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Everything posted by ChristianBlessing

  1. The first (2019) was prior; the second was e-visa which I applied for March 2022.
  2. That's a concerning request. I've had two METVs and have only been asked the purpose of my visit. Under neither visa did I know in advance which country/countries I might visit.
  3. May I ask what version of Android you are running? There are indeed billing fraud hacks that can force a phone into cellular-only mode. It's an old technology which has never been properly addressed. This article is a bit tedious but a thorough description of the issue.
  4. I have done several lengthy tours on a folding recumbent throughout Thailand. The most ambitious ride was Bangkok to Chiang Mai. I experienced no negative issues or close calls. The bemusement of folks at the sight of my bicycle brightened every day.
  5. You are required to show evidence of any international travel undertaken in the past 12 months prior to your application. If your January/May trips are all that are recorded in your passport that is all you need to submit. If, in the past 13 months, you lived in and traveled in the Schengen Area, or lived in and traveled in North America you'll likely have nothing to upload.
  6. My guess is that you are a white male who has never experienced the indignities of being LGBTQ, colored, female or a member of any ethnic minority. That would be me as well, but I think I can appreciate the pride and joy that accrues to those who are finally experiencing at least some liberation from the white patriarchy which has presided over humanity from time inmemorial.
  7. I'm wondering how you're certain that he's on an METV. Although he doesn't state so, he appears to be asking about obtaining a new visa exempt or permission to stay. Additionally the METV isn't exactly cheap. As to your question, I just completed my 2nd exit/reentry. Nothing easier. First was to Malaysia, second to Vietnam, with no complications. Just make sure to scrutinize your stamp to make sure the next expiry is 60 days.
  8. I don't believe that there are any other circumstances other than having employer-provided group health coverage at the time of qualification. I applied at 68, just after retiring, and SSA was adamant about documentation of my coverage. I could certainly be wrong, and wish you luck. If you do find any exceptions I'm sure others here would be interested. Good luck
  9. As noted by @gamb00ler, mounting the drives via USB is your best bet. It seems unlikely any damage or decay occurred while not in use, so with luck your data will be intact and accessible. Of course if you used RAID array things get more complex but there are dozens of disc utilities that make recovery easier. Good luck
  10. As noted by @ubonjoe, the visa is effective from it's issuing date. I am on my third METV and was delighted to learn that, at least in the US, it is now issued as an e-visa, which means being spared the expense and time of mailing the passport and other documents which added 10-12 days to the process. My e-visa was approved and downloaded in three days. Of course there's no knowing the future, but had I known I would have had an extra 10-12 days of validity from the time is my arrival in Thailand.
  11. I'm not certain whether you're willing to travel, but Sum Bamboo in the Ruamchok Plaza might work for you. It's inside, but very spacious and airy. The therapists are always masked, are well-trained and are skilled masseuses.
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