koh Samet and that must’ve been 15y + ago. Agree above though; don’t send food back. If blatant rudeness, just chuck your money on the table without taking a bite or saying a word and walk.
  20. Disgusting miscreant. Should be banged up in a category A male prison and housed in gen pop, headband & all. However, in Starmer’s Britain, it likely won’t see a day inside. 🤬
  21. I wish they would just come out with it and tell us what they want; tax returns are due in a couple weeks aren’t they? 😳
  22. Because he catastrophizes, as he does. Seems to be a thing with a certain side of the political spectrum. All very predictable and dull. They should just get over it. People in general are pissed with Russia/Russians, yes because of the war, but also in the aggressive way they carry themselves and that they typically have no regard for other cultures. Trump’s shenanigans will have little effect on others’ views of Americans overall methinks. Decent folk for the most part, if a little big headed, but they are not invading sovereign states or going bat<deleted> crazy. But leaving the country etc (not that op is even there) is just leftie twaddle. We had all that last time. 😴 Some family members would not travel to the US during his last tenure, which I just found odd. Learned people with a childlike fixation it seems. Anyway, why reply?
  23. Stunning hotel on Kata Noi Beach. Was there in the noughties; shudder to think what the price is now. Just don't bother with the big tourist destinations now in this country. They take the P on everything from hotels to beer, taxis, attractions, whatever. No good comparing western destinations... it don't work like that. Always cringe when I read headers like this one... it means proper gouging incoming.
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