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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. "I have instructed all volunteers and police officers to memorize faces, names, and license plates of their commanders well, so that this mistake will not happen again," Pol.Maj.Gen. Thanapon said.

    Guess they will make a list with license plates.

    Instruct then all volunteers and police officers: Do not stop and check this cars!

    What happens if terrorists or drug smugglers can get a copy of this list?

    Just copy the right license plate and then: Free ride to the destination?

    Dumber as it gets.

  2. This sums up - in a nutshell - why the Thai police are considered by many to be totally corrupted

    I also want to add that I asked my Thai family if this news story had featured on Thai language TV news reports.

    They had not seen any news reports about this, (although maybe the cartoon channels don't run news stories...)

    This is the interesting aspect of this case. All of us here on TV are aghast that the police chief could be so brazen as to state publicly that he is above the law and then instruct his subordinates to conduct training of these volunteer officers so that they will not repeat the "mistake" of asking a senior officer to take a breathalyzer again. We cannot fathom how the police chief could say this and not get his head knocked off by the PM.

    But the case doesn't make the Thai news. Why? I presume because it's not news... A police chief announces that he's above the law. All Thai people know this already. Moreover, they probably accept that this is the natural order of things. So why would this qualify as news-worthy?

    That is true.
    Thai media, Pantip and social media do not talk about.
    And here is the unanimous outcry from all camps.
    Probably we know from our own countries how police can or have to work.
    We reflect the public statements made by the Thai police bosses in our systems.
    In our home countries were these statements scandalous.
    Certainly the end of the career as police chief/general.
    Not here.
    Guess the Thai general population does not know how police can be otherwise.
    Follow, maintain and protect laws.
    But why are other Asian countries, ASEAN is around the corner, here further than Thailand?
  3. Birds of a feather flock together

    The military masters are not going to do anything about this since they need the support on the ground from the Royal Thai Police

    Article 44 could be invoked and this yahoo would be in an inactive post before the ink dried, but that is not going to happen in a country that is governed by force, and the police are the guns in the trenches

    I am not so pessimistic.
    Not all cops are bad.
    Many police officers are also very unhappy with the reputation they have in the general population.
    There are also police officers who managed the entrance exam without cheating.
    There were already sorted out some bad apples.
    That must now proceed quickly and efficiently.
    Who really stand out for corruption and / or violation of the law, degrade immediately, replace, throw them out or in the prison.
    Many of the inflated clowns are not covered by colleagues.
    But the police can not reform itself, that has to come from outside.
  4. My very good friend, who is Thai and from royalty (his dad was a prince), moved back to Thailand a few years ago after living in Dallas for longer than 20 years. He still drives on the Thai Driver's License he got when he was 16 and the second day he was back in Thailand, he was stopped for going the wrong way on a one-way street. The police officer took one look at his family name, saluted him, and requested he not drive the wrong way again; no ticket. My friend is also an ex-policeman and though he has been stopped several times he is never ticketed. Only once did he use the power of influence; he told the police officer that he knew the police officer's boss (he didn't) and the police officer, scared to incur the wrath of his boss, let my friend go out of an abundance of caution. Policemen be warned: Respect your betters or suffer the consequences.

    IMO, the foremost and top thing on Prayut's Reform List should have been the RTP. They root out crime, but instead of shutting the crime down, they extort money from the criminals and let the crime continue with them getting a share. Ask Chuvit Komolvisit; he paid Bt. 15 million per month to the RTP to operate his 'Massage Parlors'.

    Unless this police general if removed from his high position, the questions is: Are the RTP too powerful for Prayut, even with article 44, to tackle? More and more, it looks to be so.


    I have similar thoughts.
    The police are a brotherhood and a state within the state.
    Laws, rules and conventions of a society form the foundation and the guiding principle for all members. Understanding and respect for these rules are the basis for a peaceful coexistence.
    In a society some people are responsible for ensuring that these rules are respected.
    This is the executive or colloquially the police.
    This part of the separation of powers does not seem to work here.
    Especially those which are intended to ensure compliance with the laws,
    proclaim publicly that this laws not apply for them.

