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Posts posted by kawapower

  1. So as a foreigner Kenny, You are worried about a foreigner from a different country to your own, In a McDonalds in a different country to both of your origins.

    I personally couldnt give a s**t if a Japanese man was walking naked down the street in Iraq, and I was having a coffee with a Frenchman. In fact I would probably have a bit of fun with it and put a wager on how soon the Jap would get shot or beheaded.

    Dont be so preachy, just go with the flow and see what happens.....more often than not its more fun

    I am not preaching, I hate people who walk around with no top on it would seem others agree, it's not fun to see big fat people or even people with good bodies walking around with no top on unless it is at the beach!! it is not fun to sit in a restaurant with other people who are not wearing tops!! my opinion and no I will never see it as fun!!

    • Like 1
  2. Reply to NomadJoe.

    I have never boasted about my driving style(if I have I am sure you will show me, I have certainly never shot past anyone with Cm's to spare intentionaly, if you drive every day it is bound to happen in a country where there are many many bikes around you!! again if it was indeed me it was not intentional, here we go again using the word hypocrite, please do not use such words unless you can honestly say you have never ever shot passed anyone with Cm's to spare!! yes from time to time I am one of the <deleted> idiots and tossers, I am not alone there am I!! try to be polite in future I see no need to be rude!!!

    I was at the traffic lights up by Mission today, next to me was a Z1000 I could not see if it was a Thai or falang driving, he shot away from the lights like a <deleted> missile, I guess these bikes make you do such things!!!

    Yes the bike was fast, yes it was beautiful, but the temptation to go too fast and on occasion act silly got too much so I sold the bike and now drive the much more sedate 250. I have to say I enjoy the 250 much more!!

    A few times I have been passed by a big bike with Cm's to spare and just like you scared the life out of me, and yes I did call the person untold names so I am aware where you are coming from, I decided to do something about it and sold the huge missile like vehicle for a smaller unmissile like vehicle.

    No I am not back peddling as another poster likes to say, I always learn by my mistakes and try to behave better in the future.

  3. In MacDonald's today, big big man sitting at a table with no tee shirt on, I am sure he thought he had a great body(I can assure you he did not have!! I looked at him then looked at my mucker and said "what the <Snip!> does he look like" along with my mate we both thought how disrespectful and just plain nasty this is! there is a place for no cloths it is called the beach!!!

    No I am not having a bad day!! I am very happy apart from my mates little girl being ill in hospital, it's all about respect, morals and knowing when you are making a fool of yourself, and yes I do it often but not in a disrespectful way.

    • Like 1
  4. I agree about being careful about cars/bikes coming from the left! As you say, they will come even though their light is red, which is why (if at all possible), I position myself at the front in the overtaking lane.

    Best place to be on a scooter at the lights is the extreme left, so there are no cars behind you and let a few bikes go ahead of you when the light turns green.

    A sensible post and one I actually agree with, it is still okay and safe to speed away from lights providing you are 100% certain no one is going to jump the lights from either the left or right. but wanting to stay out of hospital and off the morticians slab I will be adopting the method posted as it makes very good sense! or maybe I will contiue to do what I have done for the last 3 yrs as I have never had a problem. it's all about staying safe so we all have to do what we think is best.

    Should have mentioned stay left but leave the left hand clear as it will be used by vehicles turning left when safe to do so.

  5. A good thread which now contains a couple of posters who seem to have a problem!!! is it dangerous to speed away from lights when there is obviously a clear road ahead?

    Yes it is quite safe to be the first away from lights, that is if you are intelligent enough to be looking right and left as you do this!!! no one in there right mind would speed away from lights assuming everyone from the right or left will stop at there red light!!

    No I have never given the one finger to anyone in the 3 yrs I have been here, I gestate sometimes as I did the other night with the palm of my hand in an up and down motion to signify slow down, sometimes it works sometimes it does not!!

    I agree about being careful about cars/bikes coming from the left! As you say, they will come even though their light is red, which is why (if at all possible), I position myself at the front in the overtaking lane.

    One of the good things I have learned whilst living in Thailand is NEVER to be rude by 'showing the finger' etc. Its just not worth the risk.

    Have to say though that I would not try to tell someone to slow down either - again, its not worth the risk.

    I have given the slow down signal many times especially to mini vans, I have also used the horn when someone is being a dick, never had a problem, but like in any country giving any form of disagreement could result in a road rage incident.

  6. Looks like yet another thread being taken over by the not so nice people, has there ever been a thread that has not contained insults of some kind, are these people bored or are they just not very nice!! I suppose it is something and someone to laugh at!! clap2.gif

  7. A good thread which now contains a couple of posters who seem to have a problem!!! is it dangerous to speed away from lights when there is obviously a clear road ahead?

    Yes it is quite safe to be the first away from lights, that is if you are intelligent enough to be looking right and left as you do this!!! no one in there right mind would speed away from lights assuming everyone from the right or left will stop at there red light!!

    No I have never given the one finger to anyone in the 3 yrs I have been here, I gestate sometimes as I did the other night with the palm of my hand in an up and down motion to signify slow down, sometimes it works sometimes it does not!!

    • Like 1
  8. kp, how many farangs ride a Z1000 in Phuket?

    Great question mate!! right I don't personally own one so will have to have a guess, errrrr 5, what is the prize for the person who guesses right, excited!!!!

  9. OP, it's the same every day in every corner of Thailand. Get used to it cos it won't change. sad.png

    I am used to it just thought I would share this incident.

    I could share an incident every day, and that's not including my Mrs. laugh.png

    Me to lol

  10. What do you mean deposit? the fee is 1900 bht!!!

    The OP is asking whether the 800,000 Bt that needs to be shown to immigration for the yearly retirement extension can be in a fixed deposit account, or, a foreign currency account. As I don't have a definitive answer, I've stayed out of this thread. Maybe you should do the same.

