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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. So how much costs the fun all together?
    Here it is so little concrete information to read.

    Many other details have yet to be settled, but the government is forging ahead to meet a strict timeline. However, time-constrained negotiations won't yield a positive result for Thailand, since we have little bargaining power.

    Strict schedule, but the cost and financing are still unclear?

    The Thai government should tell the public exactly what benefits Thailand will receive in turn.
    good question.
    Without clear costs no cost/benefit analysis can be created.

    Hopefully not another non-transparent G2G deal, which will costs the taxpayers the next 30 years a lot of money.

    I bet the whole will cost much more, than officially proclaimed at the time of order distribution.
    • Like 1
  2. WOW, 35 Pages.
    Another thought.
    As in any organization, there are good and evil.
    The National Park organization is not only good,
    like to protect the forest and the endangered species.
    They also hunt for money and power.
    4 Examples
    - A good friend of mine (Thai) who lives with his family for 4 generations on a piece of beautiful country land.

    The National Park Organisation wants his land, because it is very attractive for tourists.

    Since 8 Years he fight in the courts for his land, lose a lot of money and is nearly bankrupt by the court and legal costs.

    - In my family environment is another case. The land is farmed for 70 years as a coconut plantation.

    The old people have kept the old trees standing and never felled the old trees.

    When surveying the land for a paper upgrade one guy from the National Park Organisation said:
    “Oh here are 100 years old trees, that is National Park here.”
    The only solution is: Cut and down the old trees.
    That is the reversal of nature protection, initialized by the National Park Organisation!

    - Another organization is well with the National Park people.
    They allowed to open an adventure park in the National Park.
    Sure against some Kick back money.
    - Many local VIP´s are allowed to open resorts and to build houses in National Park Areas.
    The ex boss of the DSI is a prominent example.
    So please stop to think National Park Organisation is only good.

    "The National Park Organisation wants his land, because it is very attractive for tourists.The National Park Organisation wants his land, because it is very attractive for tourists"

    .Sorry let me stop you there....this is not true - national parks are neither set up or operated in this way. - your story is based on a false premise....

    as far as the other anecdotal stories are concerned - yes - the parks are under threat of encroachment by unscrupulous "powerful and rich" people but I fail to see what this has to do with dual pricing.

    That is true.

  3. WOW, 35 Pages.
    Another thought.
    As in any organization, there are good and evil.
    The National Park organization is not only good,
    like to protect the forest and the endangered species.
    They also hunt for money and power.

    So please stop to think National Park Organisation is only good.

    I've been told a number of similar stories where the forest department grabbed lands from long term villagers for some very dubious reason. I'm sure most of you heard about this very popular Thai folklore character, Somchai Hood, who steals from the poor to give to the rich ... ;-)

    Why you cut my original post?

    ......popular Thai folklore character....

    This is not folklore.

    I know those persons affected, personally.

  4. cctv shows self defence. no doubt the manager and his mate bungled, but fair is fair.

    the world is a better place without the likes of the turkish thug.

    they are out on bail (which is allowed in most countries of the world)

    what's the problem??

    they will have their day in court, and i as many trust acquittal.

    or-- justifiable homicide, works for me smile.png

    they are out on bail (which is allowed in most countries of the world)
    what's the problem??

    With this burden of proof (live CCTV video)?

    Not so many other countries provide bail here.

    Did you see the video?

  5. WOW, 35 Pages.
    Another thought.
    As in any organization, there are good and evil.
    The National Park organization is not only good,
    like to protect the forest and the endangered species.
    They also hunt for money and power.
    4 Examples
    - A good friend of mine (Thai) who lives with his family for 4 generations on a piece of beautiful country land.
    The National Park Organisation wants his land, because it is very attractive for tourists.
    Since 8 Years he fight in the courts for his land, lose a lot of money and is nearly bankrupt by the court and legal costs.
    - In my family environment is another case. The land is farmed for 70 years as a coconut plantation.
    The old people have kept the old trees standing and never felled the old trees.
    When surveying the land for a paper upgrade one guy from the National Park Organisation said:
    “Oh here are 100 years old trees, that is National Park here.”
    The only solution is: Cut and down the old trees.
    That is the reversal of nature protection, initialized by the National Park Organisation!
    - Another organization is well with the National Park people.
    They allowed to open an adventure park in the National Park.
    Sure against some Kick back money.
    - Many local VIP´s are allowed to open resorts and to build houses in National Park Areas.
    The ex boss of the DSI is a prominent example.
    So please stop to think National Park Organisation is only good.
  6. If they promote and name emergency numbers, then there should be also exist a backbone, in form from technology and personnel.
    A emergency number is only as good as its response time.

    Are there any measurements from the past?
    The prerequisite is that different languages are available quickly.

    If that's not only good news or an idea,
    then they need to invest in training and call center technology.

  7. Their bails were set at 1 million and they're already out on bail....

    Any sources?

    That was an execution, filmed by CCTV.

    Evidence of the killing is clear and confessions are signed.

