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Posts posted by Ferangled

  1. ]French President Francois Hollande hailed Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's "commitments in favour of democracy and freedom" as they met in Paris on Friday, his office said.[/b]

    Hollande's aides should really have told him about Yingluck's red party committing serious breaches of UDHR laws on human-rights, when they allowed the home-addresses of dissenting judges to be distributed to angry street thugs. Maybe Hollande has a different definition of "democracy and freedom" than UDHR do. Maybe he thinks that government thugs making citizens afraid to live in their own homes, is a symbol of democracy and freedom.

    Hollande started out working for Mitterrand who was a hapless communist, and whose far-left polices led to a huge economic disaster in France. Hollande is the same kind of champagne socialist as his communist mentor was. I'm not surprised at all that Yingluck is viewed so kindly by these freewheeling communists.


    Government thugs making citizens afraid to live in their homes?! Someone needs to get out more and watch less drama on TV. What are you on about Yunla?!

    Do you have the slightest idea about communism or a socialism? You seem a tad confused... I would love to have just one thread on TV left as a real discussion and not a platform to spout Anti-red/ yellow BS. The continual mudslinging is childish and shows a distinct lack of critical thinking.

    It doesn't matter how much nonsense you talk, foreign Governments make ties with the elected leaders of other Governments. Yingluck is the elected PM of Thailand. She's dealing with the train wreck that is Thailand's international image, a legacy left after Abhisit demonstrated to the world so well that the old school elitist's grip on power was failing as the country was brought to the brink of civil war.

    The French and English had similar periods in their history, culminating in outright violence c.200 and C.350 years ago respectively, giving the current leaders of those countries a rather unique perspective on what issues Thailand is facing now... don't be surprised that foreign sympathies don't echo the writing of such neutral media outlets as "The Nation"...

    • Like 2
  2. I was just looking at the True website which showed the new HD receiver as being capable of taking 11 HD channels yet on another page they say there are now 17 HD channels. I currently do not subscribe to True after having the platinum package for a long time I changed to the Silver package (which does not seem to exist anymore) when they dropped BBC E a couple of years ago.

    Currently they are offering all 17 HD channels on the platinum subscription, the full channel list is available here... http://www.truevisio...o/new/pgs_l.jpg

    As part of this I get access to BBC Knowledge, BBC Lifestyle, BBC Entertainment and, my personal favourite, CBeebies! I think these were originally "extra" bolt on channels, but we're paying no extra and get them as part of our platinum subscription now. thumbsup.gif

    This jpeg shows no Channel 113 ASN.

    So what is it? Is there or is there not ASN?

    Not sure why this isn't on the channel list but I have ASN on channel 113 on my platinum subscriptions....

  3. The True HD receiver is connected directly to the tv via a high quality QED Performance HDMI cable. I had no problems with the basic HD channels before the upgrade and I also have a blu ray player with the same brand cable that works perfectly when playing bluray discs. Have contacted True who went through some of the options above that Pib already mentioned and are now sending someone to investigate tomorrow. Hopefully they can figure it out.

    Strange. If you have the cable, you could try connecting the audio separately to the TV via a standard analogue audio cable... then if your TV allows it pair that to the HDMi input for the True receiver... or try it component video (red, blue & green) with standard audio (white & red), at least that would narrow the issue down to the HDMI output if the synch problem stops.. you could also try swapping over the HDMi cables to prove that it's not a defective cable... and the inputs on the TV to take that out of the equation... (ie use the same cable and input on the TV that you know works with the Bluray player)

  4. They way they handled this whole change was very unprofessional. As I mentioned in a previous thread on this they typically make the changes in phases to minimize the impact on paying customers.

    I would say that True were as professional as they had to be. I notice that many of the complaints here are coming from people who bought their boxes.....True owes them nothing. Complaints from pirates? Not even an issue. What's left: boxes that weren't upgraded? I think the number of box rentals still non Samsung is tiny. True have been pushing the new box since first quarter 2011 (over a year) and have become really diligent in the past 3 months. Kinda unreasonable to say True is unprofessional.

    This is a ridiculous comment.. True clients bought equipment needed to use the True service from True and True owes them nothing? If you run your business like this remind me to never be your customer.

