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Jai Dee

Global Moderator
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Everything posted by Jai Dee

  1. I had my gall bladder removed by keyhole surgery about 8 years ago. I was working in Indonesia at the time and the stomach pain was sudden and extreme. I was driven to the local hospital by our company EHS rep who stayed with me whilst X-rays and then ultrasound was performed to verify that I had 3 small stones stuck together in my gall bladder. Surgery was needed to correct it but my company refused to allow any surgery to be performed in an Indonesian hospital so I was air-lifted to Singapore for the operation. 4 small cuts about 30mm long... 2 for the lights, 1 for the camera, and 1 for the action. 2 nights in hospital then I was OK to leave and resume work again. I still remember the pain before the operation... it was intense! Having no gall bladder now means that my body does not produce bile anymore, so fatty foods (pork belly, chicken skin, bacon etc) cannot be processed as well, and result in being passed through my system fairly quickly. Other than that I have no problems with digestion. My advice to the OP... don't try to put up with the pain and try a "natural remedy"... you will only make things worse for your pancreas. Get the operation done as soon as possible.
  2. Several off-topic and argumentative posts about climate change have been removed.
  3. Several off-topic posts and replies have been removed.
  4. That particular topic has been removed as it contravened Thai Law. From the Forum Rules: 42. You will not advertise, display, promote, review or endorse, directly or indirectly, the name or trademark of any alcoholic beverage. Such actions are potentially in contravention of Section 32 of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act (2008).
  5. Just released on Netflix today... The Mother starring Jennifer Lopez.
  6. A post containing an unsubstantiated allegation and a reply have been removed.
  7. That I am interested in... where can you buy them? Are they harmful to fish?
  8. You can also choose the quality of mp3/mp4 file with this converter too...
  9. It's interesting to see the forecast storms approaching on Windy.com (Press the little red play button at the bottom left of the screen) The one originating in the Indian Ocean looks like it will hit Myanmar pretty hard...
  10. The first 2 episodes are available already from RARBG.
  11. An insulting troll post and a reply have been removed.
  12. I watched Ghosted last night... not expecting much but it was quite an enjoyable movie. Listed as an Action/Adventure/Comedy/Romance, it stars Chris Evans and the very attractive Ana de Armas. Some other well-known faces pop up regularly throughout the movie too.
  13. You do realize that you are replying to a 19 year old topic? /Closed.
  14. That was announced pre-COVID-19... nothing has happened since then. Although the large vacant property in Najomtien next to Ocean Marina has been recently boarded up and early construction activities are evident... perhaps this is the start for the new Icon Siam?
  15. A couple of off-topic troll posts (and replies) have been removed.
  16. Trolling emojis have also been removed.
  17. I went to a Lodge dinner in Perth WA once, it was full of pissheads...............................
  18. A couple of reported troll posts have been removed.
  19. Several argumentative and off-topic posts (and replies) have been removed.
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