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Posts posted by JoeLing

  1. I was in a similar situation hut on the other side of the coin, so people owing me money. I knew they were still on Phuket, so tried to find them via a 'police enforcer', who managed to track them down, but they flew out of Phuket to Bangkok the same day. That meant all I could do was go to the court and file a civil suit against them. For me there was no point, since this would take a long time to get solved.

    The owner of the nursery also has no legal means to stop you from leaving.

    I fully collaborate on your posting.

    Same here, amount outstanding was around 50'000 THB.

    Despite having the guests Passport Number and his signature on the bill,

    local Police, was not interested and referred us to Immigration.

    Immigration, was not interested and referred us to the Embassy.

    Embassy, not interested either, referred us back to the local Police.

    Only once we started posting on Social Media, we got some of our money back.

    Not all [yet] but most of it.

    • Like 1
  2. I am really appalled at some of these comments that objectify this poor woman.

    Just because a woman chooses to pose nude does not give others the right to think of her simply as a sex object for their pleasure.


    posing nude.+ sex object they dont fit together do they..thumbsup.gif

    Fully agree with you on that wink.png

    A few years ago, I used to pose nude. Although I got the attention,

    sadly none of the girls ever thought of me as a sex object giggle.gif

  3. ...sometimes even on the 2nd after full moon, and after and on certain elections etc etc etc.

    @FMP participant haters: you are completely right, there should be a decent dance floor and decent music, a black and white dress code incl. long white gloves for the ladies, soft drinks/max. 2 per participant, a card magician for entertainment, all that under supervision of moral elders with sticks (in case of improper touching the other gender), closing at 08:30h, of course.

    Man, you make unrealistic demands:

    Closing at 08:30?? wink.png

  4. She's probably quite good at her job, which means the flow on effect went to many Thai's that profited from her working and translating.

    Once again, Thai's can't speak Russian, and Russians can't speak English - so how can a Thai sell a product, tour or service to a Russian tourist?

    The Thai authorities say she is taking a job off a Thai - a job that a Thai does not have the ability to do, but profits from her doing the job, because she has the skills to do it.

    Stop every Russian from working on Phuket and that's a lot of baht lost, and they are only doing jobs that Thai's can't, particularly in relation to the language barrier.

    I don't think her working in Thailand is a problem but she's doing it without work permit, that's the problem.

    If she would have the appropriate documentation, permits and visa, I'm sure she wouldn't have had any

    problems at immigration and she could have been back in Phuket translating all day long but as you said,

    Thai's can't speak Russian, Russians can't speak English - nor Thai, so just wonder what irreplaceable job

    she was doing to so greatly contribute to Thailand's economy?

    I have not read anywhere that Thai authorities claimed she was taking away a job off a Thai person. Thai

    authorities assumed [with right] that she was working without the appropriate permits, that's all. If she had

    them, or any other foreigner, then I can not see why she would have problems entering the country, even

    if she would cross borders every week.

    Now I suppose, as she's not the owner or shareholder of that dive company she said she's working for,

    she was not creating any jobs for Thai people but possibly took away a job for some other, tax paying

    Russian with the appropriate qualification, documentation and visa.

    One doesn't have to stop every Russian from working in Phuket (or anywhere else in Thailand), just the

    ones who are doing it illegally and so not really contributing towards Thailand's economy but rather for

    their own economy and NO, it's not just valid for Russians.

    • Like 2
  5. Interestingly, the caption on the photo to the lead story states:

    Mariia Sgibneva, 26, hoped the sharing her story might raise awareness and prevent others from unexpectedly being denied entry into Thailand.

    So for those who work illegally in Thailand without a visa, then do multiple re-entries to continue said illegal employment and arrive at the airport without the required proof of onward travel and funds - be warned: you may be unexpectedly denied entry.

    Thanks for sharing, Mariia.

    Shouldn't that be:

    Marija Sgibneva, 26, hoped the sharing her story might raise awareness and prevent others from EXPECTANTLY being denied entry into Thailand?

  6. Most puzzling at all. Why is it not, as usual in such cases, an international team that leads and

    coordinates the investigations? Why does Malaysia insists on doing it their own way? What

    is there to hide?

    A few days back I read, someone working on an oil rig to the east of Vietnam saw a fire in the sky.

    At the same time, china recorded some seismic activities in the same area but I have not read

    anything in the press saying they searched that area. Looking at the recent pictures with the

    possible radius of the last ping but back to the east, that would just about be where that oil-rig

    worker saw something.

    An other theory, looking at the last position of civilian contact with the plane and the last possible

    position by the army would suggest the plane would be heading to Langkawi as "Goodfellow"

    suggests but if one extends that line, compares the distance from the initial loss of contact to

    Bejing (2400 Miles) and measures that along that extended line, one would just about find

    Diego Garcia (2375 Miles) as some Russians suggested.

    As for the motive, I don't believe it's just the usual hijacking as there would be either demands

    or someone would want to take credit for his achievement. Because of the altitude of 45'000 ft

    the plane went up to, I believe the people on board were of no interest, passed away silently,

    maybe just "collateral damage"?

