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Posts posted by kawapower

  1. how do I find my orbator's number?

    Just move it's easier. But don't be surprised if people are burning rubbish where ever you end up. Haven't you read the news the amount of rubbish being generated in Thailand is growing at a phenomenal rate.

    Planning to move once the lease is up.

    in the meantime it's fairly annoying.

    Imagine if you had bought the house!!!

    • Like 1
  2. Getting back to the OP and thoughts on why people drive so bad, it's a case of monkey see, monkey do in the sense that most people in the west drive a certain way in that particular area, and here in Thailand everyone drives the same way. I still wonder why everyone drives in both lanes, but have come to the conclusion that most people are clueless when driving so they still in the middle to try to avoid all the peripheral action that occurs with people going the wrong way, turning without looking etc.

    That and of course there is no enforcement of any driving laws.

    We all drive badly from time to time, just for a certain poster, yes when I had my big bike I did go fast in a straight line from time to time, I sold the bike after a few months because it was too fast and the temptation to go fast at times was overwhelming!! I now have the great Honda CBR250, I never drive fast and always drive with consideration on it, it is so much more fun than the big bike, as for the driving habits of people here, some people just do not care about others and drive with no thought or consideration for other road users!! Not having any road policing does not help of course, we don't want it to become a nanny state now do we!!

  3. Describe me? Clothing bike etc!! How fast as I going and what was I doing?


    Middle aged Englishman with a medium build. Around 165cms to 175cms.

    Kawasaki 250cc redlining up wiset towards the circle. I was sitting in corner bar waiting for someone to show.

    I know who you are, just read back through your post history.

    Do not own a Kawasaki try again, never redlined a bike in my life. Try again, but nice effort!! Give you another chance describe crash helmet?

    Great game this, hope you are not a stalker? You know who I am, very worrying!!!!

    Exam result D-

  4. religious rules?

    May I ask what those rules are? I believe only the Buddhist monks must abide by religous rules... lay buddhists don't have rules

    I hope you fully understand what you are doing, and just not getting the Sak Yant because it’s the “in thing” to do. Not just any monk or individual has the "magical" powers needed to provide a genuine Sak Yant, but I’m sure if go to any tattoo parlor they will gladly make you one right there on the spot, for the right amount of cash of course. I recommend you don’t do this.

    For those that don’t know Sak Yant; Sak - means "to tap" or "to tattoo", and Yant, means "Yantra". For hundreds of years Thai and Khmer warriors were renowned and feared for the magical markings tattooed on their skin. IMO, this is probably one of the main reasons it's so big in the Muay Thai scene.

    I also have been personally intrigued by these types of tattoos since my arrival in Thailand many years ago, and I have done much research on it as well, eventually I came to the conclusion that I just wasn’t ready to commit to the rules that come along with having one, and also because I am not Buddhist.

    Yes there are rules of abstention to follow, below are the foundational rules that all ‘real’ master will tell you to abide by. I would have probably done it if it wasn’t for rules 3, 5, and 10.

    1. Do not eat Star fruit, Pumpkin, or any other ‘Gourd’ type vegetable.

    2. Do not be anyone’s lover who is already married

    3. It is FORBIDDEN in extreme, to slander anybody’s mother. (That’s basically everyone)

    4. Do not eat food from a wedding, or funeral banquet.

    5. Do not eat leftovers.

    6. Do not duck under a washing Line, or an overhanging building.

    7. Do not duck under a banana Tree of the type Thaanii (classed as important to avoid).

    8. Do not cross a single head bridge; Large or Small bridges are not Forbidden

    9. Do not sit on a ceramic urn (Common in Thailand).especially a cracked, or broken one.

    10. Do not let a woman lie on top of you, or sit on top either.

    11. Do not permit a man to be brushed by the blouse or skirt of a woman, or crossed in front of; especially during the her menstrual period.

    Also take into consideration how a ‘real’ Sak Yant is done traditionally. .

    The “Mai Sak” or “Khem Sak”(sticks/needles) are not sterilized using any type of modern sterilizing equipment. The sticks/needles are used repeatedly with only a simple placing of the sticks in a bottle of alcohol to remain there until the next use. Most masters have a collection of five to twenty Mai Sak/‘Khem Sak arranged in rows, their tips are soaking in alcohol glass bottles. Sometimes a single tattoo stick may have only half an hour to one hour between tattooing sessions to kill any bacteria that may still be there from the previous “devotee”. The tips are not cleaned thoroughly; they receive at the most a quick flush in a bucket of water. Some masters don’t even have the bottle of alcohol; they just place the needle back on its stand to await the next use. Therefore transmission of AIDS is a possibility. Hepatitis B and C are also a real danger, due to the fact that 0.04 of a thousandth of a liter of hepatitis infected blood is enough to transmit the disease. Hepatitis in such an amount of dried blood can survive on a dry surface for up to three months, in a wet environment (such as a Sak Yant needle), it can thrive.

