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Posts posted by Ferangled

  1. Was that a yes or a no then? Seems to be a running theme on here that intelligent discussion is lost.... perhaps this makes it easier for you...

    Would the brother (edit - and other students) have assaulted the teacher had the teacher not first assaulted the two students? thumbsup.gif

    Point number 1: where was your intelligent discussion, must have missed it?

    Point number 2: If you compare a minor clip round the ear with a mob beating then you are a sick individual. Probably your father didn't discipline you because of his prosthetic hands that he had fitted after playing with homemade bombs. I hope he hides the rifles and handguns when you visit.

    Still dodging the question in favour of taking ever cheapening shots eh? Yes or no, quite simple thumbsup.gif

  2. Asking and slapping are two different things. I don't care if a non teacher ask my kid to behave, but if non teacher slaps or touches my kid in anyway, then it becomes a different story. Please do not mix the two up.

    I do not mix the two up. not at all saying they would, but if your little cherubs were beating the crap out of teacher as part of a gang, I'm not exactly going to stand there and say "excuse me young men, would you mind awfully not kicking him in the head, he's already unconscious and the bleeding is quite profuse". No, I would pick them up, throw them against a wall or in some way subdue them so that a) the person under attack is safe, and 2) the little bastards are not in a situation to attack me. might sound extreme, but a gang of 14 year olds acting like a pack of dogs is just as dangerous as a gang of men.

    You conveniently missed the original assault here didn't you P?! No one was assaulting anyone until the teacher decided that head blows (slaps, cuffs, punches however you want to phrase it) were appropriate responses to the use of bad language by two minors who were not under his responsibility or care.

    The teacher was assaulted as a direct response to his own use of violence. Quite simple really and a good lesson to all you wannabe vigilantes out there - violence begets violence... rightly or wrongly. Some call this karma, personally I call it basic common sense.

    If you really think that the only way of teaching or instilling discipline in your children is by hitting them I feel sorry for both you and your children, it's the easy way out and teaches your children only that you have not the intelligence or self control to impose your will without playing the role of the bully, which in turn tells them that whenever they are bigger or in a position of power over someone else violence is a suitable form of self expression. The old school methods of teaching/ discipline might just have a little something to do with the problems that modern society faces today. thumbsup.gif

    i bet when you played sport at school they didn't keep score and everyone got a ribbon..

    No, we beat ten types of shit out of each other on the Rugby field and the weak got crushed... aged 15 we killed another boy playing the "gentleman's game", but hey we were the form rugby school in England and that was part and parcel of it, I'm sure his parents understood. A year later the rules of the game were changed to prevent long rolling mauls and rucks.... now I see pads are allowed. You would of course have been labelled a queer for using any protection in my day.

    Friday/ Saturday night was beer and fight night, when we regularly took to the town to terrorise the less physically able kids and generally raise havoc. Physical punishment at school was regular and I'm not talking a cuff about yer ear, yes those were the good old days alright and look what a perfect society we... sorry, our children created...

    Your point is what exactly?

    • Like 1
  3. Much like those bangers we used to bring back on school trips and use to blow up cow pats/ dog shits and set the English teachers store room on fire... yes, I have had a ping pong ball bomb go off in my hand, lot of smoke, quite a bang, lost my eyebrows, minor burns on my hands... the distinct lack of any shrapnel however leaves nothing to actually injure, much like a banger. Try it yourself, you might gain a sense of perspective, they're not exactly bombs in the traditional sense of the word, but I guess that wouldn't have suited your story about a brave, bullet dodging teacher patrolling the schools grounds to protect his innocent students... before coming across two totally innocent students and deciding to assault them for the use of bad language... but against a backdrop of war torn BKK, with bombs a flying that's totally acceptable!!!

    What a load of dribble you write. A complete load of tosh. There is no way you could fill a ping pong ball full of black powder, place it in your hand, light it, and it not take your hand off. At the very least the ball shell would act as the shrapnel and melt into your skins with nasty results. In your mind the teacher was going around the school, say three (not two) kids, went over to have a go at them when all they were doing were making daisy chains and collecting flowers for their grannies.

    The whole school knew, after the bombs, that same said little brats were coming back to the school to "get revenge". They arrive. He confronts them. He has he head smashed in. You are a sick twisted man with very low moral fibre if you still contend he deserved his beating because he clipped the kids around the ear.

    Jumping to conclusions again eh? Where have I stated the teacher deserved the beating? In fact where has anyone stated that on this thread? Please quote me rather than just making stuff up...thumbsup.gif

    I've made it quite clear that I don't agree with the violence shown by the teacher or the response that he provoked. You just like to skirt over the fact that the whole incident was started by a teacher losing his self control and getting violent...

    Now the whole school knew that these children were coming to get revenge for some bomb attacks? Really?! You just make this stuff up as you go along don't you?!!! They were there to get revenge for what exactly?!!! You get the gold star for complete fabrication of events and distortion of the facts... fascinating stuff clap2.gif

  4. Asking and slapping are two different things. I don't care if a non teacher ask my kid to behave, but if non teacher slaps or touches my kid in anyway, then it becomes a different story. Please do not mix the two up.

