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Posts posted by HiSoLowSoNoSo

  1. "We are committed to take the necessary action to ensure products in our supply chain......."

    Exposed and risking loosing all their big clients.

    " Consistent with our values to operate with integrity and the outmost respect for human lives"

    Wonder if he could say that with a straight face?

  2. Here comes my hub sector proposal that I think they can beat the other ASEAN countries in:

    Sex workers

    Unhealthy wealthy Politicians (Include police, military, custom and land department officials here also)

    Sex-change doctors

    Tax evaders

    Professional conmen

    Silly tourism campaign slogan inventors

    Fleeing the scene specialist

    News sensors

    two-tier pricing inventors

  3. As the local population in many of the Asian countries just throw away plastic bags (and all other kind of trash) in the nature and roadside a replacement to plastic bags is very important, in Scandinavia papper bags have been used for long time and papper breaks down fast if thrown away in the nature.

    Good idea. However it doesn't hold curry. And then there's those trees that have to be cut down to make them.

    Thailand already produces a very good eco alternative made from Cassava and sold in 7/11's. The fact they're not free is what puts people off swapping them for plastic. The stores, particularly large ones, could plough some of their vast profits back into providing them instead. long shot I know.

    There is BTW, just one small Tesco Lotus here who've refused to provide any bags at all for around two years and people somehow manage without. Why the rest of the chain don't follow suit is bewildering. Oh, it's that 'consistency' thing, isn't it.

    A large part of the natural forest in Thailand has already been turned into Rubber Tree plantations, maybe they can use those threes to make the bags from after they have stopped producing rubber? The paper bags used in Sweden for many years are quite strong, think they are made from Pine threes, not sure if Rubber threes can make the same quality of paper.

  4. Wonderful you all come out with the same argument.It isn't what we have had in our own country but you left there to come here because you had greater freedom.Now you ll want to change it to suit your conceptions of democracy.Whether you like it or not like many other countries that have expat residents you are no more than guests in those countries just like it is here here so perhaps if you were to let the matter roll along and wait a while you may see progress.Did you object as much to past administrations were you as vocal if so let us see your comments to clarity your agenda and political beliefs.

    When all borders and walls between people are gone and freedom of movement on this planet is a fact, witch should be a basic human right (could take a very long time with all the BS between countries and religions that we got today) Thailand will finally change to the better.

  5. How can posting information about corruption be called Lese Majeste???

    Easy there Tonto (and the +50 people who liked that post). In this podunk, cultural backwater of a fiefdom, even questioning the application of the lese majeste law here is tantamount to committing lese majeste.

    Swedish news ( http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article21915155.ab )

    says now that Thanakorn could face a 32 years jail sentence for clicking on a "like" button and sharing a picture with his Facebook friends.

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