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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. He said the Ministry had already conducted a study on the high speed train project but the report was sent back for reconsideration as the new project also involves tourism perspective, not only economic and social ones.

    At every university in the world, any student who is studying tourism, would, when submitting such a term paper, fall through! Not pass the test! Inadequate! Brainless!
    And the taxpayers even have to pay for this nonsense study?
  2. Women shock travelers with toilet strip acts

    Strip act?

    Or just changing her clothes?

    That's a big difference.

    Last time in Swampy i saw a guy washed his dick after pee in the hand basin.

    Not big thing at all.

    What? 'Not a big thing at all'?

    Do you mean his dick or the fact that he washed it in a basin for all to see, but you didn't care? laugh.png

    The second one.

    Nobody gets hurt if you wash your dick or a girl change her clothes in a restroom.

  3. Followers of the revealed religions - Jews and Christians - Islamic law granted freedom in the exercise of their religious practices and restrictions, which defines the Islamic law, in the exercise of their religious duties. It provides no penalty for the failure of the religious duties of a non-Muslim. In a historical perspective, however, the Islamic law provides certain restrictions on the exercise of religious duties other creditors. The best-known document for the treatment of Christians after the conquest of the cities of Syria and Mesopotamia by the second caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab (592-644) confirmed contract that should apply to future contracts as a guide and in works of alien law - was handed down - such as with the acting to 923 Abu Bakr al-Khallal. Some conditions that had to meet the Christians were: no construction of new churches or monasteries; no reconstruction of destroyed churches in the residential quarters of the Muslims; no cross on the church towers; no public show of the cross or the Bible in the presence of Muslims; no loud Praying or loud recitation of sacred texts; no proselytizing.

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  4. Some thai´s teach me, if you want to do something good:
    Give the monks food at morning,
    Donate a yellow bucket with noodles, soap, and all the useful things.
    If they want to build a temple give them cement and tools.
    If they want to build up a garden, then you can donate flowers and seedlings.

    The monks do not need money.
    And they have no fears of the secular world.
    They strive for enlightenment.
    And they throw all the money away, when they go into a temple, as a symbolic act.

    And then you must read about this Jet Set monk.
    With over 10 or more luxury cars on his private property.
    With millions and millions in his private Bank accounts.
    With young girls in his bed.

    Sure there is something wrong, or not?

  5. Senate will consist of 200 members
    (100 from 200) - half of whom will be chosen by a council of “experts.”
    It's unclear how the body of experts will be chosen.
    The other (100 from 200) - half will be former high-level politicians and bureaucrats such as prime ministers, military commanders, parliament speakers, judicial leaders, and representatives from other civic organizations.
    Chosen or appointed by who?
    Please no Thai Airways System here.

    It is a little bit unclear for me, sorry.
    Who chose – appoint –indirect elect – Who????
    Would be good if they could publish a graphic as the people elect and how it then leads to the formation of parliament, the government and the Senate.
    I thought they want to adapt the German model?
    Where every 4 years the parliament of the federal states is elected and
    time-shifted every four years the federal district government is elected.
    So that each inhabitant can choose every 2 years, one for the state and two years later one for the country district.
    The federal government makes the laws proposals.
    The parliament of the federal states agrees to this, or give it back for revision.
    The President, who is elected by the members of state Parliament has the power of veto and must agree with the new laws.
    Changes to the Constitution require a majority of 75% and both parliaments have to agree.

    The Information policy is unsatisfactory for me..
  6. Thermal solar systems make sense in Thailand.

    The whole consists of only 2 glass plates with fine copper pipes in between, a small pump and a hot water storage tank. The water is heated during the day by the sun and at the evening you can have a hot shower. The whole can build self made for 5000 baht or you can buy a kit for 15,000- 40,000 baht, depending on the application, requirements and control electronics.

    I see all the resorts with their bungalow and Houses for rent in the tourist regions.

    Guess 98% of all these have a small electrical water heater for 3,000 - 5,000 Baht installed.

    I know from personal experience that such water heaters usually max. work for 3 years, after you have to buy a new one.

    We plan for our small resort this year gradually to convert to thermal solar.

    That is the cheapest thermal solar system for 300Baht thumbsup.gif


  7. Teachers make extra money by not teaching in school, only after school (pay money) do they really teach.

    That is true.

    We pay 1.000 Baht / month per child extra for teaching after school between 16:00 - 18:00

    Our children are in school often unchallenged and bored.

    The mathematics book of the second class, which is to be the stuff of a semester, our children have fully worked through it, in one weekend.

    Our children voluntarily go to extra classes because they can ask questions and be promoted according to their abilities.

    The regular school only as a storage place for children of working parents, no thanks.

  8. Important subjects such as civic duties, history, democracy and patriotism need to be included,

    Important points in any case in military schools.

    The thirst for knowledge of pupils and students must be satisfied.

    Reminds me of a teacher in the third grade.
    Everyone wondered why the class was so quiet.
    The teacher made after lunch always one hour nap, so all the students had to be quiet so as not to wake her.
    Furthermore, it was forbidden to the students to forge ahead in the learning books .

    Hopefully the real education experts and specialists have to say something to improve the level of education.
    If occupation strangers and outsiders of the education industry have to much influence, then it ends usually always bad.

  9. I do not mind, that is marketing.
    If there is a group that wants to have there vegetables harvested only at full moon nights -
    Why not, if they pay for it.
    Which brings me more to think about are two issues:
    1. Is this really the best investment, or are there maybe other options where 10,000,000,000 Baht are more needed?
    Are there perhaps synergy effects with the 5.800.000.000 Baht budget for the buffaloes? Anyway.
    2. How transparent will be the distribution of the budget?
    Who gets the money, for what and under what conditions?
    Who controls the distribution of money and the success?
  10. NLA aides and experts earn between Bt15,000 and over Bt20,000 a month.
    …..wife works as a personal expert for a monthly salary of Bt24,000.
    It is a system question.
    Each NLA member receives a fixed and equal budget to the employment of experts?
    Then first I wonder why the Salary is different (15.000 – 20.000 – 24.000)?
    It must indeed exist an employment contract in any form.
    Is the employment contract between the NLA member and the experts directly closed,
    or between the state (public office) and the experts?
    Hopefully it will not be the case that the state paid without tendering a contract of employment without examining the qualifications.
    It is true that many politicians get a so-called compensation expense allowance.
    That is a fixed and equal budget for every Parliament Member.
    It is intended to fund travel costs, communication costs, office supplies, etc.
    The member can decide, for what and how he use this money.
    The assistants, experts or aides also have no access to any public office.
    This is strictly a private matter between the member and the assistants.
    Does anyone know how this is regulated specifically here?
    I think everyone is afraid that in the next government again is sitting for example a PM with
    his brother-in law as Minister of Finance, with his brother as Minister of Interior,
    with his best friend as labor minister and his wife as a family Minister.
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  11. Asked if paying them a salary from taxpayers' money was appropriate, Pornpetch said the practice predates the assembly and was in line with regulations.

    I thought exactly that, should be prevented/ avoided by the new reforms?
    Now we have again a conglomerate from brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, children, step mothers, brothers in law. grandmamas, etc.
    on tax pays roll.

    This makes the process of reform unfortunately very implausible.
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