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Posts posted by Ferangled

  1. I have to confess to promoting (if recommending it to my friends and visitors is promoting) such things as dentistry and getting a new pair of spectacles. Overall I am quite happy with the care I receive here on the general medical front as well but, I have yet to have surgery here and my concern is that there is no come back if it goes wrong. If those involved are not to be held to account should they "mess up" then I feel it may lead to lesser standards of care.

    I therefore tend not to recommend Thailand for surgery to any of my friends considering it. Maybe I am being a little cautious?

    I would be hesitant when it comes to major surgery as in such cases I would seek advice for a particular specialist/ hospital with the best reputation in that field, regardless of where they might be. I still think that the top Western hospitals are at the forefront in medical research & development, but in reality most of these "top specialists" are out of the reach of your average guy on the street anyway.

    I think there lies the real benefit for many; if you are reliant on a system like the NHS in the UK, unable to afford private medical care in your own country, Thailand offers an alternative, private care that may well be within your budget.

    For dentistry, cosmetic surgery and routine operations I wouldn't have any issue recommending selected private Thai hospitals & clinics. Brain/ heart surgery? Perhaps not... I'd certainly be seeking outside advice first and recommendations.

  2. I had double hip replacement surgery here in Bangkok ten years ago. Prices are very competitive and Bangkok has some of the world's leading orthopedic surgeons too. Plus it is sunny which helps recovery post surgery. I was here anyway but would have made the journey for the surgery if I had been in Europe.


    I know that there are many excellent hospitals with a service we can only dream about in the west and many very well educated (often better educated than in the west) doctors in Thailand. When that is said it can take a search to get to the best in their respective specialty.

    My point was just that when the biggest group in the "medical tourist boom" is foreign residents the report itself have no point. To exaggerate a bit we could also be led to believe that we with the report over are included in TATs general tourist count and so on……..

    I think that really depends on what visas people have used to gain entry into Thailand. Personally I don't consider those on tourist visas as residents, but those on retirement/ business visas should be classed differently and not count towards any "tourist" statistics... although strictly speaking still not residents. The actual number of foreigners with Thai residency is extremely low but that's another thread altogether!

    I realise that many people on tourist visas are actually long stay residents in practice but the fact these are counted towards tourist statistics shouldn't detract from the reality that there is great quality private healthcare here and Thailand does offer itself as a very viable medical tourism destination.

    I'm fairly sure there is a booming trade in medical tourism here, and my own experiences suggest that this is the case, despite any inaccuracies in statistics which I see as a result of the Thai immigration policies rather than any miss-information from TAT.

  3. Yes, as stated in my post I was looking at my actual bills as I wrote the post...I have/keep over a year's worth. Have you looked at your bills?

    Yes I have and I, like everyone I know in Thailand, pay for the service monthly... on the exact same day of each month to be precise! Have you taken this up with True or do you expect some resolution by moaning about it on an internet forum?!

    The wording used by True on their website and the experiences of others seem to suggest yours is an isolated mistake, either your own or Trues... http://www.truevisio...kage.aspx?id=39

    Of course I pay monthly, I pay 12 times a year, and the exact same payment amount is always due no later than the 24th of the month (most all bills have a pay not later than date)....and that monthly payment is for either a 28 day month (29 days in leap year), a 30 day month, or a 31 day month as clearly shown on the bill...all depends on how many days are in that particular month....it's a monthly payment due regardless of how long that particular month may be....all these 28, 29, 30, or 31 day months add up 365/366 days.

    Apologies Pib, it seems we are both in agreement that the bills are monthly not based on a 30 day period. My mistake, I replied to the wrong poster and have started a confusing chain of replies arguing a point we agree on sorry.gif

  4. Wife (in Thai obviously) Will we still get our subscribed channels?

    TRUE 'yes but no HD channels'

    Wife 'OK we neither need no want HD'

    TRUE thank you for calling

    Now that was a complete fabrication. GOLD and PLAT service that we pay for is no longer available. Unless we submit to their blackmail and buy a new box.