    I do not mix the two up. not at all saying they would, but if your little cherubs were beating the crap out of teacher as part of a gang, I'm not exactly going to stand there and say "excuse me young men, would you mind awfully not kicking him in the head, he's already unconscious and the bleeding is quite profuse". No, I would pick them up, throw them against a wall or in some way subdue them so that a) the person under attack is safe, and 2) the little bastards are not in a situation to attack me. might sound extreme, but a gang of 14 year olds acting like a pack of dogs is just as dangerous as a gang of men.

    You conveniently missed the original assault here didn't you P?! No one was assaulting anyone until the teacher decided that head blows (slaps, cuffs, punches however you want to phrase it) were appropriate responses to the use of bad language by two minors who were not under his responsibility or care.

    The teacher was assaulted as a direct response to his own use of violence. Quite simple really and a good lesson to all you wannabe vigilantes out there - violence begets violence... rightly or wrongly. Some call this karma, personally I call it basic common sense.

    If you really think that the only way of teaching or instilling discipline in your children is by hitting them I feel sorry for both you and your children, it's the easy way out and teaches your children only that you have not the intelligence or self control to impose your will without playing the role of the bully, which in turn tells them that whenever they are bigger or in a position of power over someone else violence is a suitable form of self expression. The old school methods of teaching/ discipline might just have a little something to do with the problems that modern society faces today. thumbsup.gif

  5. Clearly the reaction was OTT but when it comes to inappropriate violence against family members one can expect a disproportionate response. That is common sense. The problem with your defence of the teacher's actions start with the fact that to justify them (as have all the other posters before you) you have made wild generalisations about these students and found them guilty of the crimes of all other Thai teenagers. Try sticking to the facts with no emotion, no additional speculative commentary, just the facts...

    Students used bad language - Teacher hit them over the head. That's it, those are the two relevant facts here, make your judgement on that alone and don't label these students as violent, troubled youths responsible for all the ills in modern society, we have no evidence of that, nor do we have anything to suggest that their parents are anything other than stand up members of society doing their best as parents... the teenagers were at school, which is something in itself at that age in Thailand and suggests that someone is pushing them towards study as opposed to a life of crime. The reaction of the brother was clearly out of order but he at least has the benefit of an emotional charged motive in his defence, a teacher striking students over the head does not.

    One person in this situation was in a position of responsibility, a professional with a job to do. He failed and acted irresponsibly and illegally when he struck the students, the events that this led to are therefore ultimately of his own making. I do not condone the actions of the brother but I understand them, the teachers I do not, he should have known better and is indeed paid to know better.

    This is lovely - just like the good old day heh Mr F?

    OK - So you are making a lot of speculation as well. Mr Head Teacher heard that troublemakers from another school were coming to make trouble, on the same day no doubt that the bombs flew in. Teach, very bravely, checks around the place for the protection of the kids at his school. That is very brave as KIDS WERE THROWING BOMBS in his school earlier in the morning. Sees 3 kids, asks them what they are doing. They get aggressive. He cuffs them. Has his face smashed in. Bombs. 3 bombs. Small bombs for sure; small bombs take off limbs. Small bombs blind. Small bombs kill. Would you be brave enough to check the perimeter when you are actually a teacher? Not a Soldier? (guessing he paid his way out of national service like most other educated people do here).

    Maybe he was wrong to cuff the kid. The kids deserved it for sure, but maybe he was wrong. However, a normal reaction of a matured adult (parent) is to go in and ask what happened, not to barge in, say "who hit my brother" and smash someone in the face, beat to a pulp, and threaten a female teacher who probably saved the guys life.

    I love this response, the brave teacher patrolling the grounds after the potentially lethal bomb attack!!! They were ping-pong balls filled with gun powder/ similar, the same sort my Dad used to make at school in the 50s... made from emptying shotgun cartridges into ping pong balls, to be thrown at other kids when playing cowboys and indians with sharpened sticks and shotguns! The most you could do was set fire to your eyebrows or burn your hands if you set the fuses too small... it was the arrows you had to watch out for, one uncle blinded and a dodgy knee for life for my Dad... oh yes, the kids of today, where do they get this from I wonder?!!!

    The fact is that there is no evidence linking these students to anything other than bad language, not even an allegation from the teacher concerned. The facts are as I reported - "Students used bad language - Teacher hit them over the head"... yes following that and in direct response one of the students brother decided to kick the sh@t out of the teacher. Very OTT and a criminal assault for which I'm sure he will be charged with, can't recall anyone disputing that or defending his reaction only acknowledging that they can understand why he did it. Pretty obvious really, the teacher was out of order, so was the brother, both guilty of a lack of self control and assault... but one was direct cause for the other, hence focusing on the actions of the teacher. In my mind the kids were simply being kids, by their very nature they push the boundaries, copy the actions of others and look to the elders (and supposedly betters) to set an example. Sadly with teachers like this and a vigilante family member they don't stand much chance do they?