    My point on implementing in phases is that they could have made all the changes to mpeg4 when they introduced the new channels and then after they won't out those bugs and issues then changed the encryption over on channels slowly to make sure that didn't cause issues with their customers. Instead they chose to just do it all at once in quick fashion. Doing it in phases is how every other professional outlet handles these things. Forget the "pirate" aspect of things. No matter how TRUE plays it the pirates will have a fix for their clients. It's been less than 2 weeks and already the pirates have the CS back up and running on all the new HD channels. The folks that are getting asses out are the actual paying TRUE customers and this is what true should have tried to minimize.

    Totally agree that this changeover should have been phased in, first the additional HD channels/ switch to mpeg4, ensure that upgrade was working fully with all bugs ironed out and then announce and carry out the NDS encryption changes later... but that would have been logical and TIT!

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  5. While I have the utmost sympathy with anyone forced to work in prostitution or subject to human rights abuses, I also find the moral outrage triggered by this "revelation" absurd. This is Thailand, sex capital of Asia, where daily and in plain view girls sell their services. It is known and accepted by society here, and everyone knows that part and parcel of this trade is abuse.

    The distinction between a girl working of their own free will and those forced into the situation is a blurry one, but it does seem that those that daily turn a blind eye to these events involving local girls are somehow more offended when it involves foreigners... I think there are some tangible double standards at play here.

    How many of the Northern Thai girls working in prostitution do so out of an obligation to provide for their family? How many feel "forced" into the trade in the knowledge that should they stop, their children will go hungry? How many are sent from their family home by their own relations, paid to provide the girl, who then has to work off her debt in less than ideal conditions?

    All the human rights issues that effect prostitutes are as a direct result of the accepted "illegality" of the profession. Legalise it, control it and then those working in the sex industry are not shamed into being unable to seek assistance, not scared to report abuses because they know they will face prosecution themselves (or worse). Same goes for the drug trade, but like prostitution this will never happen, because the powers that be stand to make far more from it as an illegal trade, giving them free reign to play both sides of the game...

    • Like 2
  6. If having problems with your TrueVisions-issued/rental HD box, below may be helpful in fixing them (your results may vary).

    First, try turning off/unplugging the HD box for a few minutes and then powering it back up, to include removing and reinserting the subscription card after it has completely powered up again. Be sure you unplug the box's power; just going to Standby is not a complete power-down.

    Second, try a Signal Reset of the HD box (True has been running how to do this on Channel 12 for weeks now for their various boxes, but only run in the Thai language…below are some instructions in English)

    1. Press Menu on the remote

    2. Select Setup

    3. Select System Setup

    4. Select Signal Setup

    5. Enter code 2321 and press Submit

    6. Press remote OK when next screen appears. After a few seconds the Signal Strength and Signal Quality bars will turn pink in level indications with a high pitch squeal which means the Signal Reset is done.

    7. Press OK/Next, which will take you back to the System Setup menu and you will see the TV channel playing in the upper right hand window. You are done…just press Exit on the remote to get out of the menu screens and back to the full/normal TV screen. You are done.

    Third, try a software/firmware download for the HD box

    1. Turn off/unplug the box for a few seconds (do not just go to Standby, completely power down the box for a few seconds)

    2. Plug the box back-in (do not press the power button on the remote), in a few seconds you will see “Booting” on the box's display panel, as soon as you see "Booting" quickly press Exit on the remote and then enter the code 2485.

    3. If you pressed Exit and entered the code quick enough the box will start downloading and updated software/firmware, which may be the current version you have installed or may be a newer version. DO NOT interrupt this download process which will take 5-10 minutes…let the software completely download & install 100% per the download progress bar. As mentioned, this can take around 5-10 minutes. When the download process reaches 100% let the box continue to reboot itself until it gets back to displaying a normal TV channel over the next 15-30 seconds. Once again, DON’T INTERRUPT any of this process. When you start seeing the normal screen after 5-10 minutes and if you don’t have picture/sound, remove and insert the subscription card....still no picture unplug the box and then repower...but normallly you shouldn't have to remove/reinsert the card or do the power reset. You are done. Note: I’ve done this on all three of my HD boxes at the recommendation/instructions of TrueVisions when I had problems with 2 of the 3 boxes when initially installed a couple month ago….and I even redid it on all three boxes after the TrueVisions switchover on 16 July just for gee-whizs.

    In closing, hopefully, I got the steps right for the Second and Third instructions above. I'm on cable TrueVisions and hopefully it works the same way for folks on satellite TrueVisions. I just did the Second and Third instructions on one of my boxes while writing this post…the box still works fine. If trying all three things above and you still have problems it's time to call TrueVisions as you probably have a bad box/card or TrueVisions has something setup wrong in your account profile.

