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Jai Dee

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Everything posted by Jai Dee

  1. A baiting troll post has been removed.
  2. Ahhh... I didn't recognize the shortened addon name... You'd be hopeless at leaving google-able hints...
  3. A reported troll post has been removed.
  4. If you are looking for an addon that you can use for Kodi maintenance purposes the EZ Maintenance+ addon does work (I did test it with Kodi Matrix 19.1) to maintain your Kodi. Over time Kodi will run more slowly affecting your user experience because of redundant files from caching, packages, and thumbnails. Those files consume a lot of storage space. EZ Maintenance+ removes the redundant files, and by freeing this space, it improves the performance of Kodi. The repo source is https://peno64.github.io/repository.peno64 Once you have added the source, and installed the repo from the zipfile, you can then install the program addon from the repo. This addon has other purposes besides maintenance like backup and restores, log viewer and uploader, buffer size optimization and speed test. However, let's focus on the maintenance functionality. To get to the maintenance menu, you need to click on the addon, and in its main menu click Maintenance. There you see the following options: Clear Cache The cache is used to store files, so Kodi won’t need to download the same files over and over again. However, over time more and more files are stored in Kodi’s cache. A full cache is one of the most common reasons for slow performance with Kodi. Choosing this option cleans the entire cache and improves the performance of your Kodi. Clear Packages When installing an add-on, Kodi first downloads a ZIP file containing the addon’s files in a compressed format. Over time those ZIP files may consume a large percentage of your storage. Choosing this option removes all those redundant files. You can always download them again if you ever need them. Clear Thumbnails Thumbnails are part of every addon, but an addon may contain redundant thumbnails. Choosing this option deletes all the thumbnails of the addons and forces downloading the ones which are needed. This way, you can save a lot of storage. Settings In the main menu of the addon, click Settings, then click AutoClean at Startup to enable it. By doing so, the addon will clean the cache, packages and thumbnails every time you start your Kodi. You can also configure the limit for packages and thumbnails folders.
  5. I used to use the Ares Wizard myself for many years, until the big shakedown happened and the tvaddons.ag site was taken over by the anti-piracy group and the Ares Repo disappeared. I'd be very wary of anything coming from tvaddons.ag as they would be actively looking for anything that uses file sharing tech. I have heard that the Indigo addon is a good alternative to Ares... also Looking Glass Wizard gets a lot of positive reviews. Apparently the Indigo add-on hosts various categories like Config Wizard, Addon Installer, Maintenance Tools, Rejuvenate Kodi, Factory Restore, Log Uploader, Network Speed Test, Sports Listings, Backup/Restore, Log Viewer, and No-Coin scan (I have no idea what that means...). Maybe give that a try? /Edit: I just discovered that the source for the Indigo repo is http://fusion.tvaddons.co so for that reason alone I would not recommend installing it as it may interfere with your other addons. And the source for the Looking Glass repo http://repo.lookingglass.rocks/ won't connect so that has probably been taken down too.
  6. No Defender warnings... only Kodi error messages. You're welcome. I intend to play around a bit more with Nexus - Kodi 20.0. I do know that the Aussie IPTV addon works well, as I tried it out both with and without a VPN for another forum member with good results. I haven't really tried any other addons with it yet. I usually test new stuff on my Win10 platform first before deciding on a certain configuration which I then install on my Android box for every night entertainment. I currently have 6 different builds/configurations of Kodi running on my PC and it is interesting (for me) to compare response times/results for scrapers to yield sources etc. for different addons. Just out of curiosity, what maintenance aspects of The Crew Wizard made it useful for you?
  7. A troll post containing a racist slur has been removed.
  8. OK... just did a fresh install of Kodi 19.1. I was unable to install the SafeKodi addon from the repo script.safekodi-1.0.3.zip because "A dependency on Python 2.14 could not be satisfied". I proceeded to add The Crew Repo and installed The Crew video addon but it doesn't work... I get an error message. I then proceeded to try to install The Crew Wizard program addon but it doesn't work either... I get an error message. I then proceeded to add The WareHouse Repo and installed The Promise video addon... it works fine. It appears that there is a problem with The Crew Repo version 0.3.4.
  9. I will do a fresh install of Kodi Matrix 19.1, then SafeKodi, then The Crew. My hardware platform is Win10. I use Windows Security only. I will let you know the results.
  10. I have only recently installed 20.0 and have only tested 1 addon with it so far. I know that The Crew worked fine with 19 Matrix but I don't know if it's been verified as compatible with 20 yet. Are you using the repository from github? https://team-crew.github.io
  11. An off-topic post has been removed. Please do not derail other people's topics... you are welcome to start a new topic of your own.
  12. Kodi 20.0 "Nexus" - Release Team Kodi January 15, 2023 It's Time! We are pleased to present the latest release of Kodi, v20 "Nexus". With over 4,600 commits since v19 "Matrix" was released on February 19th, 2021, this has been a huge effort. Thanks go out to our team members, and everyone in our community who sent a pull request, tested and gave feedback, or provided support to users on the forum. We appreciate your contribution to making Kodi better. Let's review some of the changes you can expect: Multiple Instances of Binary Add-ons AV1 Video Support Subtitles Rework Game (libretro) Savestate Support Windows HDR Support NFSv4 Support Context Menu Consistency You can see the details of the changes and read the full article from the Kodi Support Team here.
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  13. There is a Kodi addon called SafeKodi that has the ability to scan installed addons for malicious content, viruses, and ads. If SafeKodi finds an unsafe addon it will look like this: SafeKodi was formed by a group of researchers at Northwestern University and Brave Inc. The project aims to inform Kodi users about addons that contain potentially malicious content. This can be a virus, malware of some sort, or unwanted ads. Click here to see a tutorial that will show you How To Install SafeKodi on any Kodi device you prefer.
  14. So how is the box @NewGuy? Does it perform well? It it doing everything you want it to do? Any problems? Some feedback would be useful...
  15. Topic moved to Chiang Rai forum. /Moved.
  16. A couple of posts containing petty bickering have been removed.
  17. A troll post and a reply have been removed.
  18. An offensive troll post and several replies have been removed.
  19. An off-topic reported troll post and a reply have been removed.
  20. Disney+ has released a new series... National Treasure: Edge of History I haven't watched it yet but plan to download a few episodes to see. Anything with Catherine Zeta Jones and Harvey Keitel in it can't be all bad...
  21. Topic already running in the Entertainment Forum - see here.
  22. An anti-vax troll post has been removed.
  23. Several posts containing petty bickering have been removed.
  24. That should suit your needs perfectly for playing your mkv library. I see that it has both USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 ports. I'm not sure about Android 11, but previous versions had an external USB drive capacity limit of 2TB... not sure why. I have connected a 4TB USB drive to my Android box, and it worked OK (using both Kodi and VLC to access the media files), but the disk was by no means full. As soon as I went over 2TB of data on the drive, the Android box refused to recognize it. Just something to keep in mind...
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