    One simple question for you...

    Would the brother have assaulted the teacher had the teacher not first assaulted the two students? Do you get where I am going with this... we're back to my first post here, violence begets violence, cause and effect...coffee1.gif

    Please tell us which newspaper you're reading that claims it was only the brother? the article in the original post clearly states - Then the whole group, including the students, piled on the teacher, beating him heavily.

    Was that a yes or a no then? Seems to be a running theme on here that intelligent discussion is lost.... perhaps this makes it easier for you...

    Would the brother (edit - and other students) have assaulted the teacher had the teacher not first assaulted the two students? thumbsup.gif

  6. I love this response, the brave teacher patrolling the grounds after the potentially lethal bomb attack!!! They were ping-pong balls filled with gun powder/ similar, the same sort my Dad used to make at school in the 50s... made from emptying shotgun cartridges into ping pong balls, to be thrown at other kids when playing cowboys and indians with sharpened sticks and shotguns! The most you could do was set fire to your eyebrows or burn your hands if you set the fuses too small... it was the arrows you had to watch out for, one uncle blinded and a dodgy knee for life for my Dad... oh yes, the kids of today, where do they get this from I wonder?!!!


    I dare you to put one in your hand and let it go off. I dare you.

    "Very OTT and a criminal assault for which I'm sure he will be charged with,"

    No he won't. He will get away with it. As will all the others because mummy will protect him.

    Much like those bangers we used to bring back on school trips and use to blow up cow pats/ dog shits and set the English teachers store room on fire... yes, I have had a ping pong ball bomb go off in my hand, lot of smoke, quite a bang, lost my eyebrows, minor burns on my hands... the distinct lack of any shrapnel however leaves nothing to actually injure, much like a banger. Try it yourself, you might gain a sense of perspective, they're not exactly bombs in the traditional sense of the word, but I guess that wouldn't have suited your story about a brave, bullet dodging teacher patrolling the schools grounds to protect his innocent students... before coming across two totally innocent students and deciding to assault them for the use of bad language... but against a backdrop of war torn BKK, with bombs a flying that's totally acceptable!!!

  7. Clearly the reaction was OTT but when it comes to inappropriate violence against family members one can expect a disproportionate response. That is common sense. The problem with your defence of the teacher's actions start with the fact that to justify them (as have all the other posters before you) you have made wild generalisations about these students and found them guilty of the crimes of all other Thai teenagers. Try sticking to the facts with no emotion, no additional speculative commentary, just the facts...

    Students used bad language - Teacher hit them over the head. That's it, those are the two relevant facts here, make your judgement on that alone and don't label these students as violent, troubled youths responsible for all the ills in modern society, we have no evidence of that, nor do we have anything to suggest that their parents are anything other than stand up members of society doing their best as parents... the teenagers were at school, which is something in itself at that age in Thailand and suggests that someone is pushing them towards study as opposed to a life of crime. The reaction of the brother was clearly out of order but he at least has the benefit of an emotional charged motive in his defence, a teacher striking students over the head does not.

    One person in this situation was in a position of responsibility, a professional with a job to do. He failed and acted irresponsibly and illegally when he struck the students, the events that this led to are therefore ultimately of his own making. I do not condone the actions of the brother but I understand them, the teachers I do not, he should have known better and is indeed paid to know better.

    This is lovely - just like the good old day heh Mr F?

    OK - So you are making a lot of speculation as well. Mr Head Teacher heard that troublemakers from another school were coming to make trouble, on the same day no doubt that the bombs flew in. Teach, very bravely, checks around the place for the protection of the kids at his school. That is very brave as KIDS WERE THROWING BOMBS in his school earlier in the morning. Sees 3 kids, asks them what they are doing. They get aggressive. He cuffs them. Has his face smashed in. Bombs. 3 bombs. Small bombs for sure; small bombs take off limbs. Small bombs blind. Small bombs kill. Would you be brave enough to check the perimeter when you are actually a teacher? Not a Soldier? (guessing he paid his way out of national service like most other educated people do here).

    Maybe he was wrong to cuff the kid. The kids deserved it for sure, but maybe he was wrong. However, a normal reaction of a matured adult (parent) is to go in and ask what happened, not to barge in, say "who hit my brother" and smash someone in the face, beat to a pulp, and threaten a female teacher who probably saved the guys life.

    I love this response, the brave teacher patrolling the grounds after the potentially lethal bomb attack!!! They were ping-pong balls filled with gun powder/ similar, the same sort my Dad used to make at school in the 50s... made from emptying shotgun cartridges into ping pong balls, to be thrown at other kids when playing cowboys and indians with sharpened sticks and shotguns! The most you could do was set fire to your eyebrows or burn your hands if you set the fuses too small... it was the arrows you had to watch out for, one uncle blinded and a dodgy knee for life for my Dad... oh yes, the kids of today, where do they get this from I wonder?!!!

