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Jai Dee

Global Moderator
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Everything posted by Jai Dee

  1. You do realize that you are replying to a 19 year old topic? /Closed.
  2. That was announced pre-COVID-19... nothing has happened since then. Although the large vacant property in Najomtien next to Ocean Marina has been recently boarded up and early construction activities are evident... perhaps this is the start for the new Icon Siam?
  3. A couple of off-topic troll posts (and replies) have been removed.
  4. Trolling emojis have also been removed.
  5. I went to a Lodge dinner in Perth WA once, it was full of pissheads...............................
  6. A couple of reported troll posts have been removed.
  7. Several argumentative and off-topic posts (and replies) have been removed.
  8. Several argumentative and off-topic posts (and replies) have been removed.
  9. That 19 Crimes is not a bad Aussie red... Off-topic I know...
  10. A baiting troll post has been removed.
  11. Several troll posts containing petty bickering and baiting (as well as replies) have been removed from this topic. Continue... and you will face a posting suspension.
  12. Topic moved to Heath & Medicine Forum where you are more likely to get informed opinions. /Moved.
  13. I have already removed some of those unfriendly, unhelpful, and trollish comments. There are good reasons why Chrome and Google are the number 1 browsers and search engines.
  14. You are welcome... glad to be of assistance. The next time you want to find something that you like and you have a photo of it, if you use Chrome as your browser right-click on the image and select Search image with Google. Similar image results found on the internet will appear in a sub-window on the RHS of your screen. Happy hunting.
  15. I just did a quick search... AliExpress has your chairs - see here.
  16. That worked! I hope you get some responses... cool chairs!
  17. Can you please try to upload .jpg or .png files, not .pdf files?
  18. If it's a sunny area you could try lemongrass. The pungent aroma of lemongrass often has a repelling effect on insects and bugs too.
  19. Not fair to blame Thailand's neighbours at all... the wind direction at this time of year is predominantly from the South-West, so CR residents should be blaming the rest of Thailand, not the neighbouring countries. Windy is also a good source of information: https://www.windy.com/-PM2-5-pm2p5?cams,pm2p5,18.625,100.876,7
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