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Posts posted by chowny77

  1. Thailand's education system reminds me of when I first was able to go out and have a Saturday night beer and then try and walk home. They have the same approach of 1 step forward, 2 steps back. They honestly do not want the new generation or any generation to be critical thinkers as this goes against the norm that is Thai culture. Could you imagine if a boss who was telling his younger workers to do something and they questioned his or her idea, it would be pandemonium as this breaks the mold of how Thailand has operated for centuries.

  2. For one thing Thailand has no real say in the matter of the South China sea as it does not border it, but for them to say they support China's peaceful approach to basically grab as much as they can is taking the F*$King P^%S. Thailand thinks it has never been colonised which is B&^locks. They are being breed out by the Chinese and it has been happening for centuries, they just don't see this outside of the bubble of Thailand is the center of the universe.

  3. So far and "fingers crossed and touch wood" Lazada has been great for me. The one thing that has been alittle problem is that they deliver sometimes before the date they say. So I have to either rush to the bank to get the cash or rush home to sign for the product. For what it is the service is pretty good and the guys that come to drop of my purchase have always been polite and have a smile. Where I am most of the delivery service is performed by Kelly service from a small pick up truck.

  4. A TEFL was good back in 2005 without the need for a degree but it gave people the experience of what a classroom environment would be like. It is now kind of redundant. Now there is CELTA which is just an add on of doing a TEFL. The schools themselves do not really care if you have a degree or not, it's immigration for the Non B extension and the TCT for issuing a waiver. If I were you I would not waste your money on doing a TEFL or CELTA course unless you really want to try it to see if you can stand up in front of a class and teach. You have a degree and that will be enough and you can apply from your home country but when you arrive what they said over skype may not be what the deal will be when you arrive in person. Your partner I presume will know how to converse and has the basic ability in English..........of course he does. So he should have no problem getting a job in a private language center or he could enroll to learn Thai, but make sure it is a recognised language school, otherwise he would have problems with getting the ED-visa. At the end of the day if you can get a few years of a Thailand experience good for you and go for it!!


  5. To be honest, since I moved here in 2005 the parenting style has changed drastically. Now all the the parents do is let their kids play on phones/pads and computers and never actually just sit down with their kids and talk. Now I like my computer games as much as the next person but there has to be a break time from them and have normal human interaction. I feel this is now missing from the youth of today and also the idea that what you do has a conscience. No more of the "Do you know who my dad/mum" are BS. 

  6. It is probably better to stay single until you meet the right person rather than be in a relationship that is not good. I feel I am kind of lucky as my wife worked on the cruise lines and also on land in the states for the cruise line companies office. She can communicate with me which to be honest is very important in a relationship. We spend time together but I also have my own private time so we do not get under each others feet, which is also very important as well. We both are working so this helps to give us something to talk about at the end of the day also. Each to their own but being in a foreign country and not having someone or at least a person you can talk to can be very lonely and would not wish it upon anyone.

  7. It's a Nigerian/Thai scam that has been running for years. I had a Thai female friend who almost fell for it as well until I told her it was <deleted>. Saved her some money but as the old saying goes "If it looks and sounds too good to be true, it most likely is". Well done for saving your step daughter from wasting money.

  8. Until larger fines and actual prison time is enforced on both the company owners and drivers of these tour buses nothing will ever change. I was once on a school trip and on the way back we stopped in Songkla for the night. I then asked if we would stopping again on the journey back to Uttaradit and they said no, one trip all the way with only one driver. It took almost 24 hours for them to arrive from leaving Songkla in the morning. I politely refused to go on the bus in the morning and caught a flight the next day from Hat-yai to BKK and took a train to Uttaradit. If I were a parent of the students on this bus I would have gone crazy at the school for allowing this to happen, luckily I am an adult and had the power to say "Bugger that"! and saved myself the stress or possible death on that trip.

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