    So True have decided to remove a service for which we pay. The only method for restoring service is to pay their extortion fee for a box I do not want for HD channels I do not want.

    Melodramatic? Depends on your point of view.

    Yes, my point of view is that you are clearly being melodramatic and no one is forcing you to pay for anything.

    When did your wife call, was it in relation to the new receivers or the recent encryption changeover? Also it is obvious to no one that your wife is Thai, neither is it obvious how she worded the question or interpreted the response. Perhaps you should try calling yourself and talk to them 1st hand rather than engaging in Chinese whispers... they do have English speaking customer service reps... and yes Gold and Platinum are still available but not without the correct receiver thumbsup.gif

    Either pay the money for the new hardware and enjoy the much improved quality that HD brings or.... watch a blank screen and continue whining ad nauseum. Unfortunately some will always resist progress; I guess you expect them to give you a brand new piece of hardware free and a nice shiny new HD TV to enjoy the improved service on?!

    You may have somehow missed the point that this upgrade has not only been about improving the HD content but also preventing piracy with new encryption methods... perhaps you should moan to the pirates, who are the real cause of your problems, not True who are simply protecting their own interests... and that of paying customers who don't appreciate others enjoying the same services for less money, illegally.

    Thank you for your sanctimonious claptrap. Judging previous posts rather than helping people which many TV poster do you seem to get your jollies being pedantic and phishing for responses.

    Good day Sir

    Perhaps if you actually took the time to read the entire thread you would notice that when a legitimate question is raised, I am happy to offer assistance. I just can't abide by continual whining from disgruntled, melodramatic posters, that seem to get off on whining to all and sundry.

    You would be much better off taking it up with True, as other posters, including myself, have tried to tell you, if you have an existing True receiver you can get a free upgrade to the new model, if you don't you could start a new subscription for less than the 3,500 bt figure your wife has seemingly fabricated... perhaps she wants some new shoes into the bargain, who knows?! thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  5. Wife (in Thai obviously) Will we still get our subscribed channels?

    TRUE 'yes but no HD channels'

    Wife 'OK we neither need no want HD'

    TRUE thank you for calling

    Now that was a complete fabrication. GOLD and PLAT service that we pay for is no longer available. Unless we submit to their blackmail and buy a new box.

    So True have decided to remove a service for which we pay. The only method for restoring service is to pay their extortion fee for a box I do not want for HD channels I do not want.

    Melodramatic? Depends on your point of view.

    Yes, my point of view is that you are clearly being melodramatic and no one is forcing you to pay for anything.

    When did your wife call, was it in relation to the new receivers or the recent encryption changeover? Also it is obvious to no one that your wife is Thai, neither is it obvious how she worded the question or interpreted the response. Perhaps you should try calling yourself and talk to them 1st hand rather than engaging in Chinese whispers... they do have English speaking customer service reps... and yes Gold and Platinum are still available but not without the correct receiver thumbsup.gif

    Either pay the money for the new hardware and enjoy the much improved quality that HD brings or.... watch a blank screen and continue whining ad nauseum. Unfortunately some will always resist progress; I guess you expect them to give you a brand new piece of hardware free and a nice shiny new HD TV to enjoy the improved service on?!

    You may have somehow missed the point that this upgrade has not only been about improving the HD content but also preventing piracy with new encryption methods... perhaps you should moan to the pirates, who are the real cause of your problems, not True who are simply protecting their own interests... and that of paying customers who don't appreciate others enjoying the same services for less money, illegally.

  6. maeab,

    Above you seemed to have altered my post #220 by adding, "Yes i have checked my bill and he is wrong. They are not cheating any one." to the end of my early post.

    Please don't do that again...it also violates Forum Rule # 30 which states, "Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording."

