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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. 1 hour ago, observer90210 said:

    .very true..


    An article here abroad, bought up the topic of how many customers a hooker made. The lady interviewed stated that she stopped at 10 clients per day.


    For the cost conscious, er rates were the equivalent of around US$ 160/short time plus extras...


    In elementary mathematics, this means 300 clients per month approximately or 3'600 fellas per year, or 7'200 clients approx. in 2 years, assuming she worked by Thai standards of 7/7, which I doubt it....Consequently, having 5'000 clients, gullible or whatever,  seems more then plausible, under Thai working shifts!!!

    10 customers a day, very few can do that.
    There must be a real thick cornea underneath.
    I know some data from the superstars in Bangkok gogos.
    Mean 3 customers per day are also 900-1000 per year
    5 years hardcore and you have 5000.
    At half speed the 5000 latest are completed in 10 years.
    Anyway, I like experienced women but as a long-term relationship or as a marriage material, such women are absolutely inappropriate.


  2. 25 minutes ago, Bastos60 said:

    You do know that she is telling BS.

    It is a scam like another.


    She is trying to get girls to pay her for pimping them out to online dating profiles. I bet out in the country you have many of gullible women that will
    believe her shit.


    5000 men means she is has been doing LT every day, with  daily another man for 14 years.

    5000 is not uncommon for a girl with very open legs and long-term presence in the horizontal trade.

  3. 4 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

    This country will always be in the dark ages with a school system like this.

    The whole education system is really sad.
    Many teachers also sell quite unashamedly
    their after school lessons.
    I know a case where, a teacher deliberately does not fully explain the math problems in the regular teaching time,
    and says that students who want to have a good grade will get the stuff explained in her paid 
    after school lessons.:post-4641-1156693976:

  4. 1 hour ago, spiderorchid said:

    Then read the US statistics, the comparison makes Thailand almost crime free.

    Just heard that a US court found not guilty to a policeman who shot and killed a dark skinned chap, all the while by being taped by the deceased girlfriend.

    The US is possibly the most dangerous, uneducated country in the world. The upholders of truth, justice and democracy. What a joke

    The US is certainly not the measure of all things.

  5. 9 hours ago, AGareth2 said:

    the referendum was not legally binding

    parliamentary sovereignty rules

    Good point.

    I do not understand why the UK has such a fear for a second referendum.
    May's new election was stupid.
    She had the majority.
    Instead of a new election, she would have had to carry out a review of the referendum.
    Now it is still unclear if and how a Brexit is to take place.
    In the meantime, many people have looked more about the EU and gathered more information.
    A second referendum would certainly have helped the UK more, then in comparison to the present mess.
  6. 2 hours ago, Gulfsailor said:

    I assume you meant to say that the Philippines vessel had right of way. 

    But just 30 minutes prior to the collision the PH ship made a strange U turn and then nearly straight into the destroyer, with only a last minute adjustment in course, hence the damage on the PH vessel just on the port side of its bow. After the collision the PH vessel turned again back on its original course heading northnortheast. Very strange the erratic behavior of the container vessel and very strange that the destroyer never appeared to have seen it coming. 

    If this was the start of a Tom Clancy novel, I would put my odds on a live test of some new cyber warfare equipment, which made the US destroyer go blind and altered the autopilot on the PH container ship. 


    It is not forbidden for a ship to make a turn.
    The question of guilt will certainly be clear.
    Hope they find all the shipwrecked.

  7. If someone wants to participate in the traffic here, then it is dangerous.
    Thailand is one of the foremost places in the world statistics of traffic - accidents
    The driving skills of the locals and the drunk tourists too, this result in such high death rates in traffic (around 24.000 per year (WHO)).
    And the violence among Thai people is also quite high.
    The legal and illegal weapon possession rate is high.
    If this is mixed with the concept of "preserving the face" and the short-circuit capability of drunken thais,
    then such high murder, manslaughter and brawling rates are inevitable.
    Plus the depressed long-term tourists who have problems with the too low balcony limitations.

