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Posts posted by jobin

  1. Try the television, Fox Sports most likely.  Most pubs, who might show it, don't open early morning, nor have baseball fans as operators.  The UK type pubs watch cricket, motorcars and the boring like.  But, you may cuddle up to Graeme at the PUB, he will be open and might tune in, just for U.

    And by the way, it's not the cubbies any more:


  2. Say Elgordo, you don't need to stay on the beautiful planet.  Look around you.  Locate the tallest building, mount the roof and holler loudly moments before the leap: you shitty humans, i'm outta here!


    On a more serious note.  My long ago chemistry reminds me that commercail ethanol production has very little, if any, relationship to ammonia.  Ammonia is certainly highly toxic but cannot be derived from ethanol, nor is ammonia part of the ethanol production process.  No doubt the ethanol here is used in cars as fuel.  We can blame Henry Ford and his ilk for bringing us the auto. 


    After your urine in the toilets sits for 6 hours and you can smell it, what you smell is the ammonia. 


    Ethanol also toxic and one liter of rum/gin/vodka will put anyone down.

  3. Suggest you trot on down to the Warorot Market and numerous fabric shops round there.  Find the opaque curtain material used for windows, test it first, then buy minimum amount.  Then find nearby gal with sewing machine, bring old eye mask that fits well, instruct her on your needs and voila, next day done.

    Soft cotton against the eyes probably better than the curtain, she can do that too. 

  4. So, St.L.Blues, sounds like you are not a USA passport holder.  If so, would have  saved some running in circles if you had told us that. 

    If no USA passport, you cannot go to USA consulate/embassy and get an income affidavit letter.  Must have money in the Thai bank for XXX days prior to Immig application.

    But, i have heard that a few other countries may offer income affidavits acceptable to Thai Imming. I don't know if true. 

  5. Like a few other folks here, i was there way back when, 1962-3.  Almost entirely in the Western Highlands bush.  The mission station i lived at was on one of the walking routes up Mt. Wilhelm but we never saw any hikers. It was truly a step back in time as the locals had very few clothes, as we know them, and depended on the forest for 99% of life's needs, including the daily dress, which was exceedingly tiny. The females went bare-breasted and all wore clumps of leaves round the arse. Life was simple but short. 

    If you choose to go, i suggest only to the north coast with Madang as a base.  Much safer than Moresby and easy air transport to the various highland towns. Some diving etc near there, maybe a boat to Rabaul.

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  6. May be though the current political situation in T'land will mean fewer bars open late at night, less alcohol sold and served, all indicating more old men will be getting up early in the morning and needing the caffeine jolt. Too bad however, damn few coffee shops open before 10 am.  

    I know Tom&Tom's at MAYA plaza is open 24/7 but 90 baht per cup is outside my range. 

  7. @garyA.  Why do you keep 800K Thai baht in the bank, for retirement extension purposes, if you have a USA bank account?  You might not be a USA passport holder but i rather doubt that since if no USA passport, no bank account in USA.  This is recent money laundering news so your situation may be decades old.

    Why do you not go to the USA consulate and get the affidavit signed and keep your money in USA bank?  That's what i do and keep as little as possible here and transfer to my BangBank account when i need cash.


    And yes, the USA BangBank does not service customers in USA, only account holders in T'land.  IMO, you ought to get a BangBank account here in T'land. Then go thru the process of getting the transfer set up via the interbank transfer system and simply, via internet banking, transfer USA funds from USA bank to BangBank account.  In 3 days you will get a telephone message the news of the transfer and the small cost.  Do that once every 90 days and that should cover you

  8. I've got the retirement visa extension, on my second stamp this year.  But i do not consider myself a 'long term tourist', if i can define tourist as someone who arrives, stays a short time, spends extravagantly, and departs for home.


    I'm here month after month,  and frankly, spending frugally.  Sure i have more money (in the bank, etc) than most Thai folks i meet but am i the sort of 'tourist' the govt wants in town?  


    And i'd advise all who intend to go to first check the nationwide funeral procedures and closings due the King's passing.  I rather doubt any big-shot in the Thai govt will come to CM, if her absence will be noted in BKK during the procession. 

  9. Could OP not hire laborers with wheelbarrows to haul the ready-mix from the street to the site? I'd say 3 guys, muscular and young, would do the job in 3 hours. That's just toting and dumping. Other workers needed to tamp, smooth etc.  Of course, the OP needs to sitting in a high chair overseeing  and directing operations.

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