    The fact is that there is no evidence linking these students to anything other than bad language, not even an allegation from the teacher concerned. The facts are as I reported - "Students used bad language - Teacher hit them over the head"... yes following that and in direct response one of the students brother decided to kick the sh@t out of the teacher. Very OTT and a criminal assault for which I'm sure he will be charged with, can't recall anyone disputing that or defending his reaction only acknowledging that they can understand why he did it. Pretty obvious really, the teacher was out of order, so was the brother, both guilty of a lack of self control and assault... but one was direct cause for the other, hence focusing on the actions of the teacher. In my mind the kids were simply being kids, by their very nature they push the boundaries, copy the actions of others and look to the elders (and supposedly betters) to set an example. Sadly with teachers like this and a vigilante family member they don't stand much chance do they?

    One simple question for you...

    Would the brother have assaulted the teacher had the teacher not first assaulted the two students? Do you get where I am going with this... we're back to my first post here, violence begets violence, cause and effect...coffee1.gif

  8. Looks like a number of posters kids go to fee paying schools. The children where I live, Pattaya, go to government schools & if they are rude to the teacher they sometimes get a slap around the head. They tell the parents & the response is "your fault". None of this OMG head trauma! The parents do whack the kids when they are out of order & very quickly get a wai & apology.

    And perhaps that's where the culture of violence originates??!!! No what am I thinking, it's these lunatic kids that dropped out of space and started misbehaving... a few good slaps about the head should solve that surely??!!!

  9. Kids these days just have no respect for their elders...Nothing wrong with a clip round the ear...the world is in the state it is due to the leftist liberal ideas of the ruling elite and those thay have brainwashed over the past few decades. Catch em and birch em, show them a lesson.

    Kids these days learned from kids before them (called their parents) who in turn learnt from kids before them (yes, you guessed it, their parents). A convenient lack of responsibility from previous generations has led to any problems society currently has... these "youngsters" did not land on earth from outer space, they were born and raised in a society created by previous generations of their own kin.

    Aye, the good old days, when exactly are we talking? Earlier last century when the world ripped itself apart twice and people killed millions upon millions of each other or shall we go back further to a time when women were regularly burned as witches and millions were killed in the name of religion while the poor starved? When was this perfect, idyllic time that you speak of?

    I don't follow the reasoning here, it's because of all these new fangled liberal PC laws that parents are being prevented from disciplining their kids. Also anybody who feels that a 'clip round the ear' merits being put in a hospital bed doesn't know the meaning of proportion. If a mosquito bites you is your reaction to toss a grenade in the room?

    No I kill it... your point is?

    Sorry but what new fangled PC laws preventing parents disciplining children are you talking about? When exactly was slapping a child in the head acceptable behaviour for a teacher?

  10. If one of my children used bad language at school I would expect the teacher to inform me so that as a parent I could punish them accordingly. If I was informed that a teacher, or anyone else for that matter, had taken it upon themselves to assault any member of my family you better believe that I would respond appropriately.

    Now, I use this phrase advisably because, well, we don't exactly get along. However, I don't think one of your children would be part of a gang like this, and if it was raised to your attention I guess that assuming it was not Kaftan wash day or something, you would actually discipline your kids.

    However, these are not your kids. Their behavior smacks of spoilt little mummy boys that Thailand pops out at a ratio of 90 brats to 10 decent members of the human race. If the head teacher went to his parents to complain, do you believe the result would have been something different? Or could there have been a couple of uncles, a dad, and a grandad all giving him a kicking as well, whilst mummy brought little somchai to her titties for milk time consoling him be being told off by the brute teacher.

    Unless you have completely given up on your upbringing and culture and imparting that to your kids, you can not compare your reaction to the local reaction. The brother smashed him in the face. THis is not exactly a model family.

    Clearly the reaction was OTT but when it comes to inappropriate violence against family members one can expect a disproportionate response. That is common sense. The problem with your defence of the teacher's actions start with the fact that to justify them (as have all the other posters before you) you have made wild generalisations about these students and found them guilty of the crimes of all other Thai teenagers. Try sticking to the facts with no emotion, no additional speculative commentary, just the facts...

    Students used bad language - Teacher hit them over the head. That's it, those are the two relevant facts here, make your judgement on that alone and don't label these students as violent, troubled youths responsible for all the ills in modern society, we have no evidence of that, nor do we have anything to suggest that their parents are anything other than stand up members of society doing their best as parents... the teenagers were at school, which is something in itself at that age in Thailand and suggests that someone is pushing them towards study as opposed to a life of crime. The reaction of the brother was clearly out of order but he at least has the benefit of an emotional charged motive in his defence, a teacher striking students over the head does not.

    One person in this situation was in a position of responsibility, a professional with a job to do. He failed and acted irresponsibly and illegally when he struck the students, the events that this led to are therefore ultimately of his own making. I do not condone the actions of the brother but I understand them, the teachers I do not, he should have known better and is indeed paid to know better.