    Wow there neddy!!! I did not understand the op's question so I had every right to post what I thought was a good answer!!

    He asked for a definitive answer, you didn't even understand the question. Good reason to leave this thread alone.

    Mate read the post again maybe you will see he is asking about what?

  11. What do you mean deposit? the fee is 1900 bht!!!

    The OP is asking whether the 800,000 Bt that needs to be shown to immigration for the yearly retirement extension can be in a fixed deposit account, or, a foreign currency account. As I don't have a definitive answer, I've stayed out of this thread. Maybe you should do the same.

    Don't be harsh - he is having a bad day smile.png

    Who's having a bad day? maybe a certain person is missing his boyfriend!!! cheesy.gif

  12. What do you mean deposit? the fee is 1900 bht!!!

    The OP is asking whether the 800,000 Bt that needs to be shown to immigration for the yearly retirement extension can be in a fixed deposit account, or, a foreign currency account. As I don't have a definitive answer, I've stayed out of this thread. Maybe you should do the same.

    Wow there neddy!!! I did not understand the op's question so I had every right to post what I thought was a good answer!!

    lolo so you have stayed out of this thread have you yet you still felt the need to post. funny!!

  13. What do you mean deposit? the fee is 1900 bht!!!

    The OP is asking whether the 800,000 Bt that needs to be shown to immigration for the yearly retirement extension can be in a fixed deposit account, or, a foreign currency account. As I don't have a definitive answer, I've stayed out of this thread. Maybe you should do the same.

    Wow there neddy!!! I did not understand the op's question so I had every right to post what I thought was a good answer!!

  14. Driving back from Mission way, go through the lights at Central fairly big traffic but going decent speed, Rentakill pick up behind me flashing his lights, car in front of me and to my near side, where the &lt;deleted&gt; is he going to go, trys to take me on the inside, I give him the slow down sign multiple times, back behind me still trying to get past, then turns left, &lt;deleted&gt; people what is it about this place and the need to go so fast but not get very far!!!

    Not a moan or complaint just thought I would mention it. tossers!!!! lol

  15. According to the Honda price list(Thailand) this is a future model, VTR250 V Twin.

    The Honda VTR250 already has a proven track record in Japan where its blend of sporty performance, easy handling and edgy street credibility heads the 250cc class. Its high performance V-twin two-cylinder engine was first launched back in 1982, the engine was specially designed and developed for the Honda VTR250F.

    Subsequent updates retained its basic configuration while placing ever greater emphasis on compact size and exhilarating performance.

    In 1997 the first Honda VTR250 was released with its distinctive truss frame, and it has been popular ever since. Young and entry-level riders are attracted by its light, compact chassis and easy handling characteristics.

    More experienced riders appreciate the sports-inspired performance that makes it a fun and satisfying ride. The Honda VTR250's unmistakable sports naked image has won its own loyal following and the Honda VTR250 has become the most successful road going 250cc motorcycle in Japan.

    The Liquid cooled 4-stroke DOHC 90 V-twin engine, with a 60mm bore and 44.2mm stroke, with a 11:1 high compression ratio which is common with sport motorcycles. The 2010 Honda VTR250 is equipped with Honda's PGM-FI for accurate fueling and top performance. The PGM-FI (Fuel injection) incorporates 6 sensors to accurately determine the optimal ignition timing and fuel injection. The result is fast, reliable ignition and exceptionally smooth, quick throttle response.

    The Honda VTR250 exhaust system has a chamber-less muffler with oxygen sensor, pre-catalyzer and main catalyzer, ensuring that the catalytic converter system reduces exhaust emissions.

    Honda VTR250 will likely cost around 144,000 Baht, which is about 5,000 Baht less then the Kawasaki Ninja 250R.

    Where did you get that info?

    Motorcycleinthai.co.th by any chance?

    That's Richard bkk's website. Not exactly up to date laugh.png

    sent from my Wellcom A90+

    Yes from that site. It does say

    Last Updated Tuesday, 24 January 2012 @ 07:00 AM ICT|

  16. According to the Honda price list(Thailand) this is a future model, VTR250 V Twin.

    The Honda VTR250 already has a proven track record in Japan where its blend of sporty performance, easy handling and edgy street credibility heads the 250cc class. Its high performance V-twin two-cylinder engine was first launched back in 1982, the engine was specially designed and developed for the Honda VTR250F.

    Subsequent updates retained its basic configuration while placing ever greater emphasis on compact size and exhilarating performance.

    In 1997 the first Honda VTR250 was released with its distinctive truss frame, and it has been popular ever since. Young and entry-level riders are attracted by its light, compact chassis and easy handling characteristics.

    More experienced riders appreciate the sports-inspired performance that makes it a fun and satisfying ride. The Honda VTR250's unmistakable sports naked image has won its own loyal following and the Honda VTR250 has become the most successful road going 250cc motorcycle in Japan.

    The Liquid cooled 4-stroke DOHC 90° V-twin engine, with a 60mm bore and 44.2mm stroke, with a 11:1 high compression ratio which is common with sport motorcycles. The 2010 Honda VTR250 is equipped with Honda's PGM-FI for accurate fueling and top performance. The PGM-FI (Fuel injection) incorporates 6 sensors to accurately determine the optimal ignition timing and fuel injection. The result is fast, reliable ignition and exceptionally smooth, quick throttle response.

    The Honda VTR250 exhaust system has a chamber-less muffler with oxygen sensor, pre-catalyzer and main catalyzer, ensuring that the catalytic converter system reduces exhaust emissions.

    Honda VTR250 will likely cost around 144,000 Baht, which is about 5,000 Baht less then the Kawasaki Ninja 250R.


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