    According to the WHO statistics from 2016, Thailand is still in second place, behind Venezuela. Libya was removed from the statistics because of civil war. They replaced Venezuela. With 36.2 traffic death to 100,000, Thailand is just behind Venezuela, which is ranked first with 45.1 TD / 100,000.

    If Thailand increases traffic safety measures, a better ranking in world comparisons would surely result.

  8. 6 hours ago, bartender100 said:


    Gravy train for one and all

    MEPs allowed to claim £120,000 in expenses without proof of how money is spent

    A court heard EU officials don't want to saddle MEPs with an 'administrative burden' which would hamper their freedom



    This article is unfortunately very undifferentiated.

    An EU parliamentarian gets

    9.327 Euro gross per month, minus, according to the country-specific income tax, health insurance and pension insurance
    is for example 4.100 Euro net.


    Members of the European Parliament receive a so-called "general cost reimbursement" is 4.342 Euro per month.
    The flat rate is tax-exempt, but the members of parliament can not raise any advertising costs.
    The members of parliament use this flat rate in their constituencies for office rents, communication costs, etc.


    The daily allowance is € 306 and is available to members of the European Union every day he or she works in Brussels or Strasbourg. It is intended to cover the costs of living abroad, in particular the cost of accommodation, since trips to Brussels and Strasbourg are business trips.


    The European Parliament will make a monthly contribution of EUR 24.164 to each European Commissioner so that he or she can employ the necessary staff to carry out his / her mandate in Brussels, Strasbourg and his home country.
    These funds are, of course, not given personally, but are managed by the parliamentary administration and by a tax adviser in a trusteeship. The use of funds is meticulously controlled by the European Parliament.
    The travel expenses of the employees - e.g. For the trips from Brussels to Strasbourg and back as well as their accommodation costs in Strasbourg - are dispensed from these funds.
    This money can not used for family members or a person close to family.

    Whether this is too much is a matter of opinion.
    I am surprised, however, that the Brexiters are not upset that, e.g. The football professionals get millions of euros a year for the silly kicking of a ball.



  9. 5 minutes ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

    Ummmmm....? Thanks. I will take the part back about where I said that the UK doesn't get anything back ...oh sorry I didn't say that. I think my point was that overall the UK as a 'single member in the European union' pays more than Denmark as a 'single member in the European union' pays into the kitty overall.....and thanks for your theory.  ?

    You are right.

    Denmark paid 2015 per Head 140 Euro net. Uk person 176 euro net.

    The net average monthly salarie in uk is  3166 euro. In denmark is 2906 euro.


    In the UK, however, the distribution of income is much more spread than in Denmark.  Few are super rich and many have little. This is however an internal political problem of the UK and has nothing to do with the EU.

  10. 32 minutes ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

    The UK as one member pays a hell of a lot more than Denmark. The EU is made up of member countries. As one member country the UK is in the top 3 of contributors. Per head doesn't matter. The UK leaving the EU is a massive deal to the union. Do you honestly believe if the union had to throw one member out ( obviously b4 brexit) that they would consider the UK over smaller contributors and countries  like Denmark? 

    Payments into the Eu minus funds received from the Eu will result in a net recipient or a net payer.


    Brexiteers always act as if they only paying and receiving nothing for it.


    2015 a uk person paid 176 Euro per head net.


    In theory, you could save this money, but would lose free market access. Int. Companys would emigrate (eu institutions, airbus, banks, insurance companies, car manufacturers, Research projects, etc.) Probably more unemployed, less tax revenue, lower bip. And the pensions of ex uk eu commissioners would also have to be paid.


    The brexit referendum is unfortunately characterized by populism and incredible lack of information.



  11. I am a supporter of a common Europe with clear external borders.
    If Europe decays back into small states, it loses importance.
    The many complaints  is well known by all EU members.
    However, if you look into many other regions of the world, the Europeans are doing damn good!
    Free travel, free trade, free choice where to live, legal and social security, free education etc.
    Why so many from non-functioning countries want to emigrate into the EU then?
    But the EU must be careful not to be overrun by the outside world.
    Brexit shows, that the EU structure has to be reformed urgently in many fields.

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