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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. ...Earlier Mr Phipat said 60-70% of the fees will be earmarked for a tourism fund, while 17% will be used for medical insurance for tourists.... Nice example of unclear budget management. 17% for tourist medical assistance; ok. 60%-70% for the TAT fund?. For what exactly the money will be spent on, is unclear and vague. For luxury travels, 1st class flights, conferences and gourmet banquets in 5 star hotels especially for senior TAT employees? And not a word about the remaining 13%-23%. Maybe pocket money? If Thailand has its 20 million visitors a year, that would be 6000 million Thai Baht. This extra budget isn't chicken <deleted>. In the free economy, company managers with such unclear budget allocation informations would be fired immediately.
  2. - She has only been working in the bar for a few weeks (3) - She is 35-45 yo and is fed up with bar life and is looking for someone for her exit strategy (2) - She has a low level of education but speaks very good English (4) - She is very good looking, a real Stunner and is in high demand (6) - She is between 20-30 yo, drinks and loves the party life (6) The higher the score, the lower the likelihood of a lasting relationship outside of her bar life.
  3. My post generally referred to the possibility (intentionally or unknowingly) of walking past an unmanned immigration box at Phuket Airport without getting an entry stamp. This is simply because the passageways at the immigration boxes do not have physical barriers, as is the case at Suvanabumi Airport, for example.
  4. Prioritize peace and security for all people living in the country..... and bags full of taxpayers money for me and my friends.
  5. I also flew into Phuket Airport myself. There are many passport control boxes and many were not manned when I arrived. It is possible to simply walk past an unmanned immigration box and go straight to the baggage carousel.
  6. She is apparently just the transport mule. Why don't the police try to catch the clients/buyers/backers in Thailand too. To do this, they would only have to let the mule continue to run with 2 kilograms of flour and also nail down the recipients when handing it over.
  7. Apparently no state budget is safe. Unbelievable how easy it is for criminals to siphon 90 million baht in to private pockets from a state budget, and no one asks questions. Thailand has a real problem controlling the use of taxpayers' money. Like a self-service store. Just reach into the state coffers. The cases that are coming to light are most likely just the tip of the iceberg. Those responsible in the state are not trustworthy to take proper care of taxpayers' money.
  8. It has reached the point where I can only open aseannow with the add blocker app if I want to read messages and comments undisturbed. Otherwise I use Google Chrome by default, but then I'm just busy pushing away adds, which keep coming back with almost every click. Have never seen such a counterproductive advertising intensity that has reached such a spam level.
  9. This add comes up and up again and opens up also a second window. This is not an add, It's more like a virus.
  10. Letting the middle generation into power. Those who have families with children and also have to take care of the elderly. Would be much better for all Thais.
  11. The fact that taxpayers' money is used for his own private party advertising is just one example of how morally crippled these people are in their greed. There is no separation between office expenses and private expenses. The meaning of transparency, responsibility and accountability are unknown in office here.
  12. ....had managed to land the construction firm 100-plus projects of the Ministry of Transport combinedly worth some 1.5 billion baht.... Deepest swamp of corruption. It is obvious how some ministers enrich themselves through out triangular participation-holdings in state tenders. This is simply stealing taxpayers money and unfortunately there is no institution in Thailand that effectively prevents this and put these thieves in jail where they actually belong.
  13. Hardly a day goes by without a corruption scandal in the news. One wonders, if there is even a single government procurement that is not riddled with corruption?
  14. The strict anti-cannabis positioning of the three parties mentioned, could be a big mistake. There are already 1.38 million registered growers and probably 10-30 million consumers. For which party will they vote for, when criminalization, penalties and imprisonment are threatened to the people again? This anti-cannabis positioning will most likely cost these parties millions of votes. A very popolistic issue at the moment, but there are far more important issues for Thailand's parties to address.
  15. It is absolutely incredible that criminal senators, ministers and palamentarians are protected by immunity even when they are for example clearly involved in money laundering, drug trafficking, arms trafficking, human trafficking, corruption and shady dealings.