    Great set of instructions here which may help others but none have solved my lip sync issues sad.png

    Paul, how is your receiver connected? Does it connect HDMi direct to your screen or are you using an amplifier/ speakers?

  7. Was he drunk when he made that statement? In the photo, he's bent over and supporting himself on the table edge.

    If he's such a great expample of disciplinarian, why are all three of his sons such rowdy punks?

    If he wants death penalties for drug dealers, then does that apply to dealers of Thailand's most harmful drug?

    Will we see liquor store owners, Seagram, Chivas, and JW executives rounded up and executed? Not likely

    And while Chalerm's shenanigan hypocritical grandstanding is going on, hemp is classified as a class-5 drug in Thailand, though no one has ever been stoned on hemp (can't happen, doesn't have enough THC to stone a grasshopper). Thai authorities need to learn the basics about drugs (opiates, pharma, alcohol, etc) before they can realistically criminalize them.

    Same old argument, like a bad joke that’s been circulated far too long, becomes boring and in the end everyone stops listening.

    If people want to over indulge in drink or tobacco, bugger up they’re health and help make the companies rich, that’s their problem if they have no sense of control. We are talking about hard drugs here, outfits run by criminal gangs and murderers in an industry that’s worth billions of $$$$$$. These people work and trade on fear. They will maim, kill and destroy anyone who they consider is a nuisance or a threat to them without mercy. They must be strictly controlled and never permitted to gain major power and footholds within the establishments and mainstream populations of any countries. The authorities are at war with drugs and those who are involved must be made fully aware that they are gambling with their lives and that dabbling in drugs cannot pay in the long term.

    These manufacturers, peddlers, dealers and transporters of suffering, misery, pain and death are not wanted in the civilised world and the quicker they are wiped off the planet the better. 30 days? How about the same day they are confirmed guilty? And save the taxpayer some money into the bargain.

    Drugs are the scourge of society, they destroy lives.

    Of course there are going to be many of you that do not agree with this and believe the penalties on those who are associated with drugs is way too harsh. The solution is simple. DON`T DO DRUGS in any shape or form and put the dealers of poison out of business, because those that buy and use drugs are also fuelling the illicit drug industry, plus all the pain and suffering that goes with it.

    outfits run by criminal gangs and murderers in an industry that’s worth billions of $$$$$$. These people work and trade on fear. They will maim, kill and destroy anyone who they consider is a nuisance or a threat to them without mercy. They must be strictly controlled and never permitted to gain major power and footholds within the establishments and mainstream populations of any countries. The authorities are at war with drugs and those who are involved must be made fully aware that they are gambling with their lives and that dabbling in drugs cannot pay in the long term...

    Try googling US prohibition... have you never heard of Al Capone?!

    You seem to miss the obvious point that the only reason that illegal drugs are controlled by "criminal gangs and murderers" is because they were made illegal... these drugs were legal for centuries before the US imposed their will on the world and created a lucrative market. Cocaine, Opium and Marijuana literally grew wild and never posed a problem until the US decided to take what they had learned from the prohibition of alcohol and create a big, fat cash cow which they could milk from both ends.

    "never permitted to gain major power and footholds within the establishments and mainstream populations of any countries"

    You are evidently very naive as to who is actually controlling this trade and at what levels the real profiteers are entrenched in society internationally.

    Are you familiar with the bible at all? Burning bush, Mount Sinai.... do you have any idea what grew prolifically all over that entire area? I don't recall too many passages chronically the massive drug problem they had the time... maybe because in most religions it was never seen as a problem, on the contrary it was taken as a gift from God...

  8. @ Ferangled...

    Hang the bi&^h...Hang Her High.

    I don't believe she should be hung, but certainly locked up for a long period giving her ample time to reflect on what she did. I expect that would be punishment enough.... personally I don't know how anyone could live with themselves having killed their own grandchild.

    I appreciate that I have been very fortunate in having grandparents that were utterly devoted to their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. That said I think this is a "luxury" that every child should have, regardless of financial status... love and compassion are free after all...

  9. Murder is a nasty thing. What she did was clearly wrong, but it is clear that many of the posters have no idea what goes on in poor areas of town. Spousal abuse is not unheard of, it is exceedingly common here. On any day of the week you will come across it. It is often open to public display. Although wife bashing is more prevalent than husband bashing. Many families in these areas are living emotionally troubled lives. Children running wild, disrespecting one and all is so common it is the norm.