    Some already suggested, the plane could be repainted, re-coded and used for an other 9/11

    and blame could be put in to some one else's back yard in order to justify some kind of action

    against some "unfriendly nations". Somehow Iran, North Korea, even Russia springs in mind?

    Maybe checking the stock market could give some clues of where that target could be and

    who masterminded "with surgical precision" this whole story.

    Now what's about the discrepancies? Malaysian Airways and the Malaysian Government kept

    releasing contradictory statements about passengers who booked that flight, about passengers

    who checked in and about the passengers on the plane? How comes?

    Malaysia's government instantly denied the report that army radar picked up something that could

    have been MH370 (they didn't say there might have been something but needs further examination,

    they clearly said they did NOT see anything unusual) only to confirm later that one of their radars

    did pick up something. Same with Thailand, first they didn't see anything on their radar, now they did.

    ("Either you're with us or you're against us" springs in mind)

    In my opinion, the target was not the people and not necessarily the plane but what about the cargo?

    There has been no information at all about the cargo manifest.The plane could have been ditched

    anywhere but most likely, somewhere at sea far away from praying radar. I'm pretty sure, a skilled pilot

    could ditch the plane safely somewhere on water as the pilot did on the Hudson river. The plane could

    be sunk without traces after the cargo was removed.

    Well, suppose WikiLeaks will inform us in due time.

    I still thought my posting could make sense. Well, to some extend. Maybe as some suggested, after reaching the Andaman air corridors, the plane could have headed north in the shadow of an other plane just enough to fly right past in between Sumatra and Nicobar's radar, then head towards Mauritius (some 'big" plane was spotted there heading south) and down to Diego Garcia. So climbing up to 45'000 ft in order to glide slowly down below radar might increased the flight distance a few 100 km (although I recon, climbing at such altitude would use up more fuel as safe).

    Anyway, not sure if "Flight by wire" would allow to remotely fly a plane or even take of like a drone but if, the plane could have been unloaden and sent back up in to the sky on a southern course within no time. It could have then crashed very much on the circle of that last ping and about 4500 km south-south-west from the last radar contact or, 3500 km south of Diego Garcia. Pretty difficult to recover the "black box" in those deep waters. The currents would have moved debris about 500 to 800 km east during a week in the water or sunk all together without trace.

    The whole lot would look like someone had some personal issued.

    Now I wonder, what was the cargo? Mangosteen? Or could MH370 hold 33 tons of gold?


    How long would it take to unload?

  7. Most puzzling at all. Why is it not, as usual in such cases, an international team that leads and

    coordinates the investigations? Why does Malaysia insists on doing it their own way? What

    is there to hide?

    A few days back I read, someone working on an oil rig to the east of Vietnam saw a fire in the sky.

    At the same time, china recorded some seismic activities in the same area but I have not read

    anything in the press saying they searched that area. Looking at the recent pictures with the

    possible radius of the last ping but back to the east, that would just about be where that oil-rig

    worker saw something.

    An other theory, looking at the last position of civilian contact with the plane and the last possible

    position by the army would suggest the plane would be heading to Langkawi as "Goodfellow"

    suggests but if one extends that line, compares the distance from the initial loss of contact to

    Bejing (2400 Miles) and measures that along that extended line, one would just about find

    Diego Garcia (2375 Miles) as some Russians suggested.

    As for the motive, I don't believe it's just the usual hijacking as there would be either demands

    or someone would want to take credit for his achievement. Because of the altitude of 45'000 ft

    the plane went up to, I believe the people on board were of no interest, passed away silently,

    maybe just "collateral damage"?

    Some already suggested, the plane could be repainted, re-coded and used for an other 9/11

    and blame could be put in to some one else's back yard in order to justify some kind of action

    against some "unfriendly nations". Somehow Iran, North Korea, even Russia springs in mind?

    Maybe checking the stock market could give some clues of where that target could be and

    who masterminded "with surgical precision" this whole story.

    Now what's about the discrepancies? Malaysian Airways and the Malaysian Government kept

    releasing contradictory statements about passengers who booked that flight, about passengers

    who checked in and about the passengers on the plane? How comes?

    Malaysia's government instantly denied the report that army radar picked up something that could

    have been MH370 (they didn't say there might have been something but needs further examination,

    they clearly said they did NOT see anything unusual) only to confirm later that one of their radars

    did pick up something. Same with Thailand, first they didn't see anything on their radar, now they did.

    ("Either you're with us or you're against us" springs in mind)

    In my opinion, the target was not the people and not necessarily the plane but what about the cargo?

    There has been no information at all about the cargo manifest.The plane could have been ditched

    anywhere but most likely, somewhere at sea far away from praying radar. I'm pretty sure, a skilled pilot

    could ditch the plane safely somewhere on water as the pilot did on the Hudson river and then what

    ever cargo was on board. The plane could be sunk without traces after the cargo was removed.

    Well, suppose WikiLeaks will inform us in due time.

