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Posts posted by chowny77

  1. I am teaching at a vocational college and most students have almost zero grasp of English but my job is to teach them subjects such as commerce and tourism. There are some students who understand but most just look at me with their mouths wide open. I have now decided to just try and teach them basic English which I can then use with what their textbooks require. It is going to be an upward battle if Thailand truly wants the kids to understand English. Luckily I do have a private 9 year old student who I know could surpass people 20 years her age because her parents care and foster the use of English at home in the form of music and films.

  2. It's best to leave them alone as they are not that bothersome plus they do help keep the bug population down. we even have a Tookay that is living in the kitchen and for me does not cause a problem but my wife gets the shits when she sees it and asks me to keep moving it but it always comes back. The tookay is fine but my wife is a pain in the backside.

  3. On 2/1/2560 at 0:42 PM, Rhys said:

    Well Educational Administrators need to be leaders....not money makers...

    Bang on the money, pardon the pun. Pretty much 90% of the schools here in Thailand have veered away from what the first job was and that was to educate the students. Now it is all about setting up MEP programs and to squeeze as much money out of the parents while pleading poverty to BKK for their next budget. Since I have been here from 2005 I have worked in five different schools and only two of these schools I could say the directors actually gave a crap about the students and their grades. The other school directors where just there to milk as much as they can from the system and drive a very nice expensive car and support their extra marital lifes.

    The one director who was blantently robbing the school has now even been promoted so he now controls districts not just one school but all schools within his area. He must be rubbing his hands together now thinking up all the scams he can do to milk as much as he can before he retires.

  4. I agree with the posters before me. Just keep your head down and do what they are paying you for. If the <deleted> was to hit the fan you would not be in the spot light but the school and its administration as you are just a person employed by them and not running the show. If you do feel worried, now is as good as any for looking at a new prospecting school as most school terms will finish in March.  

  5. There are rules here regarding work related tasks and it all depends on how the

    IO looks at the situation. Normally it would be just a word of warning but from the amount of money he had to pay it sounds like he was set up by a possible Thai business competitor. I have lived here for 12 years and have heard stories of from both sides of the fence. I guess he just did not pay up on time for the annual IM/Thai police new year party. Obviously if they were doing their job by the real rules your friend would already be locked up and being processed for deportation. It's clearly a scam and if he calls the Immigration hotline maybe he can get some justice.

  6. I know of teachers with a contract that states that they are only paid 10 1/2 months but that they are employed for 12 months. They basically do not pay for the school holidays but do have the paper work for a 12 month contract. It sucks and to be honest I do not see it getting any better in the future, if anything it will be worse. Salaries have stayed stagnate since 2005 and the directors all seem to be driving better cars...............I think I know where the extra money is going.

  7. As a foreign female married to a Thai national you do not have to show any bank statements. The 400,000 or 40,000 baht per month in a a bank statement is only aimed at male foreigners. Thai logic is still 18th century and only the guy has to proved for the family. As long as your husband can get all the right paper work done and maybe a good friend as a backer, you will be fine. For females it is much easier than males to stay in Thailand through the Non-O process.

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