    So I guess if you’re really ready to do this, I recommend going to Wat Bang Phra Temple in Nakorn Chaisri, this is the mecca of Sak Yant Tattooing where thousands of devotees go for tattoos daily. It is the largest temple where Sak Yant tattooing is practiced in the world. I don't think there are any masters here in Phuket, but I could be wrong.

    BTW, do you already know the type of Yantra you want? If not I suggest waiting and learn about this practice a bit more, last thing we need is another Farang running around sporting a tattoo he knows absolutely nothing about.

    Kata Hua Jai!

    And without a shirt or tee shirt on, very common!!

  5. So the truth comes out Kenny....I just read in another thread about your driving habits....you not only drink and drive (2 or 3 beers is drinking and driving) and you hammer around on some sort of sports bikeclap2.gif

    As I insinuated before...you are a hypochrite

    Get it right 1 or 2 beers sometimes Coke, I drive a bike yes!! Notice how no one agrees with you!! I think you post purely to come across as the big I am!! Horses for courses enjoy!!

    At least we can all agree you ride your bike like a <deleted>. You need to slow down on wiset rd if you want to see your step children again.

    Now now gruber no need to call names!!

  6. So the truth comes out Kenny....I just read in another thread about your driving habits....you not only drink and drive (2 or 3 beers is drinking and driving) and you hammer around on some sort of sports bikeclap2.gif

    As I insinuated before...you are a hypochrite

    Get it right 1 or 2 beers sometimes Coke, I drive a bike yes!! Notice how no one agrees with you!! I think you post purely to come across as the big I am!! Horses for courses enjoy!!

    At least we can all agree you ride your bike like a <deleted>. You need to slow down on wiset rd if you want to see your step children again.

    I don't drive my 250 fast!, who told you I do, name names?

  7. So the truth comes out Kenny....I just read in another thread about your driving habits....you not only drink and drive (2 or 3 beers is drinking and driving) and you hammer around on some sort of sports bikeclap2.gif

    As I insinuated before...you are a hypochrite


  8. So the truth comes out Kenny....I just read in another thread about your driving habits....you not only drink and drive (2 or 3 beers is drinking and driving) and you hammer around on some sort of sports bikeclap2.gif

    As I insinuated before...you are a hypochrite

    Get it right 1 or 2 beers sometimes Coke, I drive a bike yes!! Notice how no one agrees with you!! I think you post purely to come across as the big I am!! Horses for courses enjoy!!

    • Like 1
  9. Who cares? The only accidents ive been in have been because im too hammered to drive. Keep it under 10kph when youve had a skinfull and everyones sweet. Do we want Thailand to become a nanny state?

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect App

    This is not the first time you have boasted about being very drunk and driving, why you feel the need to boast about it beats me, I hope you don't kill anyone!!

    7 years and no accidents, if you drive less than 20kph its pretty much impossible to kill anyone.

    everyone drinks and drives here Kenny, including you (dont try the <deleted> that youve never done it), the bargirls, the taxi drivers, the cops..... go and let Boonlert Onglkan at Chalong police station know about your opinions. Im sure he will be very interested. Until such time as there is affordable public transport here...everyone will continue to drink and drive, I'll use the really origional statement here: if you dont like it...boot off.

    Yep most drink and drive but most choose not to be drunk and drive, you feel the need to get drunk and drive, then drive at 20kph which of course in your eyes makes it okay, come on who are you trying to kid with the I get steaming drunk then drive carefully at 20kph, god some people!!

    I only have max 2 small bottles and feel it is okay to drive, any more than that is irresponsible!!

  10. All of this talk about bar girls and scams is fallacious from the start. A scam is when one person fools the other into thinking something that isn't true. Any out of shape, wrinkled, ill-mannered, drunk too often old guy who thinks that a sweet, charming, beautiful, young girl is interested in him for anything besides his money is scamming himself. It doesn't matter what she says or doesn't say. He is choosing to believe what makes no sense at all so is 100% to blame for any financial losses he may incur. She doesn't have to say word #1 and the scam has already been effected by the guy's own delusions about himself.

    Absolutely true, you have to learn very quickly, many don't and they are the ones that lose all!!

    Also many men come here with a lot of cash, they are not interested if the young bar girl is just after money, they want company and prepared to pay for it!!

  11. Who cares? The only accidents ive been in have been because im too hammered to drive. Keep it under 10kph when youve had a skinfull and everyones sweet. Do we want Thailand to become a nanny state?

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect App

    This is not the first time you have boasted about being very drunk and driving, why you feel the need to boast about it beats me, I hope you don't kill anyone!!

    • Like 1
  12. You can not blame any Thai girl, they are doing what they have to do, it's the fools that fall for it and don't learn quickly!! You try to give them advice which many ignore because they have fallen in love, all and any warnings before they arrive in Asia are ignored, let them get on with it!!