    And the two murderers are now for 30,000$US free?

    An incredible justice here.

    It is fully beyond my understanding, how a judge can grant bail in this case here.

    Society must be protected from murderers, and this task does not occur by the judges.


  8. A police officer off duty time is a private individual.
    Normally, the police have to give up their weapons after duty hours, and there weapons must be enclose.

    Not in Thailand.
    It is apparently allowed, that they can go to a bar, with their weapons in there pockets and get drunk.
    Gun ownership and gun laws urgently need to be re-regulated here.

    Anyone with a walnut sized brain can carry guns here and can shoot around without penalty.
    Thailand must remove unsuitable policemen from the service permanently.
    These so-called policemen are a constant danger to the public.
    That is not the first time, that drunken police shooting at innocent people.
    They are criminals and not police men.
    The best place for them is in prison.

  9. Citing the urgency of the bus procurement project, Mrs Pranee said in case of only one bidder being qualified to enter the final bid, it will be accepted a winner but the BMTA will negotiate the lowest price with it.

    Buying cheap get cheap, means low quality.

    One bus cost 8 million baht and runs 5 years.
    Another bus costs 12 million baht and runs 9 years.
    Which bus is cheaper/better in the long run?

    Only buy the cheap crap sucks.
    You have to buy new again and repair, repair again.
    Waste of time and money.
    • Like 1
  10. Yes please, report the facts.

    For example: Where does the unusually wealth come from?

    Please report the facts about Police Officer A ............
    Please report the facts about General B ………….
    Please report the facts about State Official C …………
    Please report the facts about Politician D ................

  11. In Amsterdam Shipol Airport we had to pay customs for a gold necklace.
    My girl had bought the necklace from a Thai girlfriend in Europe privately, so that we were unable to provide a receipt.
    Unfortunately, she had taken the necklace to Thailand, on the way back then, they checked us and we must pay.
    Lesson learned.

    Keep the customs invoice for the next travels.
    Make a foto from your girl with her necklace in front of a known building, so that you can prove that she had the necklace before.
    In most cases, jewelry will be given away as a gift, who keeps the receipt for years?

  12. Thais are too tight with money to handing over huge amounts of it to insure when they

    die they do not come back as a cockroach. This case, as well as the jet set monk case, is

    simply out and out money laundering. And, I suspect, given the high powered people

    involved, that this case will never be " solved". I noticed the jet set monk case

    did the gentle Thai fade away..... So we have monks raping children, money

    laundering on a massive scale, endless temples whose sole function seems to

    be to make money, and what amounts to bums wondering around in orange robes

    collecting food from poor people in the morning. And of course there are the famous

    five precepts of Buddhism, which no one seems to follow. So I say time to

    remove Buddhism from Thai culture. It was an import from India anyway..... :-)

    Am curious how the money laundering part works. Does anyone actually know ?

    Once the money is given to the temple, how does the clean money get back to

    the elite/ general/ politician/whoever ?

    Have asked myself the same question.
    Black money from the drug trade or protection money comes cash in suitcases to the temple.
    The temples do seem to make any accounting.
    They pay no taxes and are not subjects to any tax audits.
    So the leading or involved monks then also have plenty of bank accounts at different banks.
    Then, when they come into the bank with sacks full of cash, nobody ask stupid questions,
    because the bankers think, that the money are donations and belongs to the temple.
    So they break up a big amount in smaller amounts and park them in many, many accounts.
    The next step is easy and it gives a lot of variations.
    For example the owners of the Black money open or buy a publicly traded company,
    which can be a small mine or any other form of a company with cheap shares.
    You can buy on the Stock Exchange “dead” companies complete for 2-3 million baht.
    If they have complete control over such a ghost company, then the monks get the order to buy

    via there banks worthless shares for a lot of money.

    The owner from the black money is then a genius and has made there fortune legally in the stock market.

    His money is now more white then a baby butt.

    The temple is holding shares from a worthless company, but nobody ask about it.
    On the statement of deposit of the bank it looks all good too.
    There are many high officials who have earned on the stock market with penny stock millions and billions.
    The money laundering can also be done with some cheap land, which is then sold back to the temple expensive.
    • Like 2
  13. What is the percentage of women in the thai police?
    I would welcome to see more women in the thai police,
    doing proper service, with praesens on the streets, patrol with proper uniforms, etc.
    and not like the few, they are have now, sitting behind small desks at the stations.
    Many countries have very good experience with a higher presence of women in the police service.
    They should read some studys.

    The existing show-off-macho club they should dissolve completely.
    In order to reduce the existing, rather poor image, they need to make a clear cut.

  14. Labor Minister General Surasal Kanjanarat will be asked to approve the criteria applicable to electricians and welders first. However, they will be notified and allowed a period of time to adjust to the new regulations before they take effect on March 26.

    March 26th...so they're going to do all this in just 3 weeks...rolleyes.gif


    Without an concrete and realistic implementation plan, that is not more than just a good idea.

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