  11. If one of my children used bad language at school I would expect the teacher to inform me so that as a parent I could punish them accordingly. If I was informed that a teacher, or anyone else for that matter, had taken it upon themselves to assault any member of my family you better believe that I would respond appropriately.

    Exactly. As well, just because some of you feel that hitting, slapping, and other forms of abuse are going to actually improve somebody's behaviour, doesn't mean it will. No doubt there are many irresponsible children out there who could use some discipline. As well, they need people they can look up to. If some yobbish headteacher gives his example of discipline by smacking youngsters on the head, how in the world is he to think that they will not learn from his example and do the same back? Possibly if he had been able to calm himself down and speak to them reasonably they would not have reacted in a violent way back to him.

    There seem to be a lot of old timers on this board who love the idea of older men spanking, pinching and smacking boys to get them to behave. These same people also seem to revel about the times they were spanked and smacked and pinched as the "good old days". Quite curious!

    Understand your points entirely. But as if often the case what happens when the teacher informs the parents of the 'yobbish' behavior and the parents turn around and show no interest in the behavior of their son or daughter and even less in rectifying it. The parents lack of corrective action reinforces the sense of impunity in their offspring and as a result all of society has to accept the behaviour.

    What's the solution move the student to a different school. That simple makes it someones else problems. I spent 5 years teaching in secondary schools in the UK before coming to Thailand and believe me often the parents were more aggressive towards the teachers than the students and on several occasions when i confronted parents about the behaviour of their children they simply told me " that's your problem you sort it out" whilst their child sneers from behind the back of the parents ' you can't do nuffin' and they were right!

    So the simple point I'm trying to make is that often the parents see their children's bad behavior as someone else's problem and assuming all parents will have the same sense of responsibility towards the upbringing of their children as you do is simplistic. So if the teachers don't have the tools to rectify students behaviour and parents don't care - What's your solution?

    Sorry, I know this wasn't directed at me but your post begs the question that surely it is just as wrong to assume that all parents have no sense of responsibility towards the upbringing of their children and take it upon yourself to discipline them violently with a blow to the head?

    Solution? Well that's simple, don't hit students randomly about the head for use of bad language and you'll stand much less chance of being violently assaulted for doing so...

  12. I find it perfectly acceptable that having given a gobshite little spoilt brat of a kid a clip round the ear for being a cheeky gob <deleted> spoilt little brat with no understanding of respet for anyone, older or not, this Head Teacher was smashed in the face with a motorbike helmut, and then set upon by the gang of grown men and a few kids until he was pummelled. I also find it completely acceptable that when a female teacher tried to intervene she was threatened and called a Bitch. This is completely normal behaviour and they should be applauded for standing up for themselves; the whole gang of them en masse, against the nasty vindictive head teacher who dared to touch a hair on the head of one of the little turds.

    well actually, no. I don't think this is acceptable, What planet are all you fluffy Thai defenders on where you leap to the defence of these bastards? Seriously! What is wrong with you. He is the head teacher. These "untouchable" kids mouth off at him, no doubt in a threatening manner, and he cuffs on. So according to the "when in Thailand" brigade therefore it is open season for him to have his head smashed in. Do you seriously believe that this is positive thing in society? Beggars belief.

    So it's perfectly acceptable for a teacher to hit students over the head for using bad language?! In what society?

    I can't see any people commending the retaliation assault in this thread (apart from your own dramatic attempt at sarcasm), just pointing out that that the teacher had no right to use violence, specifically not blows to the head - This is Thailand, surely even you understand the connotations of touching another persons head, let alone hitting them? As a teacher he should have known better.

    If one of my children used bad language at school I would expect the teacher to inform me so that as a parent I could punish them accordingly. If I was informed that a teacher, or anyone else for that matter, had taken it upon themselves to assault any member of my family you better believe that I would respond appropriately.

    I expect parents and soap-box society commentators will see this one quite differently...

    Oh c'mon. Corporal punishment in Thailand, and much of East Asia for that matter, is the norm. Many Thai teachers strike their (especially male) students when there is misbehaving. In Korea, it is worse. The 39 year-old, head ajarn was given the finger when he first questioned the three youths. That is deviant, highly disrespectful behavior in a country that bestows inordinate respect to the elderly and teachers in general. So he did what many teachers before him have done: he struck the boys on the head, which he would be in a position to do as an ajarn significantly the senior of any of the boys. The older brother of one of the boys came back and, with the others, beat the teacher senseless. Stories like this are exactly why elderly Thai people are always lamenting the complete collapse of their culture. This story defies everything Thai culture is supposed to stand for: respect for seniority, teachers, jai yen, etc.

    Please don't try to scrub this off as a Thai cultural issue - it has never been acceptable for any teacher to strike a child about the head in Thailand. Beating on the legs/ arms with bamboo? In the past yes, much like the cane in Europe, but I can't recall head trauma ever being a cultural icon of discipline, can you?

