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Everything posted by daveAustin

  1. They’re a menace and should be culled. Several urban areas here are rife with them, getting into schools etc. Worse than packs of feral soi dogs.
  2. Same same but different, and although never really had dramas coming in, it would be nice if they had an expat line. Having said that, although different kettle of visa fish, my country lumps ‘others’ into one bracket, too.
  3. I dunno. A scoundrel he may be, but a mere pup in comparison to what has been going on. He’s just been successful and has ruffled feathers. Sis was not really devious enough to orchestrate what all this was about; more a convenient pawn. She’s probably even a nice person.
  4. Step in the right direction. No one will want to be born anymore if they’re not gonna be looked after. 😋
  5. If they look at any period there will be a similar amount of deaths. All this bs does is highlight a normality.
  6. Perhaps she accidentally flipped the table at the Flipper Lodge with that substantial chest of hers?
  7. Phuket is such a pleasant place. Really miss it.
  8. Didn't read replies as it will likely be the standard fare from people in tourist spots that don't speak a lick and think Thais as some kind of alien race. Have many genuine Thai friends that I know would have my back if the stuff hit the fan, and I likewise. Prefer to surrounded by them than my own to be honest, who seem to have turned into a bunch of prissy wokish numpties. Want to meet genuine Thais?: get out of the tourists spots, be kind, don't lord it up, learn the F language a bit! 🙃
  9. Yawn. Same same, different year. We've heard the following before ad nauseam, but only proper driving tests, real enforcement (many cops will DUI home), MASSIVE penalties and a better regard for life (put it out that there is no reincarnation) will curb it. The current licensing thing every 5 years is a joke, a monumental waste of time and monies which in itself causes more accidents and does not educate drivers one iota. Not bashing Thailand, it just is what it is and this type of tripe needs a response.
  10. Enjoy some Beatles, but prefer PM by himself, Pipes of Peace etc. However, have you ever considered a bit of Kajagoogoo?
  11. Well done, for a change. Havisham a btch, but Estella one of the best story arcs of all time. Although a brit, was never much into the Beatles; they were more a brooding boomer thing afaic but each to their own. For upbeat, the sound of the '80s is more where it's at. Get some AHA, New Order, and Collins up in ya!
  12. Nowt will happen and 'they' don't give a F anyway (esp her family) because it wouldn't affect them. And neither does it so in my own county, one of the supposed bastions of (now long gone) democracies... a place where the non-elected privileged pass over this 'n that law. Where is Guy Fawkes & co when you need them?!
  13. Easy tiger or they’ll have you & yours back in Dubai.
  14. The 90-day thing has always been a ball-ache but it is what it is. Thai officialdom is also a bit hit & miss but the deadlines on the 90-day are clear. Thankfully, in a place where it is easy face-to-face and the IO guys are thoroughly decent chaps. Bottomline: to thrive and enjoy oneself here, one should accept and not resist too mutt as a Westerner would have it. 😋
  15. It's all you, Gamma. That's what you wanted to hear, right? Just be aware that popular also includes vast numbers of negative / degrading posts and that PUB has many sub-fora. Melly Kissamat!
  16. Have you noticed AI generated threads on this forum? First thought, Gamma! ... then "they’re too perfectly worded" No, definitely not Gamma! ... then "or just super generic in a way that doesn’t feel natural" Yes, definitely Gamma!
  17. They could cut it by 100% and not be invaded or increase by 100% and be invaded by China anyway. What does that tell you?
  18. Indeed, then you have to do it if bags are right through. Even though Heathrow (and logic) said it would be fine, knowing the whims of Thai officialdom and that Thai Airways domestic check-in said not to risk it, I transferred to suitcase as it was a bit of a vintage.
  19. TL;DR. Aside from a fling, when it doesn’t matter, regards gf material might help if you’re also a looker when going for a ‘10’. If you’re an ancient ugly dude that doesn’t take well that EVERY guy wants to F your hot girl, surely best off with someone similar—looks, stature and education level—for a more harmonious time?
  20. If everyone understood BASIC physics / accretion and had a logical brain then this ridiculous flat earth notion would never be entertained, but you’ll always get the odd ‘special’ thickie that cannot grasp reality. Like to think most are joking, but some are clearly lost.
  21. I see you’re back into YouTube. ‘Never again’ blah blah. You just post tat for attention, hey? 🙄
  22. Rich Expats might not flaunt it as much as when in the West, but there are many, including on here, that like one to know they’re well off. All a bit shallow.
  23. Have done this recently with a sealed duty free bag from Heathrow, but was still advised at check in Suvarnabhumi to switch it to suitcase for interval Thai flight.
  24. Depends what type of Thai man, but most prefer the white china doll look, which trumps money, education and everything else. They just answer those survey questions for the sake of it.
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