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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. Monks confirm getting big cheques from former cooperative boss Supachai

    The cash flows are however already clear.
    Yes they admit only what is undoubtedly can be seen on the bank accounts.

    So where is the money now?

    Phra Khru Palat said he had spent Bt119 million in constructing a youth centre in Lop Buri province, while Phra Montri denied the reported Bt100 million sum, saying he actually received a donation of about Bt5 million and it was used to produce materials to train novices.

    So then, where is the Bt119 million youth centre in Lop Buri?
    So where are the Bt5 million materials to train novices?
    Where are the missing 95 million Bath?
    And where are the rest from the 10 billion?

    Available evidence suggests that Phra Dhammchayo received more than Bt300 million and Phra Khru Paladwijahn over Bt100 million from the Klongchan Credit Union Cooperative's bank accounts. This money allegedly came via Supachai, who is accused of embezzling more than Bt10 billion during his time as president.

    Supachai is facing charges related to allegations that he and some accomplices had illegally funnelled more than Bt10 billion from the cooperative's bank accounts, of which at least Bt684 million is believed to have gone to Dhammakaya Temple and its abbot.

    Looks like they have problems to get the embezzled money back.

  2. He said the abbot told him that a man who claimed to be from the provincial office of the Social Development and Human Security Ministry had asked the temple to organise the course on morals for newly-employed civil servants.

    ......he saw some 21 people dressed in civil service uniforms attending a training course at the temple.

    Police tallied the payments totalling 1.7 million baht.

    Interesting is the high credibility of this scam.
    It looks like that working as a civil servant needs now new moral adjustments.
    It clearly shows that the current view of civil servants was perceived as immoral.
    Under the new Law and order government is now morality required.
    It is then only logical, that here 25.ooo Baht or more must paid for a new ethics course.

    Which is an interesting reflection of the current situation of social perception regarding new ethics as an servant in state office.

  3. To modernize the education system is indeed a difficult task, but necessary.
    An important aspect, among many others, it is in my opinion to detect early the different talents of the children and then to promote them.
    Be it music, sports, languages, science, etc.
    Thailand needs in all major cities a kind of “elite schools” where only those are allowed to enter, who have the appropriate skills, will, IQ, EQ and bite.
    For underprivileged children with above-average or exceptional skills, there must be a financial support program.
    The real skills from pupils/students should determine the educational level.
    It must be excluded that inappropriate students (from rich or well connected parents), with poor learning performance,
    can buy in there and pull down the whole level or even buy exams and diplomas.
    There must exist equal opportunity and performance must be worthwhile, then Thailand will be able to improve his level.
    If they would bring together in each province the best teachers and the best students, that would be a step forward.
  4. I guess TAT doesn't have or know how to use google. If they google grand palace gem scam they will only get page after page after page of tourists telling how they were ripped off at one of the most revered tourist sites in all thailand...The Grand Palace. Then google jet ski or taxi mafia scams and get a few zillion more stories of tourists being ripped off, beaten up or worse right in front of the cameras.

    But heck it's only been going on for a few decades so how would the TAT know?

    IF IF they wanted to shut these black eye scams down it might take about one hour to identify the scammers......when you allow scams to go on for decades at your TOP tourist attractions what message does that send to potential tourists?

    The sad thing is it is a few bad apples that continue to give Thailand a black eye year after year after year and no matter who is in power they continue to operate with impunity.

    Shame on TAT for not addressing these scam issues.

    "Grand palace is closed today."

    "I have tuk tuk, you pay only 10 Baht for gasoline, i will drive you around for one hour"

    "I know government shop, have today half price for all diamonds"

    "This is my friend he have tailor shop, cheap cheap"

    "Look, that is the best seefood restaurant in Bangkok"

    " You like lady?"

    "Hello, Welcome, You pay now, thank you, bye bye"

  5. "The company will employ experts, perhaps outsiders, to help boost sales. We predict the average [passenger] load factor will increase from 70 per cent last year to 80 per cent this year [as a result], a similar level to many other airlines," THAI president Charamporn Jotikasthira said yesterday.
    The number of the average passenger load factor has little relevance.
    If you dish out free flights then you can have a 100% passenger load factor.
    Better to use the average passenger paid load factor.
    or even better the
    average revenue per seat index = Total revenue per flight / number of seats for a particular route
    If then exists a very good cost accounting system, is it possible to say which flights / routes are profitable and which are not.
    Only with good data, one can say on which routes can be made pricing policy, where costs must be down,
    or on which routes must be aircraft and / or the intensity changed.
    This is the primary task of a top management.
    Traditionally Thai Airways is struggling with the advice from external experts (outsiders).
    Look for example at Emirates, Qatar, Etihad. They committed many experts in the past, at the flight deck,
    in the flight operations, in the cabin, on the ground, in the maintenance and in the EDP.
    In the long-haul sector, the Arab airlines win over, in the short distances sector Thai struggles with budget airlines,
    in the cargo section they lose, in the maintenance they have no competence
    and internal to many people on the payroll plus management problems.
    But after four years of losses in a row, yes one should not give up the hope.
  6. Tho i can survive without under boobs..

    But must know about side boobs

    Can we have those?