    Was the teacher really such a paragon of Thai cultural values? Jai Yen? I think not... I think you fail to miss the point that the reaction was actually appropriate to Thai cultural beliefs... Please go outside, find a young thai misbehaving and strike them about the head...better yet, go and pat a few Thai males on their heads and see what transpires.

    Oh yes, the good old days of Thailand... those heady days of social responsibility, equality and justice, get a grip!

  13. Every week, we heard story of student brawl, student killing each other, student caught with knife, gun, ping pong ball. Student who are not even yet 18 y.o.

    And every week we got weirdo-troll-thai apologist moaning : "its petty offense, its happen all over the world, blah blah"

    For once a courageous teacher try to bring order, but got his face smashed.... And we have the weirdo-troll-thai apologist moaning: "he deserve it..."

    Some people on this webboard really deserve to get their head smashed with a helmet.

    What a perfectly balanced perspective you bring to this discussion... I personally love the way that you label anyone that doesn't support your own perspective a "weirdo-troll-thai apologist", that lends such credibility to your post...! Then insinuating that they should also be subjected to a violent assault themselves.. pure class! Only on TV!

    Yes, what a "courageous teacher" smacking two teenagers about the head for use of bad language... he should be commended, perhaps a medal ceremony? A Silver star for violent bravery in the face of confused adolescence perhaps?!

    Of course by the same token, if any teenager is now fair game for a beating because others have done something wrong in the past we should cull all Muslims in Thailand because a few are violent fundamentalists, in fact a few Buddhists have stepped out of line in the past, let's add them to the fair game for a beating list and those Christians are a dodgy group, throw them in for good measure... in fact by your guilty by proxy/ association definition, who isn't liable for an open season beating? I heard there was an elderly gent in Pattaya arrested for being a kiddie-fiddler, let's add all the OAPs of the world in to, dirty old b'stards... etc etc etc Do you get the point or need I go on? coffee1.gif

  14. Kids these days just have no respect for their elders...Nothing wrong with a clip round the ear...the world is in the state it is due to the leftist liberal ideas of the ruling elite and those thay have brainwashed over the past few decades. Catch em and birch em, show them a lesson.

    Kids these days learned from kids before them (called their parents) who in turn learnt from kids before them (yes, you guessed it, their parents). A convenient lack of responsibility from previous generations has led to any problems society currently has... these "youngsters" did not land on earth from outer space, they were born and raised in a society created by previous generations of their own kin.

    Aye, the good old days, when exactly are we talking? Earlier last century when the world ripped itself apart twice and people killed millions upon millions of each other or shall we go back further to a time when women were regularly burned as witches and millions were killed in the name of religion while the poor starved? When was this perfect, idyllic time that you speak of?

  15. Interesting to note that if the topic was cosmetic surgery to enable gender change it would be acceptable but as this is seen as purely vain attempts to improve ones looks it's frowned upon...

    Horses for courses, if it makes you feel better and improves your life, if only in your head, what the hell has it got to do with anyone else? Surely most of this comes from a low self esteem and personally I'm not one to bash people that are already down... Not my own cup of tea but hey, if it floats your boat and doesn't hurt others then go for it.

    Have to agree that there should be more regulations and perhaps a "waiting period" - let's face it, as evidenced by many a Hollywood star, the effects aren't always that positive in improving ones appearance, unless you dig the embalmed corpse look...

  16. I find it perfectly acceptable that having given a gobshite little spoilt brat of a kid a clip round the ear for being a cheeky gob <deleted> spoilt little brat with no understanding of respet for anyone, older or not, this Head Teacher was smashed in the face with a motorbike helmut, and then set upon by the gang of grown men and a few kids until he was pummelled. I also find it completely acceptable that when a female teacher tried to intervene she was threatened and called a Bitch. This is completely normal behaviour and they should be applauded for standing up for themselves; the whole gang of them en masse, against the nasty vindictive head teacher who dared to touch a hair on the head of one of the little turds.

    well actually, no. I don't think this is acceptable, What planet are all you fluffy Thai defenders on where you leap to the defence of these bastards? Seriously! What is wrong with you. He is the head teacher. These "untouchable" kids mouth off at him, no doubt in a threatening manner, and he cuffs on. So according to the "when in Thailand" brigade therefore it is open season for him to have his head smashed in. Do you seriously believe that this is positive thing in society? Beggars belief.

    So it's perfectly acceptable for a teacher to hit students over the head for using bad language?! In what society?

    I can't see any people commending the retaliation assault in this thread (apart from your own dramatic attempt at sarcasm), just pointing out that that the teacher had no right to use violence, specifically not blows to the head - This is Thailand, surely even you understand the connotations of touching another persons head, let alone hitting them? As a teacher he should have known better.

    If one of my children used bad language at school I would expect the teacher to inform me so that as a parent I could punish them accordingly. If I was informed that a teacher, or anyone else for that matter, had taken it upon themselves to assault any member of my family you better believe that I would respond appropriately.

