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Posts posted by kawapower

  1. Fished there yesterday and going again today.... Landed a 20lb plus Catla lost a Siamese, which where not as active as usual but where biting. Had customers on Arapiama Pond last week best fish of the day 120lb.

    Cheers mate, sounds good, love it there, always had great fishing and fish, looking forward to fishing there again so much, wish I lived nearer, Phuket is a bit of a trek!

  2. ^ Who were the interesting people? I don't remember any tongue.png

    'Logbags' is the only good member noticeable in his absence IMO.

    Guess you are right about who were the interesting people, many fools are missing though, have they seen the light and decided to be nice posters, surely not!!

  3. The forums were fun but now very boring, all the interesting people are either banned or fed up, personally I am bored with the whole thing and would much rather have a beer or watch Emmerdale, hic hic, these forums are boring! Who was it who said "what a joke" but I have to admit the forums have become very pleasant with fewer fools posting. Still boring though. Lol

  4. One inflammatory post removed.

    5 posts in to a thread like this. This forum needs to sort itself out big time!! What a joke. blink.png

    Your right what a joke, who was foolish enough to make an inflammatory post to a decent thread, yet again another thread being ruined by fools!!!

    Grizzly's is okay!!

  5. If you know the OP from his previous user name. He is always the nice guy, never does anything wrong, never gets angry, always does the right thing. This thread is just another example of 'mr nice guy' preaching to everyone about what a good drver he is. Im sure more than a few people on this thread (including the op) talk on their mobiles whilst driving, run red lights, speed and drive under the influence.

    I for one moved here from a nanny state which is why I like it here.

    As i said before. Use public transport, employ a driver or on the OPs case, Use motorbike taxis or sorng taews if you cant handle driving here

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect App

    And what is wrong with being a nice guy? I don't feel the need to be rude, abusive, sarcastic, even to people I can not see!!

    Yes speed often(everyone does this, go through red lights occasionally very slowly staying left(a large percentage of people do this, have talked on the mobile occasionally(lots of people do this,I have driven after a couple of beers(many people do this, does this make me a better person in your eyes?

  6. Loved the Z1000 but on occasion I lost all sight of consideration for others

    So, you start a thread complaining of behaviour that you, yourself are guilty of.

    What's the definition of "hypocrite" again?

    I see no reason why I can not start a thread airing my frustration at the Rentokill driver.

  7. If you know the OP from his previous user name. He is always the nice guy, never does anything wrong, never gets angry, always does the right thing. This thread is just another example of 'mr nice guy' preaching to everyone about what a good drver he is. Im sure more than a few people on this thread (including the op) talk on their mobiles whilst driving, run red lights, speed and drive under the influence.

    I for one moved here from a nanny state which is why I like it here.

    As i said before. Use public transport, employ a driver or on the OPs case, Use motorbike taxis or sorng taews if you cant handle driving here

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect App

    And what is wrong with being a nice guy? I don't feel the need to be rude, abusive, sarcastic, even to people I can not see!!

  8. Sorry - can't remember .

    I KNEW I should not have gone to see Janis in 1970 ...

    They had - if memory serves - 3 or 4 models - various price ranges. The one in Tony's pic was 300 baht ???

    In automotive section if memory serves.

    All models 12V.

    Cheers mate, have a good day.

  9. When the thread first posted, I went looking for the pump and found it - and competing models - at Big C or Tesco in CNX.

    Can't remember where, but 3 or 4 models to choose from. Tony just chopped off the plastic cover to make it smaller to pack.

    Thank you mate for your answer, I will take a look in the big Tesco Lotus, already tried Big C with no luck. is it actually called a Mini pump?

  10. Why would I use google until I have asked a forum member who might have purchased this stop and go pump in Thailand!! why are some people so shitty and find it impossible to just provide a decent straight forward answer, instead of "have you not heard of google" <deleted> childish!!

    Lets re-phrase the question then maybe I will get the answer I am looking for, has any one purchased this stop and go pump here in Thailand, if so could you please provide a link or the shop it is obtainable from, failing this I will use this thing called google which is very useful and can be used after failing to find someone who has purchased the item in the country you are residing in!!

  11. No point in discussing this any further, it is clear certain people have no problem with this disrespectful act, I don't give a flying <deleted> if you are a child, adult, beautiful girl, lady boy or anyone else, put a <deleted> top on and show consideration and respect for yourself and more importanty others!!!

  12. what about if it had of been a fit young girl with the smallest of bikini's on chomping on her Mcs**t, i bet the OP opinion changes then, but to some religious group that would just be as offensive, whats next???, a bloke with a thong on is a idiot, a fit girl with the same thong on is a sex kitten, but if she's well over weight she then becomes a idiot, back to the original OP comments, if the guy in Mc D's had a stunning girl with him, dressed in gear that the OP appreciated and related to, it would never crop up about whats appropriate. i agree there's a time and place for appropriate dress codes, but in Mc D's come on, if a guy was in a top restaurant paying 30,000B but dressed in flip flops, T shirt and shorts, when everyone else is in formal wear, should he be allowed to stay????

    No I would not change my mind, why would a fit girl change my mind to something offensive!!!

  13. Just one word: tacky

    The one word is: Russians.