    Clearly a "maximum" quote edit done in error which doesn't alter the fact that you are incorrect. I am billed monthly as is every True customer I know... getting picky about the forum rules doesn't alter the fact he has a valid point and your original statement seems flawed... have you checked your actual bills? Perhaps you should get onto True about it, you might be able to get a refund... probably more productive than whining on an internet forum...

    Yes, as stated in my post I was looking at my actual bills as I wrote the post...I have/keep over a year's worth. Have you looked at your bills?

    Yes I have and I, like everyone I know in Thailand, pay for the service monthly... on the exact same day of each month to be precise! Have you taken this up with True or do you expect some resolution by moaning about it on an internet forum?!

    The wording used by True on their website and the experiences of others seem to suggest yours is an isolated mistake, either your own or Trues... http://www.truevisionstv.com/package.aspx?id=39

  7. maeab,

    Above you seemed to have altered my post #220 by adding, "Yes i have checked my bill and he is wrong. They are not cheating any one." to the end of my early post.

    Please don't do that again...it also violates Forum Rule # 30 which states, "Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording."

    Clearly a "maximum" quote edit done in error which doesn't alter the fact that you are incorrect. I am billed monthly as is every True customer I know... getting picky about the forum rules doesn't alter the fact he has a valid point and your original statement seems flawed... have you checked your actual bills? Perhaps you should get onto True about it, you might be able to get a refund... probably more productive than whining on an internet forum...

    • Like 1
  8. Personally this is one "HUB" that I think holds some merit... The private healthcare over here is generally much better and cheaper than many Western countries and as Yunla pointed out, the climate is beneficial to recovery.

    Cosmetic surgery seems to be popular and a friend I have with a condo by the Bangkok International in Phuket reports a steady stream of foreigners leaving with certain obvious frontal "enhancements"...boobs aside, my dentist (very professional, reasonably priced and great standard of work), does a steady trade in foreign dental treatments, and offers "all inclusive" deals, with flights, hotel and treatments...

  9. I was incandescent last evening when True Non-Visions decided to blank out the final stages of the Scottish Open golf tournament at 2300. My excitement had been building over the previous two hours when the result was more and more in doubt and it was becoming a very much nip and tuck affair. At the end of the month my box goes back, with the unpaid monthly invoice, and if they cock up the showing of The Open this week I shall be taking a 4 lb hammer to it before handing it in. Enough is enough.

    Anybody advising me that I need a course in anger management can stick his advice where the sun doesn't shine.

    You need a course in anger management!

    True had advertised this change over and when it would take place for bloody months, frequent banners across the bottom of the screen and they even marked it on the TV guide so no one could have any excuse for not knowing when it would happen.

    They certainly did. My wife also called up to ask was it necessary to change our box? Paying the 3500 demanded by the thieves at True (what an ironic name).

    My wife was informed that if we did not require HD service then we could continue to use our existing box - fine, no worries there.

    After the 'big change' we now have no GOLD or PLAT service - a service we PAY for.

    My wife called UNTRUTH again only to be told we must buy the 3500 THB box.

    What a load of khrap

    I'm afraid in Thailand you often get the answer you want to hear. The pertinent question is when did your wife call? What the True staff told you was in fact "true" up to the much advertised cut off date/ addition of extra HD channels.

    When they released the HD receiver and first added HD, if you had phoned and said "do I need the new HD receiver to continue watching True but not the HD channels?" they would have been quite correct in saying no, you can continue to watch the SD content on your old receiver. As for them "demanding" money from you, I think you are just being melodramatic.

    The recent upgrade to both encoding and encryption services, coinciding with the additional HD content, has now changed that former "truth"... but as far as I am aware they have no psychic service staff able to foresee these future upgrades on their customer service team!

    Please everyone just stop moaning and get the new receiver if you want the service, it's a much better machine and the HD channels and recording options are well worth the cost. Simply cancel your old sub and start a new one, 2,000 baht initial deposit per receiver and fantastic offer of 4x receivers, full subscription for c.2,800 baht a month... that's a bargain in my book, 700 baht a receiver!