    I expect parents and soap-box society commentators will see this one quite differently...

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  17. While clearly students shouldn't be beating up teachers for any reason the old saying "violence begets violence" comes to mind... what the hell is any teacher doing slapping children in the head?

    And how about the old saying 'He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes'. (Proverbs 13:24)

    Unfortunately parents reluctance to discipline has led to today's 'spoilt brat' society where a child thinks they can do anything if denied what they want. @Chooka talks about civilised societies but from world news I fail to see any of these. Today the news is full of rioting and looting everywhere and when caught on camera the majority appear to be youngsters.

    If you want to get biblical how about "an eye for an eye"...?! The bible is full of utter contradictions and as a manual for learning life skills is somewhat lacking I'm afraid.

    Please save us the "in my day" BS. If you can't see that the way your parents treated you and you in turn treated your children has led us to the current situation today you are totally blinkered. The "kids of today" learnt their tricks from someone, guess who it was? The kids of yesteryear, their parents... and them before them. The fact is violence only leads to more violence and is no way to educate someone in a modern society.

    What goes around comes around, you slap someone about the head, expect to get slapped yourself, you can debate the rights and wrongs to your hearts content but that won't heal your wounds... perhaps a better bible quote would be that one about doing unto others as you would have done to yourself.

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  18. Contrary to most of the posts on here I was actually in Patong at the time of the events and have to applaud the way the authorities handled the situation. Friends staying in nearby hotels were immediately evacuated for fear that the fire would spread but fortunately the fast action of the local fire department prevented that.

    While any number of deaths/ injuries are shocking the fact is that this could have been far, far worse than it was. Tiger holds 100s-1000s of people on any given night and it's really very lucky that far more didn't lose their lives in this unfortunate tragedy. Fires do happen the world over and to those that feel this is worthy fodder to voice generalised Thai/ Phuket bashing posts I truly feel sorry for you, your blinkered views and your total lack of perspective.

    We all know that electrical safety standards in Thailand are lacking, as are fire detection/ prevention methods. They are however equally shocking in many "civilised" parts of Europe and far worse in many neighbouring Asian countries. The fact is that many of these clubs and resorts in Phuket are actually foreign owned or operated and what's truly sad is those that should and do know better will still knowingly use cheaper inferior labour and materials to save costs. But of course they're probably content in the knowledge that should any mishap occur we will all happily blame "the Thais"...

    Reading the legal advisory comments from the lessee, where they have claimed adequate insurance cover to ensure compensation is paid to the families of those involved, one point stands out - The club is licensed to open until 1:00 am, what time was the fire? I really can't see any insurance company swallowing this claim...

    RIP and my condolences to the family and friends of those involved.

    • Like 1
  19. IMO the military should be rewarded for what they did/do. .

    How far back into history are we going here Nicky?

    Read before you post and you could have concluded that yourself. 2006

    Obviously civility is not your strong point. That's OK. It isn't mine either - <deleted>. smile.png

    Having had a truly bad day your reply had me laughing at loud, great response and deserved thumbsup.gif

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  20. Democrat kingpin Suthep to quit politics if impeached by Senate


    BANGKOK, July 27 - Former deputy prime minister Suthep Thaugsuban of the Democrat Party said on Friday that he will retire from politics altogether if the Senate impeaches him following the anti-graft commission resolution finding him guilty of inteference in the work of the Ministry of Culture.

    The former deputy premier under the Democrat-led coalition government which was in power between 2009-2011 made the remark as the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) on Thursday resolved that the Democrat MP was found guilty for violating Constitution Article 268 for exercising power beyond the limit of his authority.

    Suthep was accused of appointing 19 Democrats MPs to work in the Ministry of Culture, an action which the NACC considered as interference in the work of state officials.

    The NACC resolved to forward the case to the Senate for formal impeachment, which could also result in a five-year ban from politics.

    Suthep said he respects the NACC decision and is willing to follow the senate resolution.

    The ex-deputy premier explained, however, that he did not send any MPs to work at the culture ministry. Suthep said he submitted a letter on appointing 19 MPs to work at the ministry for its consideration, but later withdrew it after learning that the move was deemed a violation of law.

    "If the NACC considered the action was already done, I have to respect its decision," said the Democrat MP for Surat Thani.

    Suthep said he could not predict whether he will be impeached by the senators and now he is still working as usual with no worry on the matter.

    "I am now 64. If I am to be banned from politics for five years, by that time I will be 69," Suthep said, "I should call it quits from politics and go back to raise my grandchildren." (MCOT online news)


    -- TNA 2012-07-27

    I have never heard such a comment from PT/UDD, Bravo Suthep.