    If she killed her husband when she snapped as a result of continued violence against her, you can be sure there were witnesses who could back up her claims.

    How anyone can condemn her out of hand without knowing the surrounding facts is a slap in the face of justice, not support for it.

    I understand what you are saying and can see how this would be applicable in the original incident where she shot her husband in self defence and evidently there was sufficient evidence for the court to exonerate her. However I think knowing the facts as reported in this case - ie, the boy was sleeping, granny whacked him over the head while he was sleeping and killed him, then tried to hide the body, then confessed, is sufficient evidence for most to condemn this woman as guilty of murder.

  10. My last box lasted 7.5 years just fine. I assume a new box would have a warranty - maybe one year - and I'd being willing to risk it breaking in the second year.

    I presume they won't let you rent a receiver without also renting the dish and hence incurring the installation fee though?

    You can use your own dish and the installation fee is waived. As to what warranty True are offering on the Samsung receivers, I believe you would be left to take it up with Samsung should your receiver fail... I am yet to successfully get a refund/ replacement for any faulty electronics in Thailand... consumers are not protected by the same laws here that we are used to in the West and most warranties appear to not be worth the paper they are written on. Have you been given any warranty with the receiver you bought?

    Like I said, each to their own, buy or rent it's a personal choice. As someone working in a related industry I am fully aware that the current "HD" service is simply a stepping stone to even higher resolutions and better technology, which will be implemented in stages to increase the revenue of AV manufacturers.

    As always the next big thing (actually the next few big things!) in AV is already ready to launch but as consumers we are fed the updates incrementally to keep us buying new electronics... think Apple products, carefully staged to keep people spending money. The "latest" tech seems to have a shorter and shorter shelf life these days, what's cutting edge one day is redundant the next...

  11. I think there is a law in Thailand prohibit one from sueing their parent.

    Does that also apply to parent of parent?

    Clearly whatever you are banging on about is totally irrelevant to this case. The victim won't be "sueing" anyone, they were murdered in cold blood while they slept.

    If there is any justice in this country the Grandmother will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for murder. The mother of the child should also be questioned as to why she felt it appropriate to leave her child in the care of a woman known to have killed at least one other family member...

    A sad and sorry tale, leading to some very sorry commentary on TV.

  12. *Deleted quote edited out*

    This is premeditated murder not manslaughter. The events leading up to the cold blooded assault of a minor while sleeping are uncorroborated and probably fabricated by the killer who evidently has experience of the courts and how to beat a murder charge, ie by claiming self defence. He was snoring in an aggressive manner yer honour... <deleted>.

    The fact that after the event she tried to dispose of the body and then when caught, tried to justify killing her own grandson, by claiming he was violent makes her appear even more guilty to me. Given the fact that she killed her own husband with a gun, the boy's grandfather, is it any wonder if this child was acting violently? Children learn to copy those around them and it appears this poor child was learning life skills from a homicidal maniac...

    • Like 2
  13. the jail doesn't sound so bad either


    i'd do it in a heartbeat!

    anyone have thaksins phone number? i have a deal he might be interested in.

    Free education, free healthcare and even a supermarket! I love the harsh disciplinary measures... " Prisoners who step out of line face disciplinary measures, including bans on phone calls, receiving visitors or shopping in the supermarket"

    Where do I sign up? Prison Dubai style.... wonder if they have Gucci and Prada sections in the supermarket.. .tongue.png

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  14. This from a practising Buddhist?

    The death penalty has no place in the 21st century, I don't care what the crime is.

    It's been proved time and time again that strong deterrents make little to no impact on the drug trade.

    If breathing were made illegal do you think threatening people with the death penalty would stop it? The fact is that there are rich elites in every country that make far too much off this trade to stop and there will always be those desperate enough to act the scape goat for them by becoming runners/ dealers.... let alone the hypocrisy coming from someone like Chalerm, stumbling drunk that he is.

    In Portugal they have proved that relaxing of the laws against drug use has actually helped curb the use of them resulting in lower policing and Jail costs.

    Not only a more effective approach but slightly more humane than calling for increased haste in murdering low level dealers and runners...