    Think this is no problem, coz is not a selfie.

    The theme insecure many.

    Today I got sent from my conversation partner in my social network this selfie.

    I must now return this pic, or i must refuse to accept?

    Apparently by sharing this pic with us you may be facing 5 years imprisonment.
    This is not a underboob selfie.

    That is just a picture from a woman in closes.

    Then must be all advertisers, magazine publishers, underware retailers, Fashion Magazines, car show operators, and all girls in bikini on the beach locked up.

  7. Tho i can survive without under boobs..

    But must know about side boobs

    Can we have those?


    Think this is no problem, coz is not a selfie.

    The theme insecure many.

    Today I got sent from my conversation partner in my social network this selfie.

    I must now return this pic, or i must refuse to accept?


  8. there are about 300+ natural cancer threatments

    even from sloan kettering there was one about B17

    it has been shelved like many others & called quackery

    before the AMA took over medicine, there was a choice of conventional doctors & natural healers

    you know who started the AMA, the same that own the drug companies

    clinical trials are made for drugs where the patent is about to expire and they change one little small thing, to get another patent to sell big bucks for the next 20 years ...

    and in those trial, what the big pharma has to try to prove, is that it is just a slight % better than doing NOTHING AT ALL

    more people die in the USA of CANCER THREATMENT, than off the cancer itself

    are you a shareholder of one of the big one's?

    more cancer, sure it has nothing to do with DIET, a healthy lifestyle, avoiding sugar, smoking, overeating, ... right ?

    just take a pill, for your conscience, in stead of trying to live better and fill up with your cola & hamburgers ...

    everybody has the right to chose what they want

    most are still blinded that the good doctor is there to help you ... while they are there to fill their pockets ... you get a few minutes in a doctors office and then it is .. NEEEEXXTT

    medicine = business

    cancer = mega big business ... 50.000 - 150.000$ for a cancer THREATMENT, never a CURE

    live max. 5 years more, but broke and die in pain of the chemo, radiation, surgery ....

    even the 5 years is a big lie, as the statistics only take 3 months

    never to late to get informed

    only stupid people never change their mind

    off topic.
    This threat is about dubious quacks who have no medical training, no license to operate a clinic and experimenting with dangerous hallucinations drugs which led to the death of a person, who has thought to be in professional hands.
  9. In addition to this sad incident,
    traffic controls are often poorly made and hard to see in the dark.
    I have often experienced that the police have rolled out their big triangular police signs on the road and
    set up a few traffic cones to bring traffic from two on one track.
    Very often we thought there's a control, have become slower and then have seen that no one controls.
    Within 24 hours I guess that 50% of these checkpoints are often not occupied.
    They are just too lazy to deinstall the equipment.
  10. Very unprofessional statement from the network of credit union cooperatives.
    They could also say “thank you” to the media.
    It has been revealed an error in the system.
    A director of a cooperative could even go unnoticed for years, exhibit and sign 700-800 checks
    in a value of 18 -21 billion Baht without any control and without any examination.
    Thus, an organization I would not trust my money!
    Better would have been a statement like:
    “Thank you media.
    We have corrected the system error immediately.
    Now each check over 1 million must be countersigned from three persons.
    An abuse is therefore impossible.”
    That would create more confidence than the whining about reporting.
  11. ...... the ministry's tax reform committee to endorse this week .....

    Always this ill-considered populist quickly shots.

    Over 85% of the land in Thailand are not even measured, and equipped with GPS land papers.

    Where should come at once all the experts from, to make the assessment / valuation of the houses?

    Is the whole land taxation system ever supported with computer technology?

    Thailand's politics are world champions of new ideas.
    Every day three new ideas.
    In the implementation unfortunately, they are often fail.

    So over 85% of the land cannot be bought and sold as no value can be ascertained nor tax be computated?

    In principle, yes.

    There are many different land titles.

    Only with Nor Sor Sam, Nor Sor Sam Gor or Chanote paper you can get a bank mortgage.

    (only Chanote paper has GPS measurement)

    Farmland is usually Nor Sor or Tor Bor 5 Land.

    Land prices vary enormously in dependence on the existing land paper, location and infrastructure (road access, water, electric).

    We pay land tax every year.

    For our TB5 land we get a hand written receipt, no computer.

    Many houses are traditional built on land without ever having asked a government agency.

    We have several houses.

    One house we built 12 years ago.
    Material costs were 2 million baht 12 years a go.
    Labor was provided by the family.

    Now it has some strong signs of wear

    So what is my house worth today?

    There are many other parameters, such as in the field of finance.

    Today I read that debt should be removed from the house value.

    So friends give each other loans on their homes to avoid the tax.

    The introduction of new taxes should be carefully thought out and planned so that the tax at the end is also fair to all.

    In this case, I doubt it.

  12. ...... the ministry's tax reform committee to endorse this week .....

    Always this ill-considered populist quickly shots.
    Over 85% of the land in Thailand are not even measured, and equipped with GPS land papers.
    Where should come at once all the experts from, to make the assessment / valuation of the houses?
    Is the whole land taxation system ever supported with computer technology?

    Thailand's politics are world champions of new ideas.
    Every day three new ideas.
    In the implementation unfortunately, they are often fail.
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