    The cargo angle is of huge interest and it would be good to see an accurate inventory. The only issue is that if the cargo were so sensitive to be so valuable or perhaps so dangerous then transport in a purpose designed escorted aircraft would have been more appropriate/likely, As regards ditching an aircraft the size of the t7, it is possible but would require immense skill, in that very few large hull aircraft have been landed on water and stayed in one piece. That said very few have landed on water (any?) in a controlled manner with intent so success would be much more likely of course.

    The search area is now just so immense it is almost impossible. Only a chance encounter or debris being washed up on a beach with an informed population is going to help solve this, other than information as yet undisclosed.

    According to my research, ditching a plane can be done successfully and pilots do train for it, it has been done (more or less successfully) at least 10 to 15 times in the past 20 to 25 years. What hasn't been done yet, is a successful water landing at night. Suppose there's a reason for the safety announcement: "In the unlikely event of a water landing .....". Maybe an other reason there are swim vests under your seat and not parachutes.
    As for the cargo, not everyone has the means to use special forces to transport their "goods". Maybe less suspicions if some "delicate goods" are transported by civilian means?
    I strongly believe it's about the cargo. No cargo manifest and the one they eventually produce, could be made afterwards. Probably secret technology of huge importance to someone with enough resources to hijack the plane, intimidate sovereign nations and instigate a huge search effort without results.

    Now I recon there aren't that many people or nations who could do something like that but those I do have in mind have shown in the past, how to manipulate world attention and opinion.

  8. Most puzzling at all. Why is it not, as usual in such cases, an international team that leads and

    coordinates the investigations? Why does Malaysia insists on doing it their own way? What
    is there to hide?

    A few days back I read, someone working on an oil rig to the east of Vietnam saw a fire in the sky.
    At the same time, china recorded some seismic activities in the same area but I have not read
    anything in the press saying they searched that area. Looking at the recent pictures with the
    possible radius of the last ping but back to the east, that would just about be where that oil-rig
    worker saw something.

    An other theory, looking at the last position of civilian contact with the plane and the last possible
    position by the army would suggest the plane would be heading to Langkawi as "Goodfellow"

    suggests but if one extends that line, compares the distance from the initial loss of contact to
    Bejing (2400 Miles) and measures that along that extended line, one would just about find

    Diego Garcia (2375 Miles) as some Russians suggested.

    As for the motive, I don't believe it's just the usual hijacking as there would be either demands
    or someone would want to take credit for his achievement. Because of the altitude of 45'000 ft
    the plane went up to, I believe the people on board were of no interest, passed away silently,

    maybe just "collateral damage"?

    Some already suggested, the plane could be repainted, re-coded and used for an other 9/11
    and blame could be put in to some one else's back yard in order to justify some kind of
    against some "unfriendly nations
    ". Somehow Iran, North Korea, even Russia springs in mind?
    Maybe checking the stock market could give some clues of where that target could be and
    who masterminded "with surgical precision" this whole story.

    Now what's about the discrepancies? Malaysian Airways and the Malaysian Government kept
    releasing contradictory statements about passengers who booked that flight, about passengers
    who checked in and about the passengers on the plane? How comes?

    Malaysia's government instantly denied the report that army radar picked up something that could
    have been MH370 (they didn't say there might have been something but needs further examination,
    they clearly said they did NOT see anything unusual) only to confirm later that one of their radars
    did pick up something. Same with Thailand, first they didn't see anything on their radar, now they did.
    ("Either you're with us or you're against us" springs in mind)

    In my opinion, the target was not the people and not necessarily the plane but what about the cargo?
    There has been no information at all about the cargo manifest.The plane could have been ditched
    anywhere but most likely, somewhere at sea far away from praying radar. I'm pretty sure, a skilled pilot
    could ditch the plane safely somewhere on water as the pilot did on the Hudson river. The plane could
    be sunk without traces after the cargo was removed.

    Well, suppose WikiLeaks will inform us in due time.

  9. Now considering all the air surveillance here in southern Thailand,
    why did Thailand first say they didn't see anything?
    And now, suddenly they did spot something?

    Why did Thailand keep so quiet about this issue for so long?

    As some conspiracy theorist suggest, could it have gone to U-Tapao?
    I doubt it, considering the left turn the plane took and possible radar
    sightings over in the Andaman Sea.

    Now one of the most plausible theories I found is that after some kind
    of disaster on board, the plane turned towards the closest airport within
    an easy flight path which would be more like Langkawi and not U-Tapao.

    Check the link for one of the most plausible views in my opinion

  10. My deep well goes down 180 meters but still, after about 20 minutes pumping,

    there isn't much water coming anymore and I need to wait at least 6 hours to

    pump again. Government water (and electricity) are not really an alternative

    as they are about as reliable as Thai time keeping.

    At least, if houses, bungalows, resorts would use gutters on their houses, a

    lot of water could be reused and stored for those dry times. I know, storing

    water over ground for a long time in the tropics can cause many different

    health risks to us but I'm sure, there are ways to contain that.

    Is that a typo or what ? Never seen a residential well of 180 meter deep.

    I don't know if it makes any difference if residential or commercial.

    My deep well is in Ao Haad Yao on the other side of the hill, so not only

    is it 180 meters deep but we have to pump it over the hill to my resort too.

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