    The current approach is just insanity, not just in Thailand, the US are the main culprits in this regard. It's like making smoking illegal then ignoring the tobacco companies and routinely culling anyone smoking or selling cigarettes... plain idiocy.

  15. Id do 3 years for 90 million USD.

    Where do I sign up????

    He got 3 years for 3 million baht [uS $ 100,000]

    The report said the former lawyer took around 3 billion baht from the transaction for his personal use.

    I personally wouldn't do 3 years for that.

    Missing quite a few zeros... "The report said the former lawyer took around 3 billion baht from the transaction for his personal use."

    I would be quite happy to serve 3 years anywhere for 3 billion bt... 1 billion baht a year is an awesome annual income and a considerable improvement on my current salary!

    I guess the message being, crime does pay, unless of course the reporter simply missed out the compensation payments and seizure of assets that you'd expect to accompany the conviction and prison term... perhaps not, I am not familiar with the sentencing powers for one "convicted of breach of trust".. in Dubai...

    Do't forget that in addition to 3,000,000,000 baht you get room and board.tongue.png

    Good point, a sizeable salary with accommodation and meals provided FOC, what a great package!

  16. We've been into our local branch today, and came away more confused than when we went in. We had bought our receiver, many years ago, and after reading comments on here, about exchanging new for old, (at a cost), I took it with us. At first they told us that could not sell us a new receiver, as they had none in stock, but would have stock in three days. We could however rent one, but had to pay 6 months deposit (9000 Baht), first. We decided to wait the three days. Then they discovered they did have some receivers for sale, at 3900 Baht.

    We decided to buy one, as we were told to rent a receiver box was 1500 baht a month, with Gold package subscription fees of 1400 baht, on top of that. We asked to have the HD channels included, (extra cost 290 baht), and also the BBC package of Entertainment & CBBC, (a further 170 baht). after the True shop got in touch with whoever runs this joke of a company, we were told that the HD channels and BBC packages were only available to customers who rented their receivers - I thought the purpose of running a business was to make money, but it seems True can afford to turn my money away.

    After I had stopped banging my head on the wall, we bought the receiver, but with only the Gold package as a subscription. It took the girls in the shop, (there was seven of them, and we were the only customers, apart from a couple of folks paying bills), over two hours to sort this out for us !

    I have been a customer of this company, and UBC before it, for 12 years or so. I cannot understand why they differentiate between customers who rent their receivers, and those who buy them.

    It seems they have no idea of how to treat loyal customers. Frankly I am amazed that any Thai people can afford to pay a monthly rental of 1500 baht, with additional package costs for whichever service they subscribe to, on top of that. Ridiculous way to run a business.mad.gif

    Sounds like a total fiasco. The receiver rental cost is 155 baht a month, platinum package 2,000 baht a month, which includes BBC Knowledge and BBC Lifestyle, Entertainment and CBeebies are extra (but I seem to get them for free).

    http://www.truevisio...kage.aspx?id=39 All the monthly costs are listed here and should not vary from branch to branch. It sounds like the shop is staffed by a bunch of scammers, trying a fast one or just idiots.

    I would return the receiver to the shop and call the customer service number rather than try to deal with the shop face to face http://www.truevisio.../contactus.aspx , report the local shop and order what you want over the phone. I believe you can even sign up on the website but haven't tried it.

    I would not advise buying the receiver either, rent it; you'll have to pay 2,000 baht deposit and I doubt you'll get a discount/ trade in for old receiver as you bought it (had it been rented they should simply swap them over for free). Good luck,

    Well my wife rang Truevisions and the chap said we should go back to the shop (Phetchabun) tomorrow and they should change us over to the rental package, using the money we paid for the deposit and to subscribe to the Gold package. He also said that the extra channels we wanted, the HD package and the BBC package are available, as a la carte extras, and the girls in the shop should know this. We'll see what happens, but either way, I'm writing to the head office to complain. How hard can it be to have people working in a shop who actually know what they are talking about? I feel that we were conned today, Disgraceful way to treat long standing customers.

    I'd check the subscription costs carefully; I'm pretty sure that a Gold subscription with additional HD and BBC package will be approaching the cost of Platinum - It might even work out cheaper just going with the Platinum sub which currently includes HD & some BBC content...

    It does sound like you have a bunch of scammers at the local shop and I'd try to make it clear to them that you will be checking everything they say/ do back with True head office. It's worth complaining because the more complaints they receive the more likely they will make changes to improve customer service. The bottom line is these guys are in it to make money, so if they receive a number of complaints about one particular branch they will feel compelled to shake things up there for fear of losing revenue...