    The daily abuse of power and corruption is indeed for a long time to see for everyone.

    The result is then a failed state.
    The best would be to replace the non-functioning executive leadership gradually with people who understand the basics of a functioning state, respectively have understood the need to comply with laws.
  5. Beyond belief.

    And here I was hoping that things might gradually change - seems I was deluded.

    Might as well just call- off the coup, the protests, the inconvenience and invite Thaksin back to take over again, seems we are no better off than before - if you're in power just do as you please.

    Surely there is a really hard nosed military guy somewhere in Thailand with the balls to take over and really bang heads together - not pussy foot around the difficult issues while making a lot of noise over the simple fix-up's,although seems some of the easy fix-up's are now getting too difficult.

    End of rant - back to being deluded it's easier on the blood pressure.

    I feel the same.

    Think positive. The hope that really crucial system errors be parked.

    That the law and the penalties for all should be equal in a society.

    And then there are coming public out these two inflated clowns and try to bend the entire police force in their favor with privileges.

    The public proclamation that the law does not apply to all.

    Yes, Beyond belief.


  6. Pol.Maj.Gen. Nitipat Pattanatabutr, commander of the Fifth Region Police and part-time lottery prophet.
    I think his predictions are not for free.
    Since when does he do it then?
    Would certainly useful to review his tax declarations from the last years.
    Contradicting his activities also not the gambling ban?
    The promotion to gamble on the part of a policeman, is certainly not good for society and the reputation of the police.
    The separation between duty and private life do not succeed here, if he tries in his service time to track competitors.
  7. That the controlling volunteer traffic cops did not recognize his face,
    he the Pol.Lt.Gen. Sriwarah Rangsipramkul, BKK Police chef, the boss.
    That must have hit hard his inflated ego.

    He missed some basics here,
    the best would be, that he must repeat the complete beginner education training program for traffic cops again.
    If this is too much shame, he can also work as a night guard or gatekeeper in a medium sized condo complex.

  8. I'm a bit confused now.
    Are this now sexy fake nurses in real nurse outfits?
    Or real sexy nurses in fake nurse outfits?
    And what is with this extra money?
    Those girls were real nurses who wanted to earn extra money?
    Or the fake ones want to earn extra money?
    Who would know?
    But moneywise it would be the same, or not?

    But there exists a much bigger problem.
    Two nights ago i met in mixx disco a real sexy girl in real sexy secretary outfit,
    still until today i do not know if she was a fake.facepalm.gif


  9. I'll do the same next time when I drive through a breathalyser checkpoint.

    This is shocking behaviour by a senior policeman.

    He is more. He is the BKK Police Chief Pol.Lt.Gen. Sriwarah Rangsipramkul.

    The leader of the BKK police.

    He is the flagship model for all of policemen in word and behavior.

    In his self-image he is clearly above the law.

    Even if he is not on duty, Laws do not apply to him.

  10. That's a nasty insinuation.

    Indirectly the author of this article subordinated that real nurses are not sexy.

    I prefer any time a party with real sexy nurses over a party with fake sexy nurses.

    It's the same with sexy students parties, sexy stewardesses parties, sexy accountants parties and sexy office worker parties.


    Sometimes it is not clear if some girls wanted to earn extra money,

    but that clears, no later then, by the next morning.

  11. The headman connections are already well known and easy to verify! His power is therefore not limited to "his" island.

    Would be so nice if the press would publish something about that! They are not forced to stick to suspects and it would make a great story...

    There are single hotels on Koh Samui that are worth more than his entire KT land holdings. He may run Koh Tao like a private fiefdom but I've seen no indication, especially with the first week's trial proceedings, that he has any real power once off the island, well known as you say are his connections.

    I have excellent, long-standing Thai friends on the islands and can assure you that their family members are scattered on all 3 islands.

    They have resorts, hotels, shops, travel agencies, restaurants, transportation- and party business on all three islands (KS, KP, KT).

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