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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. The suppress of critical voices brings nothing.
    Thailand must now come into the phase, that open political opinions flow in the creation of political parties.
    The old two Party polarizing behavior must be out.
    It is better to invite the students to a Parliamentary debate.
    Vibrant democracy must always have access into democratic processes.

  2. That is life.
    The judges are afraid now to accept filled cake boxes.
    The rules have changed a bit.
    The taxpayers ask now more and more actually: Where's the money?
    Is that unfair?

    The government funds belongs to the people, and the politicians and civil servants must learn to report thereon.
    So ask the people responsible for the whereabouts of the money has nothing to do with unfairness.
    Hopefully, they also question the little accountants who reported the irregularities very early.
    Thereafter, they were indeed made quickly silenced.
    Hopefully they also track the Nattawut rice transports.
    Hopefully the Thai population does not give up, to ask about the whereabouts of the money.
    And I still want to know who has so easily issued 500 million baht cash checks in the government / administration.
    An neutral asset verification of all those involved should be made as quickly as possible.
    Let's see how much money can be recovered.
    For the state, for the people,

  3. From the article:

    He said the stable prices under Thaksin had allowed poor farmers to plan their lives, to borrow money and invest in their future.

    Stable prices that have put the country seriously into debt. The populist program could not have been continued. Especially considering the slowing global economy.

    The farmers would have been better off if the government just gave them money. At least a majority of it would have gone into their pockets instead of those up stream from them. And lost via corruption.

    Education is the key here, methinks.

    Education is the key here, methinks.

    Agree 100%

    Many simple farmers do not know that other countries also grow rice and are much more productive.

    The prices of agricultural goods are world market prices.

    Instead of subsidizing blind here selected party loyalty rice farmers, the money should be invested in education.

    Having a target market, to grow appropriate species, long-term keeping of a farm operation, etc.

    Listening to a Messiah who promises wealth with the simple cultivation of rice, is tempting.

  4. Thus all private hospitals must show the rate evidently to their customers. Any private hospital failing to do so will be fined of no more than THB10,000.

    Hopefully there surprise inspections of medical charges at private hospitals in Bangkok will not lead to an price increase.
    The fine is definitely too low.
    So the hospitals will impose the additional costs to the patients.

  5. "I want to clone the DNA of the Thai democracy. I want to take it [DNA] into the 'Thaksin lab' to make a stronger and better democracy."

    About what "lab" he is talking about?
    Where it is?
    Is this a think tank where many intellectuals come together breeding about a better democracy,
    or it is just the liquor cabinet in his spacious Dubai Apartment full with ear medicine from his missing friend Chalerm?

  6. An incredible story.
    Would not it be easier to burn the taxpayers' money direct?
    So they could at least save the parking fees.

    Bt809-million parking fee for 315 trucks!!!!

    2,5 million Baht parking fee per truck?????
    Who is the recipient of this fulminating sum?
    Who is responsible for this nonsense?
    Who signs such contracts?

    Furthermore they must now repair the new trucks for 1 million Baht each?

    How can such a waste of taxpayers money go unpunished?
    Minimum 10 years in prison without parole would be too mild.
    The perpetrators should be liable with their private assets here.

    A shame this stupidity.
  7. Over 20 years ago has been in various travel books warned of this Bangkok gem scams.
    If you google "bangkok gem scams" you get around 3,9 Million hits.
    Quite impressive.
    I find it hard to applaud here, since 20 years this fraudsters do this scams.
    Same people, same plot, same shops
    And since over 20 years it is known to the authorities.

    Unfortunately, the authorities do not realize what Image damage they have inflicted to their country, by their years of tolerating and passivity.
    Looks like: Many honest foreigners are worth less than a few fraudulent nationals.

  8. 37 from 43 reviewer´s in tripadvisor rated this restaurant as terrible.
    The headlines read like “stay Away”, “Beware of this restaurant”, “Tourist ripoff beware”, “Scam travellers and overpriced food” ....
    All reports have two things in common:
    They were tourists without city knowledge and
    were introduced by taxi/tuk tuk drivers who get commission kick backs there.
    Certainly not a prime example of Thai hospitality there.

  9. Three years we've tried to register for our small company a 100% unique and self-made word-picture trademark in Thailand. After years of waiting, our request was denied.
    We have taken the official way without bribery.
    Never again we will try to register any intellectual property rights here.
    It looks like, without expensive and well connected thai trademark lawyers, it is impossible to register your own trademark or protect your intellectual property rights.

    • Like 1
  10. The Anti-Money Laundering Office found that both Mr. Watchanont and Mr. Jiradet had received 2.5 billion baht from the credit union’s bank account. Hundreds of cheques were issued .........

    2500 Million Baht,
    2.500.000.000 Baht
    With an average monthly income of 20.000-30.000 baht, it is interesting how they could booking thousands of millions bahts back and forth without being asked.

  11. ..... the hot tempered Natthapong was later transferred to his affiliation command.
    ....."As far as I know, the man was hot tempered and jealous so he often argued with my sister to the point of assault once," she said.

    With these eye-catching behavior characteristics, the unfitness for the duty as a policeman is obvious.
    It is bad if such unsuitable persons can shop themselves into the police force with money, relations or recruitment test cheating. The Society does not need short fused, hot tempered armed policemen.
  12. WOW 50,000 baht to overlook the store’s violation of copyright laws,
    later raised the price to 190,000 baht.

    How much must pay then the thousands of stalls which selling counterfeit goods in Patpong or Sukumvit Road?
    No wonder why so many police officers and administrative staff have gigantic unexplained wealth.
    An asset verification check, from top to bottom is an urgent need for all officers and public state employees.

    Many have accumulated assets, worth 10,100,1000 or more millions of baht.
    It is obvious that these assets were never earned with official salaries.

    Corruption, extortion, robbery, embezzlement, drug trafficking and fraud are the main sources.
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