    All the best for today, try to remain calm in the face of adversity! The golden Thai rule of diplomacy... never show them how angry and frustrated they are making you with their incompetence!

  17. I would not advise buying the receiver either, rent it; you'll have to pay 2,000 baht deposit and I doubt you'll get a discount/ trade in for old receiver as you bought it (had it been rented they should simply swap them over for free). Good luck,

    I disagree with this. Buying costs 3,990 baht. Renting is 155 baht or so per month. If you buy one you'll be ahead after just over 2 years. Now when you consider that renting will also entail a 1,500 baht installation fee, and a 2,000 baht deposit that is tied up for x years, buying is an absolute no brainer.

    Each to their own but the basic maths doesn't confer the full picture. Buying basically confers you zero comeback when something goes wrong. Rented box and they will swap it out FOC if there's any hardware problem. Satellite receivers are pretty flaky as AV equipment goes, the heat and humidity in Thailand doesn't make for a perfect installation environment and given this is a fairly new product I would expect some hardware issues... indeed I have already heard of a number of customers that have had to get receivers replaced after they developed issues.

    The 2,000 baht is a refundable deposit and the 1,500 bt installation fee applies to both rental and bought receivers depending on whether or not you already have a satellite dish/ cable installed. It has nothing to do with the rental status of your receiver.

    As we've seen with this recent changeover, times change, technology gets made redundant and the rental customers have come out of this much better, with free upgrades to the new receivers... The AV industry likes to shake things up to generate sales so I very much doubt this will be the last sat receiver upgrade we see here.

  18. We've been into our local branch today, and came away more confused than when we went in. We had bought our receiver, many years ago, and after reading comments on here, about exchanging new for old, (at a cost), I took it with us. At first they told us that could not sell us a new receiver, as they had none in stock, but would have stock in three days. We could however rent one, but had to pay 6 months deposit (9000 Baht), first. We decided to wait the three days. Then they discovered they did have some receivers for sale, at 3900 Baht.

    We decided to buy one, as we were told to rent a receiver box was 1500 baht a month, with Gold package subscription fees of 1400 baht, on top of that. We asked to have the HD channels included, (extra cost 290 baht), and also the BBC package of Entertainment & CBBC, (a further 170 baht). after the True shop got in touch with whoever runs this joke of a company, we were told that the HD channels and BBC packages were only available to customers who rented their receivers - I thought the purpose of running a business was to make money, but it seems True can afford to turn my money away.

    After I had stopped banging my head on the wall, we bought the receiver, but with only the Gold package as a subscription. It took the girls in the shop, (there was seven of them, and we were the only customers, apart from a couple of folks paying bills), over two hours to sort this out for us !

    I have been a customer of this company, and UBC before it, for 12 years or so. I cannot understand why they differentiate between customers who rent their receivers, and those who buy them.

    It seems they have no idea of how to treat loyal customers. Frankly I am amazed that any Thai people can afford to pay a monthly rental of 1500 baht, with additional package costs for whichever service they subscribe to, on top of that. Ridiculous way to run a business.mad.gif

    Sounds like a total fiasco. The receiver rental cost is 155 baht a month, platinum package 2,000 baht a month, which includes BBC Knowledge and BBC Lifestyle, Entertainment and CBeebies are extra (but I seem to get them for free).

    http://www.truevisionstv.com/package.aspx?id=39 All the monthly costs are listed here and should not vary from branch to branch. It sounds like the shop is staffed by a bunch of scammers, trying a fast one or just idiots.

    I would return the receiver to the shop and call the customer service number rather than try to deal with the shop face to face http://www.truevisionstv.com/contactus.aspx , report the local shop and order what you want over the phone. I believe you can even sign up on the website but haven't tried it.

    I would not advise buying the receiver either, rent it; you'll have to pay 2,000 baht deposit and I doubt you'll get a discount/ trade in for old receiver as you bought it (had it been rented they should simply swap them over for free). Good luck,

  19. This from a practising Buddhist?

    The death penalty has no place in the 21st century, I don't care what the crime is.

    It's been proved time and time again that strong deterrents make little to no impact on the drug trade.

    If breathing were made illegal do you think threatening people with the death penalty would stop it? The fact is that there are rich elites in every country that make far too much off this trade to stop and there will always be those desperate enough to act the scape goat for them by becoming runners/ dealers.... let alone the hypocrisy coming from someone like Chalerm, stumbling drunk that he is.