    Unbelievable. You say you have no problem with people being shirtless in a restaurant, and then you have the cheek to call all Russians tacky!!

    Even before you get to Mcdonalds, just walking down the street with no top on is classless and crass IMO.

    Where I come from the vast majority of people that walk down the high street with no top on are carrying a can of 9% beer and have a bull terrier with them. That says everything you need to know.

    Obviously walking down a beach road in Phuket and a High street in the UK is a bit different, but doing it in a restaurant or shopping centre is the same wherever you are in the world. bah.gif

    I knew it wouldn't be long before the moral police showed up trawling for a debate.

    It's phuket, a beach destination and it attracts the bottom feeding tourist that is into sun, booze and sex and it always will be.

    I see shirtless people everywhere, even walking in the supermarket but I put it down either no self respect or consideration for others. I see other examples of lack of consideration for others daily but i let it be as it doesn't affect me greatly.

    Russians seem to be the biggest offenders of this shirtless horror experienced by us. I seen guys in a Speedo in jugceylon drunk at 10pm. Just like he strolled off the beach. I didn't see centre managment complaining as he wandered around.

    Another example. Villa supermarket there was a lady in a bikini who was also Russian. I didn't see anyone complaining even though it wasn't appropriate attire for shopping. She had a great body and I doubt there was a complaint seeing it was good to look at but seeing that Kenny saw a fat man it caused instant outrage to warrant a rant on thaivisa. Would it been the same if a young blonde bird was strutting in her bikini in McDonald's? Doubt it.

    Kenny has a history of looking and describing men on his travels. I remember a thread where he was talking about men in Speedos ( budgie smugglers) and not having a good body.

    My god mate get over yourself, I don't care if it was the most beautiful girl in the world or a man with an incredible body, it is just not nice full stop and many agree, what is your problem!!!!!

    It does not matter where you are, put a shirt on and show some respect, people are laughing at you, it's because you are common have no intelligence, no consideration which allows you to act so badly!! where are the manors these days!!!

  14. Just one word: tacky

    The one word is: Russians.

    Unbelievable. You say you have no problem with people being shirtless in a restaurant, and then you have the cheek to call all Russians tacky!!

    Even before you get to Mcdonalds, just walking down the street with no top on is classless and crass IMO.

    Where I come from the vast majority of people that walk down the high street with no top on are carrying a can of 9% beer and have a bull terrier with them. That says everything you need to know.

    Obviously walking down a beach road in Phuket and a High street in the UK is a bit different, but doing it in a restaurant or shopping centre is the same wherever you are in the world. bah.gif

    I could not have posted better!! it's nice to know some people share my dislike of these common inconsiderate people.

  15. Just one word: tacky

    The one word is: Russians.

    Well now that is a raciest comment!!

    Racist? Perhaps.....But in my case at Fuji, they were Russianlaugh.png

    I sold my Z1000 to a nice young Russian guy, I told him I had Russians living next door to me and that they were loud and had no consideration for anyone, in his own words he said, " I am Russian,I don't like Russians we are disliked by everyone, they all come here to get drunk and behave badly" obviously he is not one of them!!

  16. When you KNOW that there is no chance of being stopped by the cops, you do crazy things. I can only imagine what it would be like back in my homeland if everyone knew the cops were sitting in the office watching soap operas and game shows on TV instead of patrolling.

    Yes totally agree with you, hopefully doing crazy things are a thing of the past for me, although I rarely did crazy things, as a poster informed us I did on occasion, I am sensible enough to take criticism and make a change for the better.

  17. So as a foreigner Kenny, You are worried about a foreigner from a different country to your own, In a McDonalds in a different country to both of your origins.

    I personally couldnt give a s**t if a Japanese man was walking naked down the street in Iraq, and I was having a coffee with a Frenchman. In fact I would probably have a bit of fun with it and put a wager on how soon the Jap would get shot or beheaded.

    Dont be so preachy, just go with the flow and see what happens.....more often than not its more fun

    I am not preaching, I hate people who walk around with no top on it would seem others agree, it's not fun to see big fat people or even people with good bodies walking around with no top on unless it is at the beach!! it is not fun to sit in a restaurant with other people who are not wearing tops!! my opinion and no I will never see it as fun!!

    I agree with you.

    Did you consider saying something to him or not? When I see something like this I am tempted to say something, but so far never have. Some time ago, on the front of the yellow bank in Kata, gone now, was a sign in English saying people were required to wear a T-shirt. Sign was there for a reason.

    Yes I considered saying something, my mate who is far more Ting Tong than me definitely considered saying something, but these people who show no respect or consideration are impossible to talk to, I am sure it would have ended in insults from the tee shirtless person, we purchased our very nice Mac breakfasts and left.

  18. Wise decision Kenny. I sold my XS1100S as well, simply too fast here and IMO extremely dangerous.

    Loved the Z1000 but on occasion I lost all sight of consideration for others,the 250 is great, so much better in traffic, very cheap to run and maintain.

  19. It's McDonald's <deleted>.

    It's supposed to have fat weird looking people killing themselves with food.

    Did you expect supermodels dressed in evening gowns?

    If this was some credible restaurant I would understand but its McDonald's.

    I and others expect people to show respect and consideration where ever you might be unless of course you are as common as muck and have no thought for others!!

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