    You speaking from experience Kenny? You opted for the ready made family years ago and judging from your posts you still have your head in the sand

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Yes I was a fool the first time I came here, not Been a fool since, and you? I have only had one minor accident here, never been ripped off etc etc,

  13. I judge the size of the fish against the size of the anglers hands. Its easy to make a fish look very big by holding it nearer the camera. Thats a big trick in England holding the fish as far away from you as possible. bah.gif

    It's impossible to judge the size of a fish by a persons hands!! I have huge hands!! It's also impossible to hold a large fish away from your body unless you are superman, I am not interested in fooling anyone as to the weight of a fish, I catch it, I weigh It, I have a photo taken!! If people choose to disbelieve the weight of a fish it's there problem!! Yes I understand there are those that want to fool people, I can see no point in that what so ever!!

  14. when you are not of that faith?

    I asked if anyone knows of a temple where it could be done. I'm not seeking approval.

    I very much doubt anyone with any sense would approve it!! It's a fashion and one that might make you look hard!!

  15. religious rules?

    May I ask what those rules are? I believe only the Buddhist monks must abide by religous rules... lay buddhists don't have rules

    Why do you want a religious tattoo when you are not of that faith?

    • Like 1
  16. There was an announcement from the government a couple of years ago requesting all tattooists to not tattoo foreigners with religious tattoos as they felt it was disrespectful to Thai culture as foreigners didn't understand the meaning and had them done as a fashion statement.

    I'm sure if you do a search on this in TV there will be a thread about it.


    I see no point in having religious tattoos unless you are of that faith, but many people have no respect here, the <deleted> that walk about and drive bikes with no tops on are just some who show no respect!!

  17. Roblok can tell you, he has one. Its in one of his posts(weigh sling, like a stretcher). I suspect you'll need to buy from abroad. Europe, Japan or USA. Ebay maybe if they will deliver to Thailand. A lot of credit card fraud makes it difficult.

    No problem I have now made one, it seems almost impossible to buy anything related to fish care in this country, no shops here sell a landing net and it is difficult to have delivered from your home country, last week I saw people throwing fish high in to the air back into the water, dropping fish onto concrete and kicking the fish back into the lake etc, 6 young Thai's hooked a 60lb carp, we feared the worst for it's safety and run over to take over it's landing, all went well which is more than can be said for the other fish caught by this group!! It's sad to see so many abuse these magnificient creatures!!

    Yes I think a lot of people are quite brutal on the fish. Like when they try to pull them in as fast as possible or lift them out of the water with just the line. In the UK I think things are the other extreme. Fish are quite tough and could handle being laid down on soft grass. In many places it's no matt no fishing though.

    Well I hope your gear is up to weighing those monster fish. It would be interesting to see some accurate weights. I'm always seeing claims of 200lb and 220lb/100kg fish that look far fetched.

    I care about fish welfare and make sure I have the correct gear to handle these big fish, my friend had Carp 120lb, 100lb, 68lb, 62lb, and I had my biggest of 60lb, all weighed correctly, this was all in 1 week, bigger fish have recently Been added, can't wait to my trip at the end of this month, Don't forget fish in photo's look a lot smaller, role on the 30th!!!!

  18. It's not fair to judge others situations and why they rent or buy their property.

    If I had a girl who had kids from a previous relationship I wouldn't buy either. Many stories of westerners getting booted out and the Thai father moves in.

    Plenty of stories about men abandoning there wife and children not only Thais and giving them no support as well

    Do you really think women want this type of man back

    No but I'm making a point.

    Some guys have a trust with their Thai wife where they can trust them with the family home in their name, regardless of their past relationships/occupation and those guys tend to be the buyers.

    The guys who are in dubious relationships are the ones that are reluctant to buy a property and continually rent. It's an apples and oranges comparison because not one relationship is the same.

    I just agree with Kenny because like him, I am unsure about my current spouse.

    It's case by case

    Yes you need to have complete trust in your wife/gf to put anything in there name, I choose not to, the gf refused when I did offer saying it's your money etc not mine!!

  19. Roblok can tell you, he has one. Its in one of his posts(weigh sling, like a stretcher). I suspect you'll need to buy from abroad. Europe, Japan or USA. Ebay maybe if they will deliver to Thailand. A lot of credit card fraud makes it difficult.

    I bought them in Holland and i boughtt he scales online. I did have them strenghtened a bit.

    Normally when they catch carp they will treat them with respect as its the most expensive fish there is. There are a lot of Thais fishing real bad but not all of them.

    I have now made a great weigh sling, not all Thai's treat fish badly I think it is the younger generation that are the culprits, when you see young lads swinging a fish around there head and launching it into the lake it is sad, there seems to Be no control at many lakes in this country, these fish must cost a lot of money so I find it difficult to understand why the owners do not supervise anglers more closley!! 4 days fishing at the end of the month and hopefully beat my biggest carp of 60lb!!

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