  20. Well, I can't agree here. I must say that I think that TRUE's behaviour has been very bad indeed. They just turned off the signal for me without warning in early March and did not apologise in any way.

    They did replace my very old analog box with a Samsung HD box for free but I hear other subscribers who have had to pay for the upgrade. Maybe I was lucky to instruct my wife how to talk to True. Tell them that cable TV suddenly stopped working and tell them to come and fix it, no cost accepted.

    Why should some current subscribers who promptly pay the bill every month have to pay for an upgrade to get the same viewing experience they had before? Plus a couple of crap HD channels that they would never watch anyway, like TNN HD, just a mediocre quality stretched SD which makes the normally beautiful call-girls look fat and ugly. I can agree that the "upgrade" is worth it for e.g. platinum subscribers but not for those who have the lower packages

    There is no doubt that True deliberately just shut down the analog system where I live in early March knowing that the TVs of many paying subscribers would just go blank

    Cheap and Dirty in my opinion

    "I must say that I think that TRUE's behaviour has been very bad indeed"............ "They did replace my very old analog box with a Samsung HD box for free".........."Cheap and Dirty in my opinion"

    cheesy.gif ???!!!

    So they came out and gave you a free upgrade to a new HD receiver and you call them cheap and dirty because you didn't see the writing on the wall (and screen banners, adverts in magazines, newspaper articles, threads on TV, notices on their website etc etc etc)... there really is no pleasing some people!

    I'm sorry but this is just concrete proof that certain TV members need to get out a bit and gain a better sense of perspective of the world they live in. This is paranoia, bordering on psychosis. There is no plot to deny you Sat TV or extract money from you, this is a service upgrade, it is free and it is beneficial... I guess they should have personally visited every single customer and forced them to hand over their old receivers at gun point so that they could cheat you with their free upgrade to a better receiver and HD.... coffee1.gif

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  21. Id do 3 years for 90 million USD.

    Where do I sign up????

    He got 3 years for 3 million baht [uS $ 100,000]

    The report said the former lawyer took around 3 billion baht from the transaction for his personal use.

    I personally wouldn't do 3 years for that.

    It sucks when you can't read ... 3 BILLION not 3 Million. I'm not saying the article is right mind you but the OP was talking about the amount in the article not the one you misread and then even copied and pasted and still misread. 3 Billion bhat would convert to around 90 to a 100 million depending on the exchange rate at the time.


    Sounds about right, they had it at £60million on another source.... £20 million for each year of jail time? Sounds good to me, if he serves half the sentence for good behaviour he'll increase his annual salary to £40 million a year!!!

    So all I need now is a fugitive football club owning billionaire tycoon that wants to sell his club and use me as a money middle man... any offers?!

  22. I was incandescent last evening when True Non-Visions decided to blank out the final stages of the Scottish Open golf tournament at 2300. My excitement had been building over the previous two hours when the result was more and more in doubt and it was becoming a very much nip and tuck affair. At the end of the month my box goes back, with the unpaid monthly invoice, and if they cock up the showing of The Open this week I shall be taking a 4 lb hammer to it before handing it in. Enough is enough.

    Anybody advising me that I need a course in anger management can stick his advice where the sun doesn't shine.

    I'm sure I saw an email apologizing for this being about to happen and advising of their website where it could be followed ...

    i received the messages this morning (Tuesday) on my mobile. Guess who provides my mobile service? ****** True of course.

    Wooooo saaaaaa... come on it's only golf and you can watch the next tournament in HD... you might even be able to see where they are hitting that tiny white ball in high def!!!

  23. I was just looking at the True website which showed the new HD receiver as being capable of taking 11 HD channels yet on another page they say there are now 17 HD channels. I currently do not subscribe to True after having the platinum package for a long time I changed to the Silver package (which does not seem to exist anymore) when they dropped BBC E a couple of years ago.

    Currently they are offering all 17 HD channels on the platinum subscription, the full channel list is available here... http://www.truevisionstv.com/photo/new/pgs_l.jpg

    As part of this I get access to BBC Knowledge, BBC Lifestyle, BBC Entertainment and, my personal favourite, CBeebies! I think these were originally "extra" bolt on channels, but we're paying no extra and get them as part of our platinum subscription now. thumbsup.gif

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