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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. Sorry kids, you had an idiot for a mother that was probably influenced by idiot tik tok influencers and the idiotic tik tok beauty agenda.
  2. I hate to say it, but maybe more fully equipped tackle men should make more women feel uncomfortable and start using their rest room. Maybe this would force the issue of banning all equipped men from women's loos. I am ok with a trans man using a women's rest room as long as a surgeon has mutilated him into a psuedo women
  3. 99% of Thai will waste it, 1% of thais will save it
  4. You cannot eradicate poverty with a madly high baht - no exports , no tourism, no filtering down
  5. Of all the countries to hide out in, one with close ties surely would be a no no.
  6. Police should just follow those using cash converters until next giro
  7. Every time I see these immigrants arriving on boats on my UK beaches I think 2 things 1. Who are all these 95% black and Asian men going to breed with ? 2. Why do we want these men who are running away from a war in their own country that have abandoned their women and will run off from the UK if the UK declares war on anyone ! (going by their own record) I would institute a 1 male 1 female policy immediately
  8. Sorry but those things fundamentally oppose each other - more money for public officials and services means more public tax, more tax means less spending money for the public. Growth will be stagnant at best
  9. I am quite sure that age illnesses are effecting many people on this site. Anyone not suffering from either alcohol/drug delusion or old age dementia can clearly see the USA was better under Trump. Harris has no brain, no policies that work and her record - for those that cannot read or remember - is appalling ! People should stop making their vote about the person and more about the policies. Trump can only be president for 4 years and then its on to someone else. 8 years of Harris and the USA will be breaking into red and blue state countries. That said if killing an unborn child and electing and hyena is your thing - vote Harris
  10. Any news on EV chargers in the flood risk areas ?
  11. The amount of money I send Thailand has dropped around 3000 baht a month due to this fluctuation, not a huge amount in the grand scheme of things and it will not effect me much, BUT many english people losing £75 ish a month it may well have them buying cheaper noodles from the 711. As for tourism and export being 8% more high, THAT will be an issue. Having high season rates in quite a lowish season to me stinks of manipulation somewhere
  12. My point was not really about illegal immigration but immigration and changes in the country's ethnicity. Chance of a white man in the French team clearly are reducing
  13. Since he was involved in the LGBTQ (or whatever) community, never was a phrase more apt !
  14. so , by the time you hear about it, its gone
  15. I would hope the reason for that is they turned it off for some of the most flooded areas simply for risk of electrocution
  16. ah, that's why ........................
  17. When they have these vegetarian festivals are the carbon emissions from the 'consumers' off set ? I'm frrrting like a trooper with too many greens
  18. Oh well, there goes France's chances of wining future world cups !
  19. My mind, if Iran is not interested in assassinating the hyena lying Harris, then it clearly shoes she is the less of the two evils to the muslim nation
  20. Overall polling polls mean little in USA, it will be the swing states that matter, from what I see Trump is winning the presidency. But I think there is going to either be a third attempt on Trumps life OR some very serious election-interference between now and the election or vote rigging by the dems
  21. My opinion, anyone with a car like that that is arrested or charged should get an automatic look as to how they paid for the car if they own it and where the money comes from
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