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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. It truly is time to ban this hateful religion of Islam for the safety of the modern world
  2. 27 years for a person 74 is basically a life sentence - but I seriously doubt this guy will not die early if placed in gen-pop
  3. Translation : more ripping off customers on fares
  4. But, but, they don't want to do them if they cannot be on their phone at least 30 minutes an hour
  5. Never was a truer word ever spoken about Liebour. I serious fear how bad our UK will be by the end of there reign of terror
  6. Yeah, I mean wouldn't it be awful not being able to put out BBC woke garbage
  7. Sounds like another upset lefty to me. All too common now. Was listening yesterday to a youtube video about NY think about moving to Canada - cannot happen soon enough in my opinion. Ship all the lefties out would be far better for america
  8. Be fair , if you are turned on by 200lb Manchester (or Northern) women then you really need help too
  9. I still think that this is why it will fall apart - the idea of paying tax on your imported savings in another country is a killer. It will kill off people moving here and will destroy investment in the housing market - imagine paying 25% tax on sending money to buy a house and losing millions of baht - because THAT is what this law would do
  10. What seems missing from this post is what is she doing to support herself , as Thai men (if two different fathers) will be unlikely to pay enough child support for her not to work and child benefit here seems very little. Who takes care of the kids if she is working, what does she work at ? You should NOT be paying anything in sinsod, she is too used for this money. I paid zero, she had 2 good kids and good family but far too old and used - don;t like saying that but its true If you feel the need to give her FAMILY some monetary help then that is OK, but spread it out over time in the form of support and not a lump sum. I also fail to see from your post how you would live with her, you do not appear to have a job to work here and can't stay here without work.
  11. Unless you are in the 30's and 40's then I would say she is just being polite. You go to a bar then you know you are getting lied to to boost your ego. I was 51 when I married my 37 year old wife - she was well educated and not a bar girl, I would not think a younger girl would be interested in an old man (if you are over 65 unless she is working in a bar. Happens , yes, but ask yourself what on earth she sees in you other than a good customer.
  12. Hopefully Trump will introduce a total ban on men in women's sports and a retrospective giving of first prize to the next WOMAN and not a trans. I also hope he funds legal fights against these people and allows suing of school and universities into the ground for sexism
  13. how it will be paid off would be a better question
  14. Against who ? The truck driver that lost control or an dead idiot riding into oncoming traffic ? 50.50 to me.
  15. Yeah, but its the monks doing it, not the populace !
  16. Another story brought to you by a left leaning organisation
  17. About as lovable as going into your UK bank only to be presented with a rainbow flag every cubic mt
  18. Might be a very good friend to have in a prison cell with you, unless he bats for the other side
  19. Probably still arguing about where the windows go in it
  20. NO just mental illnesses fighting each other
  21. That promotional video shows nothing of the crowded reality of the places they show.
  22. Probably a Thai tuk tuk driving instructor repremanding their student during a lesson
  23. Yeah, but if that is true 'foreigners' are committing more femicides per head count than Italians supporting her argument about immigrants
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