    • Like 2
  10. Id do 3 years for 90 million USD.

    Where do I sign up????

    He got 3 years for 3 million baht [uS $ 100,000]

    The report said the former lawyer took around 3 billion baht from the transaction for his personal use.

    I personally wouldn't do 3 years for that.

    Missing quite a few zeros... "The report said the former lawyer took around 3 billion baht from the transaction for his personal use."

    I would be quite happy to serve 3 years anywhere for 3 billion bt... 1 billion baht a year is an awesome annual income and a considerable improvement on my current salary!

    I guess the message being, crime does pay, unless of course the reporter simply missed out the compensation payments and seizure of assets that you'd expect to accompany the conviction and prison term... perhaps not, I am not familiar with the sentencing powers for one "convicted of breach of trust".. in Dubai...

  11. Just my opinion, but True is crap! I've had it for over 15 years and have never been satisfied with it, service, content or quality. If ever another legitimate satellite company is allowed to do business here I'll sign up. I can hear people now, "Why would you have it for 15 years if it's crap"? Two phrases come to mind "the only game in town" and "the best of the worst".

    +1 Please let me know when another company starts up.bah.gif

    They already have... GMM Grammy... look forward to hearing your feedback on the content and quality of their services!!!

  12. Oh how unhappy all you pirates and bootleggers are.....and very bitter......at last, all those who have been talking like smartarses for all this time about full True service almost for nothing are having to eat humble pie!!

    The whole thing is way more simple than all of you try to pretend. If you buy into True, they provide you with a box and a dish, and when it goes wrong or you have a problem you phone True and an engineer comes out and fixes it.....it really is that simple!!

    If on the other hand youre a dreambox pirate, well you can hardly complain can you, because how in hell do you expect True to let you have their signals for free when you dont pay into the system??!!

    I m no apologist for True, I have major issues with some of their programming.....but at the end of the day, I pay the legitimate fee for the legitimate service, and there is absolutely no justifiable complaint from the cheapskate bootleggers since you pay zero baht to True!!!

    You may be right or may be wrong time well tell I would give it no more then one week before all the dream boxes and alike are all back up and running with the full channel program. On the new system the card is matched to the true box the same as in the UK with sky TV and that system can use card sharing some people are making big money out of running these servers so they wont want to lose that income for very long.

    Second issue is really true is very over priced 2000 plus per month is a lot of money when you compare that to the average Thai income if you compare sky tv pricing to true's pricing and then compare income levels you may realise why so many people use a different way to still be able to get some TV channels without the high price.

    I would agree with the second issue. In another Thai forum most of the comments were about pricing, mainly complaining about how high they are. They suggested that if True lowered the pricing to something more reasonable they would be more than happy to pay.

    While it's a pertinent point I notice that Thais don't tend to moan about the price of cars in relation to wages, despite being considerably more expensive than the UK... so many people on low incomes driving red plate SUVs! I guess the difference being you can't buy a pirate copy Fortuner!

    The fact is that for your average Thai, that can't understand English, you can get the basic package, knowledge for c.500 bt a month... but why would they when they can get the full pirated package for less?!

  13. Re: capturing and distributing the feed from the receivers (or any HDMi source) over a network, couldn't you use HDMI to IP devices? This thread may be of interest to you... http://www.avsforum....rd-ethernet-lan

    Funny.. I was one of the moderators on there for years..

    Really?! Small world... Some useful snippets of info on there but like all forums you end up wading through the BS to find the truth of the matter... what's the expression, the emptiest vessels make the most noise?! I have used similar HDMi - IP devices with great results in the past but I guess that's not going to help you in regard to local control of the feed, just in getting it there...

  14. Then why did you get so worked up when your dream box stopped working with True?! What could you possibly want to record?! Evidently you are not downloading that much great content...!