    Shouldn't come as too much of a surprise, he has a habit of taking the route of least resistance when events seem to be going against him or his dubious dealings come under scrutiny... hardly applaud able in my book:

    1995 Corruption Scandal

    The Democrat Party won elections in 13 September 1992, shortly after Black May, and formed a government. Suthep became Agriculture Minister. As part of the Sor Por Kor 4-01 (สปก.4-01) land reform scheme, Suthep gave title deeds to 592 plots of land in Khao Sam Liam, Kamala and Nakkerd hills of Phuket province to 489 farmers. It was later found that members of 11 wealthy families in Phuket were among the recipients. Suthep addressed a huge crowd in his Surat Thani constituency a month before a no-confidence debate and called on his supporters to march on Bangkok in the hundreds of thousands to defend his reputation.[2] The scandal led Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai of the Democrat Party to dissolve the House of Representatives in July 1995 in order to avoid the no-confidence debate.[3] In subsequent elections, the Chart Thai party won a majority, leading to the downfall of Chuan Leekpai's Democrat Party-led government.

    [edit]2009 Disqualification as MP

    In 2009, Suthep was accused of violating the Constitution of Thailand by holding equity in a media firm that had received concessions from the government. Under the 1997 Constitution of Thailand, which Suthep had supported, Members of Parliament are banned from holding stakes in companies which have received government concessions. In July 2009, the Election Commission announced that it would seek a ruling by the Constitutional Court to disqualify Suthep and 12 other Democrat MPs for having allegedly violated the charter. Suthep held a press conference a day later, announcing his decision to resign from Parliament. Suthep's resignation as an MP did not affect his status as Deputy Prime Minister and as a Cabinet member. If his case had been submitted to the Constitution Court, he would have been suspended from duty as Deputy Prime Minister. He insisted that his resignation was not a proof that he had done something wrong but that he was worried about status as Deputy Prime Minister.[4]

    [edit]2011 Elections

    In the general election on 3 July 2011, the Democrats were defeated. Suthep stepped down as the party's secretary-general immediately. When the government of successful Pheu Thai Party-leader Yingluck Shinawatra took office on 9 August, his term as deputy prime minister ended, as well.

    It's remarkable that a man like Suthep is still involved in Thai politics given his past, especially when you contrast this with how other politicians have been made subject of a national witch hunt. It's the likes of Suthep that have taught his slippery methods to the current MPs but somehow he seems to slither and slide his way out of facing any consequences every time...

    Can't be bothered to get involved in the usual 'Red' taking the high ground when there is an apparent 'Yellow' misdemeanor,,nor vice-versa.

    Predictable responses from certain people.

    But, I agree with your last bit. 'The likes of Suthep' is clearly a non-party comment. IMHO, politicians of all parties will find themselves accused of 'slippery methods'. I'm sure IMHO, that the outcome of Suthep's Impeachment request, isn't going to be unique to him.

    The phrase 'when you're caught' seems to have more relevance in Thailand IMHO. I believe there's a lot waiting to surface, for both colours.

    Under starters orders in your respective corners

    Sorry "Red" taking the high ground in what respect?

    Is that comment levelled at my post?! Please indicate the bias in what I wrote... I'm getting fed up with the constant assigning of colours to every single post, it's nonsensical. Get a grip this isn't a boxing match it's a political parody of greed and corruption, by all means pick a side if you want to...

  21. I didn't see JFK in the video -- so he must not have been shot. And like the OP article, the news accounts must be wrong.

    .. kicking another person's motorbike after it failed to stop at a checkpoint ...

    But what you did see on the video you choose to ignore in preference of adding your own speculative BS about police chase and crashing through road blocks... and who's been drinking Nisa? Who am I kidding, it's clear you don't need alcohol to cloud your reasoning, it's muddled at the best of times....

    Where does happy hour start so early and what did I ignore in the video? A guy kicked at a motorbike and it fell over. What I haven't done through drinking or pure silliness is to ignore the article/news about the account of the incident that reports information not in the video.

    By the way Sherlock ... the video clearly shows police on the side of the street visible and clearly shows they have a checkpoint set up. The video DOESN'T show the motorbike passing the checkpoint and what transpired when the bike(s) passed because this was not video taped. So, this is why we must turn to the news accounts for the best facts available ... That is of course unless you don't want to know the facts.

    If you want to debate that the news article may be wrong then go right ahead and state your case but to pretend the video shows all is being dishonest, biased, argumentative and out of touch with reality.

    What the article stating that the police then arrested the "volunteer" for assault and duly charged him?! Did you notice the policemen in the noticeably not chasing after anyone? Only one person appeared to be angered by the motorcycle and now we have other sources claiming that the guy isn't even a police volunteer but a neighbourhood vigilante with a grudge... facts? Are there room for such niceties in your posts?!

  22. I think it is time to put down the drink for the day. Are you even following the quotes you are replying????

    Please do put the bottle down and try responding to the events as reported and the video shown as evidence, rather than letting yourself get sidetracked into petty arguments about whether or not what a poster states about their own personal experiences are true or not.

    How are you qualified to comment on what others have experienced at the hands of the BiB? Are you secretly stalking that member or just talking out of your @rse again?

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