  16. ... a warrant issued for a sitting Thai senator which was mysteriously revoked within hours of being issued by the Criminal Court in October 2022.... The police investigates, secures evidence and facts. Submit this evidence to a prosecutor. The prosecutor examines and files charges in a court. The judge reviews and issues an arrest warrant. This is the normal process. And now a few hours later, the judge withdraws the arrest warrant again without any justification? Disgusting how the law is being bent here in favor of the super rich with shady deals.
  17. In the past, Thailand was once in the ranks of economic development, catching up with the four tigers: Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan. Prayut has been at the helm since 2014 and has failed to create a positive momentum for the country and its people. On the contrary. Standstill and regression in all areas: - Modernization of the school and education system? No - Excellence in research? No - Better health care for all Thais? No - Set up a pension system.for all working Thais? No - Land reform? No - Modernization of the authorities? No - Police reform? No - Reducing the national debt? No - Strengthening democracy? No - Integration of foreigners married to Thais? No - Investments in future technologies? No - Water and sewage security? No - Road safety? No - Waste management? No - Flood prevention? No - Reduction of corruption? No - Economic growth? No - Better distribution of income? No - Transparency in government spending? No - Reducing air and sea pollution? No - and much more. Thailand urgently needs fresh blood with future visions in the leadership. Thailand do not need anymore the old politicians from the past, who only think of their personal enrichment and block any progress just to secure their own position of power
  18. 80 million? Conjured a number from the rabbit hat. Doesn't matter. At 80 million, Thailand's infrastructure would collapse. 1. Water supply Even before C19, resorts on some islands had to close due to a lack of water in the dry season. Unauthorized deep well drilling that sucks off the last fresh water. 2. Garbage Disposal It's unbelievable how many mountains of rubbish have already been created. At the moment most of it is just buried or burned. 3. Air pollution Alarming values that are already classified as harmful to health in many regions. 4. Power supply Power outages are common these days even with "only" 20 Million Tourists. 5. Marine Pollution The ocean and many beaches are already covered with rubbish. 6. Traffic chaos Congested streets, traffic jams, outdated trains and ferries, streets full of parked cars, streets in need of repair, etc. 7. Unregulated development More and more flat-roof glass concrete blocks/ hotels/villas with swimming pools that waste a lot of aircon power, fresh water and architecturally don't fit into the landscape at all. Increased deforestation and hillside development. 8. Sewage Disposal. Zero processing. Most of it in self-made septic tanks or simply pumped into the sea at night. Thailand definitely does not have an integrated long-term tourism development plan that takes all the problems ( which caused by large tourism numbers ) into account. There prevails more the short-term -quick - money - thinking.
  19. 100,000 pages / 116 officers = 862 pages on average per case. If that also reflects the number of individual cases of bribery, billions of baht must have been collected and lying around somewhere. Then the assets of the corrupt IOs should also be confiscated.
  20. It's not just what people eat, it's also how they eat. Many (overweight) people eat too quickly and don't chew food long enough. The body needs time to create a feeling of satiety.
  21. That's rubbish. What an indictment if an election program only focuses on a single topic. Thailand has so many other unsolved problems that are by far more important socio-politically.
  22. .... after members of the public alerted them to the robbery in progress. There were probably witnesses who saw the armed robbery and then called the police. Gang Robbery (Sections 340-340/3) Thai criminal code. Whoever with three persons upwards participate in committing robbery, such persons are said to commit gang-robbery, and shall be punished with imprisonment of ten to fifteen years and fined of twenty thousand to thirty thousand Baht. If in the commission of the gang-robbery, even one of the offenders carries arms, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of twelve to twenty years and fined of twenty thousand to forty thousand Baht. No wonder with such a possible sentence that the robbergang lie as much as they could.
  23. 8,5 Kilos H = With confession life long thai prison or death penalty without confession. Probably the last important decision they have to make in their life.
  24. How can there be neutrality at all, when the unelected senators are simply installed as senators by Prayut and friends. Ridiculous.
  25. His excuses in his wristwatch affair are unforgettable. If the intellectual level wasn't so real, it would be Comedy Gold.
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