    I am not 'worked up' about anything.. I have platinum and all the add on channels and have all my other systems of getting content..

    However I do have it set up to capture and distribute the MPEG data over my home network, to a media server and out to nodes for viewing, thats not going to work now with the new paired card system.

    But really its just making me wonder if I really need it.. Other than news channels and a bit of discovery turbo, I barely watch TV.. I realized recently I went from Oct Nov time last year until about march this year without once turning on the satellite feed.. I am paying 2500 plus a month just because I think I might want it..

    If that's the reality of your personal use it's a no brainer for you isn't it?! Why pay for a service you don't use?!

    Re: capturing and distributing the feed from the receivers (or any HDMi source) over a network, couldn't you use HDMI to IP devices? This thread may be of interest to you... http://www.avsforum.com/t/1157457/just-add-power-introduces-hdmi-over-ip-using-standard-ethernet-lan

  15. Oh how unhappy all you pirates and bootleggers are.....and very bitter......at last, all those who have been talking like smartarses for all this time about full True service almost for nothing are having to eat humble pie!!

    The whole thing is way more simple than all of you try to pretend. If you buy into True, they provide you with a box and a dish, and when it goes wrong or you have a problem you phone True and an engineer comes out and fixes it.....it really is that simple!!

    If on the other hand youre a dreambox pirate, well you can hardly complain can you, because how in hell do you expect True to let you have their signals for free when you dont pay into the system??!!

    I m no apologist for True, I have major issues with some of their programming.....but at the end of the day, I pay the legitimate fee for the legitimate service, and there is absolutely no justifiable complaint from the cheapskate bootleggers since you pay zero baht to True!!!

    Eat humble pie because I saved 2,000+ THB / month for several years?!?!? In 3 years, I've saved roughly 72,000 THB..... If that's constitutes humble pie, then by all means, I'll have another!

    Just because we paid "zero" baht to True, doesn't mean we are bootleggers. I've happily payed my service provider to provide me a cheaper alternative, with a much higher level of service and customer support, at a much more affordable rate.

    When I go into a massage shop and get a massage, I don't check for building zoning permits, the ID cards of all workers, etc. I am just there to purchase a service I want, at an affordable price. Its the service providers job to very that his business licenses are legit and he is not employing illegal workers. The same applies to my Sat provider. I'm just paying him for a service. How he's providing it is on him.


    That really depends on the legislation in the country you reside and pointedly whether or not you are aware you are using an illegal service... you might want to check the local laws before admitting any criminal acts on an internet forum which have your details and IP address... there are a few cases that can easily be googled where "innocent" end users have ended up being hauled over the coals...

  16. Blocked Pirate Users Overnight?

    So what are they going to do?

    Start subscribing to TureVission?

    that would be a good idea for true to get new customers but true forgot to stock up on equipment to sell the new customers.

    To be fair I think that is a by product of the whole GMM/ Euro 2012 fiasco... isn't there a huge backlog of receivers sitting in customs due to the NBTC placing a block on the importation of all satellite receivers until they could work out how to take their heads out of their butts and sort out some legislation to prevent similar fiascos in the future?

  17. If you are having problems with your dreambox not working and would still love to have quality UK TV, then try out our FREE 2 day trial today!


    2 day totally FREE trial (Windows PC only).

    No VPN or Proxy!


    When I tried to use it last year it would not work, no matter how I tried. (windows xp & windows 7, two different machines

    And e mails to you for help went unanswered, so no thanks, i'll not waste my time again.


    Chiang Mai

    Hi Richard,

    We think you must be confusing us with another company, as we have only been operational for 7 weeks. Our business model was not even conceived until early this year, 2012.

    All phone calls & emails are answered professionally and promptly. The best way to see that we are a different company to the one you previously had a bad expierence with, is to take out our 2 day free trial & see the quality for yourself.

    Best regards,


    To be fair to ThaiexpatTV, I used their service and it worked well. I watched most of the Euro 2012 on it and thoroughly enjoyed the English commentary. Customer service was great, recently cancelled the service due to work out of Thailand for a period but plan to resume later this year.

    I even forgot to cancel my paypal sub having cancelled the ThaiexpatTV feed and they refunded my payment without me asking. That is quality admin in my opinion and admirable honesty. thumbsup.gif

  18. Has anyone successfully used a True box to record a program? I've had an HD box since the start of the year and whenever I try to record, I get a message saying the service isn't available. If I call Truevisions they say the service will be available 'soon' but they've been telling me that for more than 6 months now.

    Yes, you need to buy an external HDD and connect this to your receiver, then contact True to activate the facility on your receiver... they do charge an extra 99 bt a month for this "privilege", which is my only beef with Truevisions at the moment. It's a bit cheeky given you are recording to a HDD that you own, not them!

    True sell their own HDDs but they are expensive and I couldn't get one due to lack of stock. They publish a list of "recommended" HDDs on their website I believe, but many other makes and models work. I will post a list of models that I have tested soon, just waiting for delivery...

    NB You need to use a HDD with a SATA and USB connection, not network connection

  19. HD torrents are highly compressed giving poor viedo and even worse audio quailty....No lossless audio not even as good as 5.1 dolby surround sound, But if you now have a sat box that is a paper weight, I guess its better then nothing. btw, How can a 25 gigabyte hd movie look the same after its compressed into 1.5 gigabytes...Keep living the dream.

    If you think True is using anything like BluRay level compression your obviously in need of some glasses..

    My main reason for downloading torrents is True has so little I wish to watch.. And I like my series timeshifted so I can marathon them.

    Once you get used to TV on your schedules, its very hard to go back to broadcast.

    Then why did you get so worked up when your dream box stopped working with True?! What could you possibly want to record?! Evidently you are not downloading that much great content...!

    Yes you are correct, True's HD channels are not the same standard as Bluray which is the best medium to watch any decent, recent release films on and is also legal!

    The original poster is correct in that most "HD" torrent downloads are considerably worse quality than True's HD channels... and we are talking fairly mahoosive files that take an age to download with Thailand's restricted international DL speeds... and are being accessed for the most part through torrent and "sharing" sites acting in an illegal manner.

    I think some just like to try to show off their limited technological knowledge making them feel "superior" to more traditional TV viewers... seems a bit egotistical to me, horses for courses... I'm very happy with True, if I can't get access to what I want I will either DL or buy it on Bluray and add to my vault. I am a bit old fashioned that way, I still much prefer to buy content that actually exists in a "physical form"! LPs (yes I still buy vinyl and love it!),CDs, DVDs, Bluray... then I will store it on media server, but you just can't beat that feeling of actually having something to hold! One of the many reasons I hate iTunes and similar, but more so due to the control they then exhibit over you "purchased" content...

  20. Regarding this, unnecessarily bitchy, Sat TV (True) vs Internet DLs/ Torrents. Advantages of sat - Live sports, live news feeds, ease of use, convenience and of course, legality. Downloading illegal content via torrent doesn't make that content any more legal!

    Personally I DL specific content that I want if I can't get it on sat, legally if I can but couldn't be without sat TV of some sort. Cbeebies for the children - do they really care if they repeat a series? Of course not, they'll watch the same Peppa Pig episode 20 twenty times over and love it each time!

    This update to the True service is a positive move, the prices aren't excessive (actually very cheap if you use multiple receivers), they're in line with sat providers the world over as is the content, number of repeats etc. For me Discovery HD, Nat Geo HD & History are welcome additions to the line-up,some great documentaries, series etc and hey, if they repeat them I can always switch over! 3x HD sports channels? Awesome, Olympics live in HD, Premiership live in HD... how can that be bad?

    I don't understand why people have to be so ratty when it comes to technology or these sat TV threads, jeez, we live in the LOS, look outside it's sunny and hot.... take a break from your TV if it's all getting a bit too stressful and go have a swim to cool off thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  21. Dreamboxes, OpenBoxes and other unauthorized methods of receiving TrueVisions content will not work from today July 16, 2012 as the company now pairs the genuine subscription card with the orginal TrueVisions HD box.

    Why would they claim the use of a Dreambox is unauthorized?

    It is not, at least not if you are a regular subscriber to Truevisions and simply insert your decoder card from Truevisions into the Dreambox.

    There is no law or contract stipulation which forces you to use the hardware supplied by Truevisions.

    The reason why Truevisions doesn't want people to use the Dreambox is because the Dreambox can record and Truevisions cannot charge an additional fee to recording, as they do now ith the new box.

    And the fact that for years they would sell the subscription cards without any equipment rental also.

    I don't believe that they have made these encoding and encryption changes purely to stop people using 3rd party hardware recording functions. While a minority of people might use the Dreambox for this, the vast majority do so to gain illegal access to Truevisions content.

    Clearly it is the latter that they are trying to stamp out as the lost revenue from recording is insignificant compared to the lost revenue from piracy.

    • Like 1
  22. "The court found that complaints against plans by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's party to amend the constitution -- drawn up under the military junta that deposed her divisive brother Thaksin -- were unfounded."

    Strange choice of words from the judges, would expect them to at least try to appear neutral... or is that simply the media bias creeping in... I would have thought "drawn up under the divisive military junta", would have been more accurate, as it was them deposing Thaksin that struck the most divisive blow to Thailand, surely?

    Surely not. Thaksin was dividing the profits first.

    sent from my Wellcom A90+

    Surely that's just normal, everyday Thai business practice... deposing him was the most divisive act as far as the impact on the Thai population...

    Surely bank rolling the Red shirts and organizing Red villages is more divisive. If you ain't Red you can't live there. That's divisive.

    sent from my Wellcom A90+

    Before or after the military junta? In my opinion the noticeable division of Thai society coincided with the military junta deposing Thaksin and the wording in the article is deliberately biased. I'm not getting into the rights and wrongs of the matter, just noting the deliberate bias in the writing.

    As for the "red villages", my personal experiences are that "Yellow" areas aren't much better for "Reds". We live down in Phuket, staunchly Dem, and the family from Isaan that take care of our estate (who incidentally are really nice, hard working and not politically motivated at all), can't leave their pick up in town for fear it will be vandalised because of the up country plates...it has been twice already.

    They couldn't give a toss about Thaksin or Abhisit, they just want to earn a crust and take care of their family. These rich elites wrangling for power have little to do with their reality. I think that's representative of most Thai citizens, who when pushed might take a side but increasingly find themselves being dragged into what's become a ridiculous charade while really they just want to get on with their lives.

    I find TV members with such strong convictions either way in this quite amusing, especially when all parties are so obviously self serving and corrupt. It becomes a bit like a "My Dad's tougher than your Dad" argument in a playground, but with the Reds/ Yellows taking the paternal role, and toughness being substituted with corruption/ deceit!

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  23. "The court found that complaints against plans by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's party to amend the constitution -- drawn up under the military junta that deposed her divisive brother Thaksin -- were unfounded."

    Strange choice of words from the judges, would expect them to at least try to appear neutral... or is that simply the media bias creeping in... I would have thought "drawn up under the divisive military junta", would have been more accurate, as it was them deposing Thaksin that struck the most divisive blow to Thailand, surely?

    Surely that is the words of the writer, and not the actual words of the judges.

    That was obvious to me.

    Surely that's why I started my post "Strange choice of words from the judges, would expect them to at least try to appear neutral... or is that simply the media bias creeping in..."

    I would have thought that was quite obvious! thumbsup.gif

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